Frederic Neyrat on Wed, 4 Oct 2017 05:45:27 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Barcelona: nationalism, municipalism?


I found this text interesting:
The future of the EU at stake in Catalonia

Quote (amongst other interesting things):
The Catalan government beat the fascist goons with two very simple codes – as revealed by La Vanguardia. “I’ve got the Tupperware. Where do we meet?” was the code on a prepaid mobile phone for people to collect and protect ballot boxes. “I’m the paper traveler” was the code to protect the actual paper ballots. Julian Assange/WikiLeaks had warned about the world’s first Internet war as deployed by Madrid to smash the electronic voting system. The counterpunch was – literally – on paper. The US National Security Agency must have learned a few lessons.

Frédéric Neyrat​

2017-10-03 14:40 GMT-07:00 Ian Alan Paul <[email protected]>:
The radical Left in Barcelona is conflicted. People oppose independence simply because it has the tendency to subsume all other political antagonisms (see the very strange left/right coalition currently in power in Catalonia). At the same time, there is general agreement about the right to self-determination which is historically very strong in the region, and Rajoy sending in his thugs to repress the referendum certainly has done nothing but bolster the sentiment. This of course is magnified by the well-remembered history of Francoist repression in the region.

Rajoy's play is the divide the Spanish Left over the question of independence (particularly Podemos), while Catalan Independentists hope for intervention/sanctions from the EU/UN.

The real history, of course, remains to be settled on the streets. The general strike which is currently unfolding can turn and reroute the present conjuncture in any which way, and no one, even Rajoy, seems to be sure where this is all headed. Let's be attentive and ready to act in solidarity with all of those on the streets when calls to do so inevitably arise.



What can I do?
One must begin somewhere.
Begin what?
The only thing in the world worth beginning:
The End of the world of course.

           -Aimé Césaire

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 7:14 AM, Felix Stalder <[email protected]> wrote:
I think this is much more than identity politics, beyond the point that
all politics that aim at a certain broad, popular support, are also
about identity. That is, they need to address the questions of who are
"we" and what directions should "our" collective efforts should take.

Several outcomes are possible. Catalan independence (irrespective of
whether this "nation" will also gets is own "state") could either point
beyond the nation state, helping to imagine the new Europe of Regions,
as Ulrike Guérot does not tired to advocate, or it could turn into just
another enclave protecting its supposedly homogeneous identity.

There is always a danger of the latter outcome (which, to a certain
degree is what happened to Quebec nationalism in the 1990s), but it's
not preordained.

What's the sense of nettimers in Barcelona? If this an opening, or a


On 2017-10-03 08:00, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> Isn't this equivalent of identity politics, at the province level?
> Bunch of cute and original provinces, with unique histories, salamis,
> Gaudis and animosities, feeling so good being themselves, expressing
> their little unique patriotic feelings, and, while doing all that, being
> insignificant minions and subordinates, even bitches, of the powers that
> have no slightest intention of disintegrating into cute communes, and
> failing to join forces (or what's left of them) with other cute
> mistresses of the powers that be?
> Isn't it funny that the same entities that support identity politics
> support all these little independencies?
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