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<nettime> Dan Geer: 'Where the Science is Taking Us in Cybersecurity'


. Where the Science is Taking Us in Cybersecurity
. Conference on Cyber Engagement, Georgetown
. Dan Geer

[nominal delivery draft, 27 April 2015]

Science tends to take us places where policy cannot follow.  Policy
tends to take us places where science cannot follow.  Yet neither
science nor policy can be unmindful of the other.  Here I will
confine myself to six points where I see science, including applied
science, asking us to look ahead.  (The following is necessarily
short; for a longer treatment of the science of security, per se,
see [NSF].)

1. Identity
2. Ownership as perimeter
3. Control diffusion
4. Communications provenance
5. Everything is unique
6. Opaqueness is forever


1. Identity

Miniaturization will continue its long-running progression and, in
consequence, devices will continue to proliferate into spaces in
which they were never before present.  Burgeoning proliferation
demands device autonomy, and will get it.  For autonomy to not
itself be a source of irredeemable failure modes, devices will have
individual identities and some degree of decision making capacity.

As device counts grow, device identity eclipses (human) user identity
because user identity can be derived from device identity insofar
as the proliferation of devices means that users are each and
severally surrounded by multiple devices, devices whose identity
is baked into their individual hardware, as is already the case in
mobile telephony.

There is then neither need nor process to assert "My name is Dan"
as Dan's several devices will collectively confirm that this is
Dan, perhaps in consultation with each other.  As per [ZUBOFF]'s
Laws, all devices are therefore sensors and as the devices themselves
have immutable device identities, Dan's claim to being Dan is decided
algorithmically.  And distally.

Cryptographic keys for users thus become irrelevant as devices will
have them, thereby freeing users from key management much less
password drills.  The Fifth Amendment is entirely mooted as Courts
have already ruled that only something you know is protected
thereunder, not something you are or have, that is to say that
production of devices under subpoena cannot be thwarted.[BAUST]

The longstanding debate over whether identity should be name-centric
(where "Dan" is the identity and some key is an attribute of "Dan")
or key-centric (where the key is the identity and "Dan" is an
attribute of that key) is thus decided in favor of key-centricity
though the keys are now held in a fog of small devices.  This setting
mimics how a stratum of elite people carry neither identification
nor money -- in the context of their retinue there is no need for

For the result of this data fusion to not be a unitary identity for
the individual user, policy will have to demarcate data fusion with
a vigor it has never before dared.[DG]


2. Ownership as perimeter

The paradigm of cybersecurity has long been perimeter control, but
that same proliferation of devices rewrites the calculus of what
is a perimeter.  It is clear that the design of the Internet as we
now know it rests on two principles above all others, preferential
attachment[LB] and end-to-end communication protection[SRC].
Preferential attachment yields scale-free network growth that, in
turn, maximizes network resistance to random faults; Internet
build-out could *not* have happened otherwise.  The end-to-end
principle is and has been the fuel for innovation as end-to-end
scales whereas permission seeking does not.

Both of those principles are under stress.  First, the S-curve of
Internet growth passed its inflection point in November of 2008,
at least for hosts addressable by name, and since that time growth
rates have slowed.[ISC]  Second, random faults no longer comprise
the availability risk they once did, all the while carriers and
governments alike clearly want non-preferential attachment, carriers
in their desire for economic hegemony, free-world governments in
their desire for attribution, and unfree-world governments in their
desire to manipulate information flow.

Add in the proliferation of small devices and the paradigm of cyber
security can no longer be perimeter control.  To take but one
example, let's count cores in the Qualcomm Snapdragon 801.  The
central CPU is 4 Cores, the Adreno 330 GPU another 4, Video Out is
1 more, the Hexagon QDSP is 3, the Modem is at least 2 and most
likely 4, Bluetooth is another 1 as is the USB controller and the
GPS.  The Wifi is at least 1 and most likely 2, and none of this
includes charging, power, or display.  That makes somewhere between
18 and 21 cores.  In the vocabulary of the Internet of Things, I
ask you whether that is one thing or the better part of two dozen
things?  It is pretty certain that each of those cores can reach
the others, so is the perimeter to be defended the physical artefact
in the user's pocket or is it the execution space of each of those

