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<nettime> an Answer to Mark Stahlman's Irrationality |
An Answer to Mark Stahlman's Profound Irrationality Since time immemorial theoretical positions contrary to one's own have been attacked as 'irrational' in the name of rationality and reason. Whoever chose not to believe in the prevalent dogmas was branded as heretic, romantic, daydreamer, fantasist, or left-wing dogmatist. Nor is it anything new when the critics of capitalism in capitalist societies are regarded as the representatives of irrationality itself, for they think and reflect against the mainstream in which the standards of so-called normal thinking have been established as the historically specific form of rationality. To the apologists of the status quo, such thinking against the mainstream can only be absurd, ridiculous and unreasonable. What is new, however, is that conservative and reactionary critics can only formulate their "critique" of theories criticizing too-late-capitalist society, its ideology and the underlying commodity structure of its economy, in banal slogans which are all-too-often as meaningless as they are ideologically charged. There was a time when reactionary criticism could at least help one to sharpen an opposing argument, to demonstrate the necessary contraditions, but postmodern gossip disguised as theoretical argumentation is so often only a confusion of lies, myths and .....irrationality. An excellent example of this kind of criticism undeserving of the name is the manifesto "Three Faces of Studied Irrationality" provided by the honorable Mr. Mark Stahlman. As text, it is almost impossible to criticize, and therefore confines the critic to the task of disclosing the mythical beliefs underlying the make-believe arguments. A peculiar confusion of ignorance and malicious fraudulence, Stahlman's text can only be analyzed, since he himself has refused to present it in a form suitable for the reasonable arguments of others [or: outside his solipsism]. 1) Whoever has actually read any of Hannah Arendt knows that she tried neither to rehabilitate Heidegger after World War II nor to banalize what she regarded as totalitarianism. On the contrary, during her postwar visits to Germany she was deeply disappointed by Heidegger's refusal to reflect upon his Nazi past. Like Adorno, Horkheimer and so many others, she fled from Germany, as Jew and intellectual, because she was in danger. They were aware of the uniqueness of Nazi-fascism, and they later became aware of the industrialized destruction of the Jews in the gas at Auschwitz. There exists not a single word of relativism from Hannah Arendt on that subject. Post-war nazis, modern fascists and reactionaries have always tried to reduce any left-oriented critique of capitalism and fascism, especially any theory concerning totalitarianism, to the single fact that Stalin was a butcher, too, which he surely was. The right-wing comparison of Nazi Germany with the USSR denies the uniqueness of Auschwitz, and so does Stahlman with his myth that right and left are the same. Whether or not it is his intention, the nonsense he disseminates helps those who are attempting to relativize fascism. 2) The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno et al. is an empirical study. If it demonstrates that the individual in capitalist societies has introjected an authoritarian psychic structure, this empirical evidence throws light upon the society these individuals live in, and not upon the theory derived from the data, and certainly not upon the critics who undertook the investigation. Blaming the messenger for the message he delivers is an old story. It is symptomatic of a profound inability to reflect upon the message, an anti-intellectual bias of the recipient; in short, it is irrational to refuse to think about society's irrationality. ` Appeals to "intellectual 'authority' (in the old sense of truth)" without clarifying the meaning of the 'truth' indicated, can only amount to praise of the renunciation of rationality, because, as Stahlman has correctly stated, one has to 'believe' this so-called truth. The days of the scholastic philosophers like Anselm of Canterbury or Thomas Acquinas, when reason and belief were not considered antitheses, are long over. Or is it your wish, Mr. Stahlman, that reflection upon the society which produces hunger and poverty be replaced by belief in its immanent goodness? The Nazis were as authoritarian as any U.S. citizen nowadays who condones the suppression of blacks, hispanics, and women, or who condones the war in Grenada, the invasion of Panama, the Contras, the Gulf War and the War on Drugs. 3) Adorno's Jargon of Authenticity is a radical critique of Heidegger. Stahlman quotes from this book: "irrationality in the midst of the rational is the working atmosphere of the authentic." [p. 47]. This is not Adorno's own theoretical position, but his critique of Heidegger's theoretical position. Stahlman tries unsuccessfully to turn this statement against Adorno, as if it actually were Adorno's own position. Anyone who tries to tie Adorno to "authenticity" has either not really read Adorno at all or has simply not understood anything he has read. Whoever calls Adorno a "Heidegger supporter" must have an urgent (or theoretical?) need to lie about or to gloss over Adorno's own philosophical perspective. Stahlman's remarks in this context are simply ridiculous. Even the caustic opponents in Germany have never dared to associate Adorno with Heidegger because there is not the slightest basis for such rubbish. This kind of nonsense has always fallen to the ultra-extreme right-wing thinkers and neo-fascists. As a suggestion, Mr. Stahlman might actually try reading whatever he feels impelled to criticize. It will simply not suffice to hide behind quotes from Plato, for such name-dropping tactics are all-too-transparent. It has become fashionable in Germany to parallelize left and right. Fascists are called 'radical', as were left-wing thinkers earlier, although 'radical' means "to the root". But if the 'roots' of fascism are to be discussed, then the proper subject is capitalism. A classical strategy for defending the supporters of the commodity economy has been to conceal their own responsibility for fascist outbreaks in denunciations of the critics of capitalism. Fascism is the dark side of capitalism, the flip-side of the coin, which Adorno criticizes as a whole. The attempt to associate Heidegger, a Nazi-professor who believed that his blood-and-soil philosophy was incarnated in the Nazis, with Adorno, Benjamin, Arendt and others, the radical opponents of the Nazis and capitalism who were exiled as Jews and intellectuals, is both malicious and inexcusable. It can only be based on incomprehensible ignorance or complete irrationality. Does Mr. Stahlman really want to associate himself with such a reactionary position? 