John Young on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 14:47:04 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> coronavirus questions

Out of an abundance of caution tabulate coronavirus infections and deaths daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, arithmetically, geometrically, locally, nationally, globally, compare to horrendous predecessor epidemics and pandemics, confess fear and rotely propound "courage is contagious," prowl news and social media to shriek, shame, blame, ridicule, aggregate medical data for peddling books, articles, speechs, fora strutting and tut-tuting, endorse and castigate nostrums for prevention and cure, design and invent topical posts, essays, performances, costumes and market advisories, deploy to photograph empty streets, shopping malls, stadia, airports, landmarks showing a solo human in a facemask, or a shot of a virus victim bundled in cocoon on a gurney or hospital bed entubulated to the maximum, or spraying and wiping crews, or political goofballs pretending to be gravely serious about how to cosmetically embalm illness of the stock market. Rage and praise Alex Jones and Hannity, Fauci, CDC, WHO, POTUS, order online and pig out, rue paid absence from numbing labor.

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