John Young on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 11:49:06 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Not One

So long as heirarchical structures endure, with the few managing the many from any ideological or intellectual top down control, it is unlikely much will change for most humans. Royalty of thought is so deeply embedded in "advanced" societies it is nearly unavoidable.

Being on top is inevitably corrupting. "Best" minds, talents and skills are as inequal, unjust, self-satisfying, collegial and standards enforcing as "best" wealth, conviction, rewards, titles, perquisites, followers, believers.

St Peters or Mecca brazen spectacularism and global faith obsequiousness to support autocratic political powerhouses no different than exclusive nuclear club global intimidation terrorism, or, more trivially, degrees, prizes and honors awarding for "best and brightest." Apologias for whatever agenda are sine qua non for kiss-up kick-down.

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