David Garcia via nettime-l on Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:39:08 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> nettime and funding

I agree Ted, I wouldn't have sent warm words without first making a small contribution. IMHO a voluntary payment scheme will work best with some kind of subscription model based on an annual recommended sum for those who can afford it, With infrequent but regular reminders. So it become a habit.

Season's greetings

On 2023-12-11 08:16, Ted Byfield wrote:
On 11 Dec 2023, at 8:11, David Garcia via nettime-l wrote:

Thank you both for all the years of work
through ups and downs.

Thank you for that, David, but right now we're looking for concrete contributions. There was a time when "nettime" — which at various points has described several lists, print publications, and more — was free-as-in-beer to run; but, as Felix noted, those days are mainly in the past. So now, in addition to the free labor we all provide, the actual expenses come out of our own pocket(s).

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