I looked at seven different estimates of the growth of the Internet
of Things as a market phenomenon, everything from smart electric
meters to networked light bulbs to luxury automobiles and the median
is a compound annual growth rate of 35%.  If perimeter control is
to remain the paradigm of cybersecurity, then the number of perimeters
to defend in the Internet of Things is doubling every 17 months.[FORBES]

So what is to be the perimeter of control from a cybersecurity point
of view?  Is it ownership that demarcates perimeter?  More and more
of user capability is controlled by licensure, not ownership in the
dictionary sense of the word "ownership."  The science is taking
us away from ownership conferring cradle-to-grave control towards
a spectrum of temporally constrained permission granting; I can
give you my bed, but I cannot give you my iTunes.  Self-driving
cars are as good an illustration as any; over-the-air auto-update
of firmware will not be optional in either time or place and
vehicle-to-vehicle communication will do route selection in the
name of the common good.  In a digital world, nothing comes without
strings attached.


3. Control diffusion

As has been shown in finance, if one entity can do high speed trading
then all must, but whereas predatory and/or unstable trading is
subject to a quantum of regulatory control, cyber predation is not,
and cyber predators have zero legacy drag.  As such, turning over
our protections to machines is inevitable.  Science and startups
alike are delivering a welter of automation for protection, most
not involving recondite algorithms but rather big-data fueled
learning about what is normal, the better to identify that which
is not and thus suspect.

I leave to any policy discussion the question of whether the speeds
at which cyber security automation must run will even allow occasional
interruption to ask some human operator for permissions to act, or
must cyber kill decisions be automated on the argument that only
when so automated can they respond in time.  If the latter holds,
and I am certain that it will, science will be under the gun to
encode human ethics into algorithms that will free run.  Put
differently, I predict that it is in cyber security, per se, where
the argument over artificial intelligence will find its foremost
concretization.  Frankly, I side with Hawking, Gates, and Musk on
such matters.  As an example of an unevaluable vignette, the
self-driving car will choose between killing its solo passenger or
fifteen people on the sidewalk.  Many's the example of airplane
pilots sacrificing themselves to avoid crash landing in populated

Coupled with algorithmic user identification, control thus enters
a state where trust is multi-way, not one-to-one.  It is hard to
overestimate just how much the client has become the server's
server.[MK]  Take Javascript, which is to say server-side demands
that clients run programs as a condition of use, or web screens
recursively assembled from unidentifiable third parties; the HTTP
Archive says that the average web page now makes out-references to
16 different domains as well as making 17 Javascript requests per
page, and the Javascript byte count is five times the HTML byte
count.[HT]  A lot of that Javascript is about analytics which is
to say surveillance of the user.

But as a practical matter, any important control needs an override,
such as for medical emergencies.  Barring national security situations,
such override is closer to a failure, a failure that must not be
silent.  If the pinnacle goal of security engineering is "No silent
failure," then the as yet unmet challenge is how to design cybersecurity
such that it never fails silently.  There is scientific work to be
done here -- full automation of cyber security maximizes the downside
cost of falsely positive indicators of attack.


4. Communications provenance

Provenance of network traffic will rise to new importance unrelated
to quality of service or transport neutrality,

Delegation of credentials has heretofore been driven by executives
delegating correspondence handling to their assistants; as devices
proliferate, delegation of credentials and authority becomes a
necessity across the board, at least for First World digerati.  Take
loading a web page in a browser: the browser does proxying, nameservice
lookup, etc., and eventually loads that page plus subsequent web
page dependencies probably from other sites.  In other words, there
are various levels of "who" actually requested what, such as what
piece of Javascript invoked Google Analytics.  As a one-off experiment,
I looked at the topmost page of; there I found 612 HREFs
across 38 hosts in 20 domains even without evaluating the 30-odd
Javascripts there.  Competent scientists are studying the issue of
how to characterize multi-dimensional attack surfaces, and we should
attend their results.

Because cyber security is to remain the driving reason for egress
filtering, provenance -- as in "Who ordered this page?" -- is the
crucial variable for intelligent flow control.  If cyber integrity
of the browser platform itself is to remain the topmost user goal,
then agency -- again as in "Who ordered this page?" -- is likewise
the most important variable for permission decisions.

