Alan Sondheim on Fri, 3 Apr 2015 15:12:28 +0200 (CEST)
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Re: <nettime> nottime: the end of nettime
I've been relatively quiet on nettime; I've submitted more than has been
allowed through, and I found that disenheartening. At one point, one of
the moderators answered with a critique that I felt should have appeared
on the list, instead of privately. What I find missing, what for me was
there earlier on, was a freer, less strict environment; at this point, I
do a lot of self-censoring because I send anything to nettime, and that
doesn't feel right. (Maybe 1 out of 4 posts I have sent actually went
through.) The discussion doesn't seem to allow for a critical poetics,
or at least the poetics I've submitted at times. So I have mixed feelings
about nettime - while I don't think it should be a free-for-all, and I
read what I can, I also think it should have a more open submission
policy; otherwise it reproduces a kind of back-channel authoirty. Perhaps
my submissions don't belong on the list; I do wish that had been up to the
subscribers to decide, not the moderators.
- Alan
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