Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:04:35 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> dimensions


the question if cyberspace is a third dimension (or a sphere of its own) is interesting. As far as I see, cyberspace is generated by algorithms. Algorithms are expressed with alphabets. Within this cyberspace, we only see signs. I would thus say that cyberspace is part of the alphabet dimension. On the other hand, algorithms can be used to configure a computer and thus create the physical dimension of media. In this respect, they are like a printing press that is used to change the meaning of letters in cultures. But usually, "printing press" is included in "alphabet dimension".

The correlation between the physical dimension of media and signs is a different one than the difference between magic and science (probably both on the alphabet side - at least for a scientist). Cyberspace is in this respect not connected to a new value (like truth in science, money in economy and so on), but to the old value of mass media: attention.

Thus cyberspace seems to be a type of an alphabetical medium. I assume I overlooked something?

Am 19.04.24 um 10:38 schrieb mp via nettime-l:
Speaking of which: I want to disown the idea of a spectrum from nature to culture. Instead I think there are simply dimensions. Nature is one space. Alphabet another. Cyberspace a third. And so on. Each a chance to rearrange the neurological architecture and perceive reality in different ways.

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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