This need will be met with traffic analysis extending into the
execution environment, which will come as no surprise to this
audience.  What may be instructive, however, is that when the
civilian public came to need encryption, within a decade the
commercial sector caught up to the mil sector in the application
of cryptography.  Now the marketeers are driving the commercial
sector to catch up to the mil sector in traffic analysis.  How the
traffic analysis that marketeers demand (and will get) meshes with
the traffic analysis on end-users delegating human authority to
their growing constellation of devices remains to be seen, but with
dual demand for traffic analysis, the commercial sector will fill
that demand one way or another.

But even if the public and the marketeers want some kind of traffic
analysis that is of a toy variety compared to what the mil sector
needs, there are two other considerations at play.  One consideration
is that a non-negligible fraction of Internet backbone traffic
cannot be identified by protocol, i.e., it has no provenance and
is likely peer to peer.  While intentionally obscure traffic may
as easily be paedophiles as heroic freedom fighters posting
unexpurgated calls to arms, in a world where it is the machines
that provide the cyber security by learning what is normal so as
to tag what is abnormal, the paedophiles and the freedom fighters
will stand equal chances of being blocked if not outed.

The other consideration is junk traffic, meaning traffic whose
emitter is on auto-pilot but whose purpose is long defunct.  Years
ago, my colleagues spent some time trying to figure out what was
calling one of our dialup numbers.  In the end, it turned out to
be an oil tank in an abandoned building that was outfitted to request
a fill when needed, and we had inherited the number to which such
requests had once gone.

Junk traffic will have to be dealt with via provenance or some
discoverable correlate of provenance.  Perhaps we will remanufacture
spam detection for this purpose.  Perhaps traceability will become
the rule of law as soon as geolocation applies to the Internet as
much as it now applies to cell phone triangulation.[GPP]


5. Everything is unique

Science is fast teaching us that everything is unique if examined
at close enough detail.  Some of it you already know; facial
recognition is possible at 500 meters, iris recognition is possible
at 50 meters, and heart-beat recognition is possible at 5 meters.[OLEA]
Your dog can identify you by smell; so, too, can an electronic dog's
nose.  Your cell phone's accelerometer is plenty sensitive enough
to identify you by gait analysis.  A photograph can be matched to
the camera from which it came as well as a bullet can be matched
to the barrel through which it passed.  Some apartment building
owners now require that tenants provide a DNA sample of their dog
so that unscooped poop can be traced.[BPVL]

When everything is detectably unique, decision support of many sorts
becomes possible.  Assessing nuances, such as whether you are angry,
will be embedded in automatons.  Accountability will doubtless be
extended to ever more minor behaviors.  That heartbeat recognition
technology is already slated to be part of automobiles.  Courtroom
alibis will soon be backed by cybersecurity-like evidence, noting
that because an alibi involves evidence of innocence rather than
of guilt, the privilege against self-incrimination is not implicated
and is, instead, subject to compelled disclosure.  The testimony
of spouses against each other will be unnecessary -- their devices
will do.


6. Opaqueness is forever

Where data science spreads, a massive increase in tailorability to
conditions follows.  Even if Moore's Law remains forever valid,
there will never be enough computing hence data driven algorithms
must favor efficiency above all else, yet the more efficient the
algorithm, the less interrogatable it is,[MO] that is to say that
the more optimized the algorithm is, the harder it is to know what
the algorithm is really doing.[SFI]

The more desirable some particular automation is judged to be, the
more data it is given.  The more data it is given, the more its
data utilization efficiency matters.  The more its data utilization
efficiency matters, the more its algorithms will evolve to opaque
operation.  Above some threshold of dependence on such an algorithm
in practice, there can be no going back.  As such, if science wishes
to be useful, preserving algorithm interrogatability despite
efficiency-seeking, self-driven evolution is the research grade
problem now on the table.  If science does not pick this up, then
Lessig's characterization of code as law[LL] is fulfilled.


