vladimir muzhesky (by way of [email protected] (PitSchultz)) on Fri, 28 Mar 1997 04:00:48 +0100 (MET) |
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<nettime> Nettropics: immunities versus politics 2/2 |
products, representations, cogitos, psychological triggers, bioreflexes, etc. By spectralizing the monoreality of production, the prism of vertical economy performs the same role, which psychotropic plants played among other plant species, when the production was strictly biological. Via the membrane of screen restricted to eideitic representation by means of vertical economy we arrive to the neurospace. The economic point of departure, which ends up with the rational fusion of psychotropic and economic activities in the on the biotronic plane we will call Marxian-Bataillian interface, reflecting its historic origins, horizontal and vertical properties, and prospective effects on the society. It is a selforganizing loop of visionary economy development, which extends mental economic instruments via mass media into the neurospace and organizes mass production accordingly. On the basis of its perceptual and economic platform, neurospace can be defined as an autonomous hypernetwork of inner-outer inferences of informational discourses. Whether biologically or electronically realized, it theoretically establishes the same conglomerate of protomodel space niches leveled by the modes of perceptual intensities and, hence, correlated with the extent of perceptronic transformation. On one hand, the tendency to exploit neotribalism, when describing socio-electronic interaction, is supposedly based the implemented vertical protoeconomic mechanism, which one can find performing sometimes even lifesaving role in the critical moments of tribal history. As an autonomous mobile unity, a tribe composed itself in accordance with the network of mental projects, which in their turn essentially depended on the availability of psychotropic plants in the neighboring ecocomplex. For example, Tibetan shamanism even on the verge of the establishment of Buddhist religion institution was strongly based on local botanical patterns, which performing the action of informational carriers imprinted Bon Po traditions into later adopted Buddhism. Indeed, variety of available plants performed a plane of immanence, where socially alternative attractors can possibly emerge, which make us now review this situation from the neuroeconomic point of view: tribal period in history was a very particular moment, when planes of immanence of action and reflection started to interact organizing themselves into something separate, something which later on became censored and thus soaked every atom of public media through its history of hiding its own neuroperspective. On the other hand, tribal access to mental networks of imaginary group dynamics, which as described above depended a great deal on the available natural psychotropics was closed with the formation of product, which utilized reprocessing and hence reeditting of ingredients from the action point of view. Following this the concept of energy substituted anergetic economies pushing them all the way down into the human psyche, to form a complex of the brain, a point of unresolved mental physical dilemma, which is now in a great need of biotronic therapy. This selfanalyzing strategy, can be connected with dispersion of real-imaginary dichotomy through its historical spectralization: the intensity of perceptual modulation can be a variable, in accordance with which we can estimate the state of affairs in the dispersion. The latter can be also interpreted in growing polarity value of the technological systems: protomental technology of myth acquired monoreality, which was polarized by reflection, and later on through informational alienation and censorship it was repositioned towards itself as the basis for multipolar technologies. Thus, the extents of polarities and intensities become the basis for a specifically informational net hierarchy. The electrified society finally breaks with its infantile symmetrical way of communication based on the cyborg model. Brain enhancement is a following intensification of the reinforced transcendental figure of NASA serviceman, which cyborg historically appears to be. Stepping over mythological organizational dynamics, in the same way as human civilization developed from the reflex modulation of a tribe to the refined reflection of European or Asian philosophy, net proceeds from exhausted cyborgy to biotronics: a growing phenomenon of VR communities is just another proof. Naturally, virtual social complex is layered on technological and mental basis, but first of all on the basis of the intensity of available perceptual modulation in this or that electronic location. The former two aspects, in fact may be disregarded, as much as the neurospace swallows pacification, which is a current base of monodimensional discursive alienation. There is a simple structural reason for that: for example, the single class object generating networks can produce new language structures without explicit extraction of grammatical rules on the basis of examples which can be contradictory and cannot suggest underlying grammar. Thus, neurospace becomes a base for a new language; it forms a synthetic plane of immanence, the