Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:33:09 +0200 (CEST)

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Hi Paul,
I'm curious about whether you're making a theoretical or practical point.

Both. It's easy in theory and in practice. Well - not really in all respects. But in many cases.

You also point out that realistically, since we have so little (none?) influence being merely single organisms in this "super organism" that all humans form collectively.

Actually, my point was that it is not possible since some people believe that we are part of a super organism.

ally, while Rome burns, as it were.  An impasse is sketched, where doom is inevitable and our only influence is over us and ours.

Nothing against apocalyptic visions - great genre. But I can act. And I try to do what's possible: No airplanes, no beef, no vehicles with combustion engines for example. Sometimes it's challenging, sometimes it's relaxing. But doable in many many cases.

Perhaps that's something to just try and make peace with.  It leaves me feeling like i'm missing something, though.  This might stem from my received western-ish capitalist-ish worldviews where everything can be done with enough technology/goodwill/idealism (s trike through as appropriate), which is of course a fairy tale.

For me, that's not a fairy tale. I do it. I don't mind if this is called idealism, goodwill, believe, technofetishism or whatever. I consider acting as important. And that means immediate action. Personally. Not waiting for technology, the universe, Gaia, a god, the market or whatever. And as far as I see, most other people could act too - and many do. No need for discussions or accusations. Just stop eating meet. Easy as pie. Stop using air planes. Very easy. No new digital devices. Easy. Stop using vehicles with combustion engines. Maybe a bit more difficult - but not in cities for example, where most people live. But you would not believe how many people come up with excuses for using vehicles with combustion engines - and what kind of excuses they offer. But well - I am also behaving immorally too often. Let's just try to do as good as we can. If we all do, it will do.



Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz
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