Implications: Why this matters

There is no argument whatsoever that the proliferation of devices
and information are empowering.  It is categorically true, not to
mention obvious, that technology is today far more democratically
available than it was yesterday and less than it will be tomorrow.
3D printing, the whole "maker" community, DIY biology, micro-drones,
search, home automation, constant contact with whomever you choose
to be in constant contact with -- these are all examples of
democratizing technology.  This is perhaps our last fundamental
tradeoff before the Singularity occurs: Do we, as a society, want
the comfort and convenience of increasingly technologic, invisible
digital integration enough to pay for those benefits with the
liberties that must be given up to be protected from the downsides
of that integration?  If, as Peter Bernstein said, risk is that
more things can happen than will,[PB] then what is the ratio of
things that can now happen that are good to things that can now
happen that are bad?  Is the good fraction growing faster than the
bad fraction or the other way around?  Is there a threshold of
interdependence beyond which good or bad overwhelmingly dominate?
Now that we need cybersecurity protections to the degree that we
do, to whom does the responsibility devolve?  If the worst laws are
those that are unenforceable, what would we hope our lawmakers say
about technologies that are not yet critical but soon will be?

Growth in personal power has meant that heretofore military needs,
like traffic analysis, have become common needs.  One then asks
whether entities under attack, be they enterprises, carriers, or
individuals, can garner enough provenance to engage in "strike back"
and, if so, should they?  As a righteous societal good, we, by law,
require that persons with disabilities not be prevented from the
fullest possible participation in our society.  Can we find the
wisdom to do something equivalent for those who cannot or, to the
point, will not adopt the plethora of technologies that are redefining
what "full participation in society" means?  Is preserving such
options the surest way to prevent a common mode digital failure?

The need for what we have heretofore called cybersecurity is now
so varied that it is no longer a single field but many.  There are
over 800, perhaps over 1000, cybersecurity startups in some stage
of the funding game, a fair fraction of them spinouts from highly
focused university research projects.  Generalists such as myself
cannot be replaced -- there is too much for the novitiate to learn.
The core knowledge base has reached the point where new recruits
can no longer hope to someday become competent generalists, serial
specialization is the only broad option available to them.
Cybersecurity is perhaps the most difficult intellectual profession
on the planet.  Ray Kurzweil is beyond all doubt correct;[SN] within
the career lifetime of nearly everyone in this room, algorithms
will be smarter than we are, and they will therefore be called upon
to do what we cannot -- to protect us from other algorithms, and
to ask no permission in so doing.  Do we, like Ulysses, lash ourselves
to the mast or do we, as the some would say, relax and enjoy the
inevitable?  What would we have science do?




[BAUST] Virginia v. Baust, CR14-1439, 28 Oct 2014

[BPVL] BioPet Vet Lab of Knoxville,

[DG] Privacy is the effective capacity to misrepresent yourself,
ergo, it is your devices that give pawns to fortune.  See "Tradeoffs
in Cyber Security,"

[FORBES] "Internet of Things by the Numbers,"

[GPP] Location Services,

[HT] Trends, HTTP Archive,

[ISC] Internet Systems Consortium,
(N.B., ISC's measurement tool is insensitive to the Dark Net which
heavily overlaps the Internet of Things)

[LB] Barabasi L & Albert R, "Emergence of scaling in random networks,"
Science, v286 p509-512, October 1999

[LL] Lawrence Lessig, _Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace_, Basic
Books, 2000

[MK] Mitja Kolsek, ACROS, Slovenia, personal communication

[MO] Michael Osborne, Cambridge University, personal communication

[NSF] "T.S. Kuhn Revisited," keynote to biennial meeting of NSF
Principal Investigators, 6 Feb 15,

[OLEA] OS-3001,

[PB] Peter Bernstein, _Against the Gods_ and this 13:22 video at

[PK] Paul Krugman, "Apple and the Self-Surveillance State," New
York Times, 10 April 2015

[SFI] "Optimality vs. Fragility: Are Optimality and Efficiency the
Enemies of Robustness and Resilience?"

[SN] Ray Kurzweil, _The Singularity Is Near_, Penguin, 2005

[SRC] "End-to-End Arguments in System Design"

[ZUBOFF] Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School
. Everything that can be automated will be automated.
. Everything that can be informated will be informated.
. Every digital application that can be used for surveillance and
.    control will be used for surveillance and control.


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