only possible for the concepts of biotronic revolution to appear and develop themselves in the process of artificial and human intelligence fractalization. biotronic disorders and net community therapy The easiest way to treat biotronic disorder of monoreal media is to get it off the screen (in fact, if distincted from the eidetic reduction, screen is a very useful complex, which can be of multidimensional use). Once understood, this strategy should be neuroperceptually implemented and developed on the economic, social and political levels. Once again we have to return to the neuropharmacology, but this time from the biotronic point of view. If neuropharmacology investigates the affect of certain chemicals on neurotransmitters, assuming that a neurotransmitter is a functional element of the brain, which is responsible for the reception and transmission of information, then a hyperneurotransmitter can mean an internet based community, which is responsible for the analogous functions but in the area where human and artificial informational processing are juxtaposed. Then, there can be a discipline named hyperneuropharmacology, which would investigate the affects of various informational agents (including chemicals, emissions, and informational/cognitive sequences) on the aforementioned communities and their environment. The complex of informational agents, which establish intensive perceptual modulations anchored on both sides of the thermodynamic wall and henceforth provide a hypertherapeutic effect on informational systems can be referred to as nettropics. This is a place, where horizontal economy, to use Marxian metaphor, digs itself a grave hole: by alienating psycho- and nootropics. Even though none of them were legalized at least in the states and some of them are prescription medications in different European countries, medical industry all around the globe invests in the nootropic research. Since financial analysts estimate that such cognitive drugs could quickly produce sales of well over a billion dollars a year in the U.S. alone, and ultimately outsell antibiotics and tranquilizers, the competition is fierce, and these companies are in no mood to investigate ways their substances might work synergetically or in combination with other substances or other complexes, including the net. Getting off screen is first of all and foremost a multidimensional effort. Many of users will need and some of them already do need a traditional psychotropic support, in order to form the organs of multidimensional perception. Used in the interconnection with cranial stimulators, biotronic net architecture and imaginary social environment with high extent of plasticity nootropics can in practice help us to realized the biotronic bifurcation described above. As a first nettropic help, one can prescribe then superconnecting a user's brain, which becomes even more intriguing in light of the evidence indicating that many of the available mechanisms and techniques for brain enhancement (such as binaural beat frequencies and the sound and light machines) function in part by facilitating integrated hemispheric functioning. By facilitating interhemispheric communication, the human brain becomes structurally synergetically positioned, which might be resulting in a quantum leap in brain-enhancement effects with the following establishment of alternative multidimensional attractor planes. The substance suitable for this purpose seems to be Piracetam, which has been the subject of intensive research for over 15 years, and has not only proven to be a powerful intelligence booster and cerebral stimulant, but also, even in massive acute and chronic dosages, appears to be nontoxic and to produce no side effects. In order to stabilize and support the established multidimensional processing human cognitive system should be optimized and enhanced. One way that brain functioning may be enhanced is by mimicking the effect of a substance called nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF promotes the growth of dendrites - the long branching fibers by which neurons receive information from other neurons. Scientists studying the effects of learning on the brain have found it directly related to dendritic growth. Hydergine seems to be an ideal compound, which works by the same neurochemical pathway as NGF to produce neural growth. Developed in Sandoz laboratories by Albert Hofmann, it increases mental abilities, prevents damage to brain cells, and may even be able to reverse existing damage to brain cells. Finally to reconfirm the treatment and analytically subdivide and separate new formed synthetic plane of immanence dissociative psychotropic compounds should be used. Great help in fighting the screen complex can be achieved by using ketamine. Currently Ketamine ('Ketalar') is a prescription only medicine rather than a controlled drug in Britain. It is completely non toxic and does not appear to have potential for any form of dependency. In several countries Ketamine has recently been approved for experimental psychotherapeutic use. It is a powerful drug used as a general anesthetic, which has death-rebirth psychotropic effects, when used at low doses (25 -100mg). Experiences of the mind leaving the body and floating in space are common. As a strong sedative dissociative