Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:58:19 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> recently published texts on


Am 29.09.23 um 10:37 schrieb Allan Siegel via nettime-l:
 * Nettime now appears in at least in two realms: via email and/or on

If I understood correctly, you support to add nettime-j to nettime-l and nettime-m. Sounds good!

 * the magazine format should be innovative and non-academic and should
   include an archive (like '10 interviews on AI')  and some kind of
   bulletin board highlighting forthcoming events (Internet Tour) and
   publications (Sanela Jahić);

Great idea. Journal contributions are available for a long time, and OJS supports so called LOCKKS-networks to ensure the data is preserved in many archives. A department "Events" is certainly an option, while some of the annoucements you mentioned might be more push than pull messages and thus better placed on the list, which can be considered as a kind of a bulletin board.

Maybe the journal can be innovative and traditional and open to academic and non-academic authors and audiences? So kind of diverse - like the list? This can be done in a journal, for instance, by creating different departments. Or issues. Or papers. Or formats. One department can be something like "HUMANities" and offer even peer review for those who like or somehow need it, while another department might be "arTworK" where videos, photos, sounds, poems, stories ... are published.

 * Among other various possibilities, and I am thinking of the magazine
   as kind of a public square that features both written and visual
   materials that is reflective of the creative/theoretical ideas and
   discursive practices that form the nettime community.

Great! If I understood you correctly, the "journal" can be considered as a kind of continously changing artistic art&science communication project. In my understanding, art is created by doing it. So - how about setting up some first things and try to figure out what we mean? And adopt the project to our experiences after we made some?

I can offer a little text piece (10 theses). Would you like to share something too? Or somebody else?

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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