sebastian on Mon, 1 Jun 2020 20:14:59 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> what exactly is breaking?

And I know this is kind of lame, but... what if the breaking we're seeing is

> the first rearticulation of what is going to evolve into a broad, radical,
> international movement, one whose scope, diversity and determination will
> surpass even the revolts of the 1960s, committed to end the ongoing racial
> and sexual oppression, the death grip of religion, the grotesquely uneven
> distribution of wealth, the exclusion of the poor from public life, the
> collapse of democratic institutions under capitalism, and the unprecedented
> rise of global temperatures. Even Erdogan, Putin, Modi and Duterte will be
> forced to make some concessions. We're going to end the fossile era by 2025,
> begin to dismantle and evacuate coastal cities calmly and orderly, make 
> AirBnB and Uber a criminal offense, Facebook the graveyard of fascism, and
> stick it to the singularity.

eyes on the prize! ;)

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