drug, Ketamine requires strong mental and/or neurological programming and can be used for the final crystallization of the synthetic plane of immanence. It performs a role of neurospace membrane, a hyperinformational filter, which in case of abuse can decompose the multidimensional informational relief. There is a known story of how John Lilly and his fellow researchers have used the drug continuously for weeks. Several believed themselves to have contacted alien intelligences and two committed suicide. For biotronic purposes it is strongly advised to use Ketamine together with neurointeractive and/or neuroprogramming equipment or techniques. After the hyperpharmacological therapy had taken effect and user's cognitive system was enhanced transpassing the cyborg level, the formation of hyperneurotransmitters as data transmission units between technological and biological informational systems can be introduced and subjected to further analysis. immunities: net evolutionary cell tool kit As it was highlighted before the use of neural net booster (in a chemical or technological form) is a tactical interconnection of an individual user with the biotronic property of the informational system. The net confronted with the neurospace plays a role of digital plane of immanence, where synthetic concepts could and should be formed. As much as in tribal mythology mental projects took the form of the organizational family dynamics, on the net they should take a form of autonomous communities. Projected on to the neurospatial terrain, the concept of community, as opposite to mental idealization in utopias, undergoes neurolization and acquires the status of an immune organ. From the way the new attractors are formed and spurious memories interact, which was analyzed before, it is clear that there can be no community on the net. If someone claims to organize it now, it is either the result of naive analytical conclusions or, which is even worse, inertia of thinking, which lets internet be exploited in the horizontal economic way. Among existing social complexes on the net, there are none which would consider neurointeractivity of 1) VR architecture; 2) audio-visual scripts; 3) group dynamics; and/or 4) combinations of aforementioned factors. It is about time to develop a digital survival platform, if we do not want to consider biotronic development of the net a possible history: in this case what will happen, is that in several years horizontally structured companies would take over and autonomity and multidimensionality of the net will be forgotten as one of its myths. Unresolved biotronic disorder will probably sooner or later pop out, but when the technology will be integrated and a perceptual border will be wiped ( it is a best way to earn money: make consumers choose a sequence, but let them follow the predominant technologically embodied strategy) there will be no way back. as many of the brain processes, biotronic changes are irreversible. Now one still can speak about conceptual localities on the net. >From this point of view, Csikszentmihalyi's evolutionary cell seems to be a good prototype. The only problem with it is that if not neurolized, it can never become real. There is no economic base, which one can find in the social environment to make a few neighbors form an autonomous informational unit: they don't have any reality to share: it is produced and consumed and then reprocessed and produced again. On the contrary, on the net it is still possible to appropriate biotronic terrain by a simple interconnection of human and machine informational processing in the analog way, which will reflect a structural result of net therapy. The megafilter of the informational world is the difference between digital and analog processing. On the neural net level it even implies different types of models: the Hopfield model as a continuous time-dynamical system is suitable method for analog circuits and the Mean Field Theory model as discrete time dynamical system is more appropriate for digital computers. If we understand the server space as a synthetic plane of immanence for the biotronic concepts, then and only then there can be described a VR architecture for the immunities, as community locked spatial simulators. Together with the architectural unit, immunities should form net organs, neurolizing net and turning it into an organism, where each part (organ-immunity) is a point of the holonomic meaningful stability of the whole system. The name "immunity" has another connotation, which brings up a context of resistance: pioneer immunities will have to stand alot of pressure from horizontal economies, which provide immunity initial survival; they will also have to do alot of filtering of screen disorder discourses. Biotronic VR is targeted to confront and transform existing cognitive reality maps by influencing informational processing of net users. Therefore it is more of a VTR (virtual to real) framework. It can be realized on the basis of macro and micro levels of the synthetic plane of immanence. The microlevel would imply the absence of composed synthetic concepts, and the representation of their functional VR elements: pyramids, spheres, squares, cylinders, et c. All of them were extensively used throughout all human history for psychotropic purposes from the shammanic rituals to the psychotronic generators produced in nineties for military use. In its turn the macro level, would imply complex abstract architectural units, which directly refer to the biotronic space as a perceptual base for the synthetic concepts. This type of architecture is very free in its plasticity, the only taboo: it should never replicate the forms from the existing cognitive reality maps. The latter follow concepts of established planes of immanence; using them is abusing the net. Do exploit virtual replication for involving and transforming horizontal economic structures, but never let yourself think about the net in these terms. Finally, immunities when become autonomous conceptual conductors, the construction on both levels will be locked with member activities: users, who are involved in building VTR spaces, should communicate through biotronic space, design biotronic bodies and transpass the social consumer identification. It will let the net become the space, which is configured with personal energy and mythology, but expressed in the abstract conceptual form of virtual reality. No virtual dummies on the net anymore. Today's net is a junk storage of information and abstract symmetrical neural repository at the same time. Connect your new born biotronic units to existing dummy realms, let them work for you, act as a transmitter, or is it not the net. The spurious activity of the transmitter can be expressed in the short abstract audio-visual sequences linked to the architectural unit. Emphasizing correlated psychological modalities they can let users in-session reprogramming of cognitive imprints. Squeeze your fears and your pleasures in the 200 Kb and install it on your server in form of abstract movies with subliminal frames and sounds and/or abstract representational messages. Then connect it with your architecture, and guess what, now you have the tools of reprogramming your own behavior right at hand, and hence the screen goes as deep in you as your human dimension can reach. Use Black Sun, but don't forget to customize its awful graphics for in-session communication with your fellow members. It is like being a worker of the virtual plants, like being inside the biotronic repository of information; it is in fact, a plant type of consciousness: inner mobile structure, mental vehicle, which tolerates no conceptual operator (use http://www.dds.nl/~basicray/v-plants.wrl.htm as a point of reference). Space - Money Because virtual economic the soil, where biotronic seeds are planted is quit horizontal (based on the onedimensional product economy) it is vital for biotronic hiatus to define potential points of prospective economic stabilities. One of the strongest points is of course money itself. In spite of the fact that it is a common knowledge that money is an abstract product, and that it is a first product to be embodied in the virtual space via international bank computer network, in spite of the fact that we all heard about those billions rotating in the noosphere, we never thought of neurolizing the products. Currently money are electronically represented as a digital sequence - monodimensional discursive event. But as soon as servers started to sell the space, the money from a sequence-money turned into space-money. The following idea is very simple, the space on which with the help of perceptual modulation it is possible to satisfy consumers needs will be perfect space-money, which indeed supports biotronic development. The fact that so many companies tend to fix their activity only on concrete avoiding abstract and neurolized products may be a result of economic natural selection, but the character of horizontal economy, which created the concrete dimension of product after the abstract dimension of money was formed sets a veto on psychotropic market because it neurolizes abstract representations and kills the product dimension. And if one considers that Pseudo-outer product type of algorithms assists in finding fuzzy rules in neural networks, it becomes clear what has to be done, in terms of pseudo-economics. Biotronic architecture is a selforganizing neurolized abstract product installed in the multidimensional simulatory network, but extending itself into every possible dimension including politics, economics, and social sphere. Biotronic net object always goes over the gol in minimum of time and with maximum intensity. They are always overexposed, because they act as absolute mental mirrors, which kill horizontal politics: whether it is a feminist or telencephalon neural system makes subtle difference for the perceptron; the reflection is synthetic, the space is at hand, and the screen is the basic brain border: if we still think that recombination of informational patterns reinforces us, we are a part of eidetic reduction, a bunch of meaningless configurations of pixels spilled across the net, deprived of dimensions, deprived of autonomy, reduced to very virtual existence. Paradoxically, going through this digital survival grinder one encounters a need to modulated user's mentality and neurology and which is even more implausible he/she finds all necessary means at hand. --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime" in the msg body # URL: http://www.desk.nl/~nettime/ contact: [email protected]