4) The Dialectic of Enlightenment was written in the years before the end of WWII and published in 1944, not 1947 as Mr. Stahlman incorrectly indicated. It was not their "first major joint work," but it was the most significant one to result from the years of collaborating in exile. Adorno, Horkheimer et al. discussed as a group the articles included in their Zeitschrift f�r Sozialforschung [Journal of Social Research], and Dialectic of Enlightenment was written when the Nazis seemed to be gaining the upper hand and Auschwitz was lurking on the horizon. The irrational genocide of Auschwitz had its rational component: the destruction of the Jews that was then taking place in the east of Middle Europe was planned, cool, and entirely industrialized. Whoever fails to take this into account when discussing rationality in too-late-capitalist, post-Auschwitz society, either wittingly or unwittingly aligns himself with the side of the irrational. It appears that Mr. Stahlman has no problem in defending the rationality that made Auschwitz possible. Thinking himself quite clever, Mr. Stahlman shows no ability to conceive of the rational critique of rationality. But he does know one thing at once: it must be irrational. Irrational in relation to what, he does not say, for throughout his interminable monologue he has never attempted to define his shibboleth of rationality. The scattered allusions to the western philosophical tradition and the mere mentioning of thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Nicholas of Cusa, Thomas Acquinas, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Kierkegaard or Foucault will not save him from his own fundamental lack of clarity. There are no doubt some substantial reasons involved in Mr. Stahlman's skewed process of selective reason, but these seem grounded in myth, falsehood and unsubstantiated conjecture. Further examples of an authoritarian personality. Perhaps an honest critique of what Mr. Stahlman does not like requires more reasoning ability than he can muster. He might actually have to read what he has decided he is against in advance. But then we all might be spared the nonsense he bombards us with on a daily basis. 5) The abovementioned comments apply equally to Stahlman's misconceptions regarding Walter Benjamin's experiences with hashish, etc., and WB's attempts to reflect upon these experiences within the context of a materialist theory of liberation. Comments such as Stahlman's obviously indicate that he has not read the texts in question. How could he when these texts are not available in English? He would have to have read the German original. 6) With regard to Adorno and de Sade, Mr. Stahlman again demonstrates his neo-illiteracy. The chapter on de Sade in Dialectic of Enlightenment by no means praises hedonistic lifestyles, orgies or murderous games. The reading of de Sade leads to a critique of instrumental reason, and in fact results in the recognition that de Sade was not hedonistic at all, but cold and calculating like the engineers and scientists of the present day. 7) Mr. Stahlman's comments on Plato and Aristotle are also quite peculiar and equally ridiculous. Since this is not the place for an in-depth discussion of his misreadings and misleading quotations, a few comments will have to suffice. Anyone who has actually read neo-platonic, hermetic, scholastic, idealist or gnostic texts immediately realizes that Stahlman has merely scanned said texts for items he could use in his polemics. That is not very difficult, but such tactical misreading in order to prove a unclearly preconceived idea has nothing to do with rational thinking. What is clear, however, is Mr. Stahlman's theory of conspiracy: "and as any competent analysis would show, the central effect of these maneuvers has been to increase - not decrease - the pervasiveness of social control and, indeed, oppression throughout society" [Stahlman]. Whatever in the world could 'competence' mean to such a person? Behind his back the old anti-semitic clich� of a great conspiracy creeps out, and to prove his nonsense he plunders every text in sight; the same tactics which the Nazis used to describe what they considered the "Jewish World Conspiracy". 8) There is a trick to Stahlman's text. In the name of rationality, irrationality is detected wherever there is discontent with capitalism. The author never defines rationality, associating it as he does with his own bizarre manner of thinking. But such 'thinking' as Stahlman's is really a combination of irrationality and arrogance. His text is a wonderful illustration of so-called 'rationality' at its most irrational. The idea that society itself may be irrational is beyond the comprehension of this Popper-fan, whose view of the world as a whole is positivistic and instrumental, and who champions a system which objectifies everything into measurable and exploitable units which can be commodified. Those who praise the rational commodity might take a look at Marx. Or maybe they should stay for a day in the slums of Sao Paulo or Djakarta, or take a pleasant trip to Chernobyl to see their rational society at work. Refusal to criticize the status quo leads to a totalitarian pluralism, of which view Popper is a good representative, in which the poor are allowed to remain poor, women must remainsecond-class citizens, and the rich are allowed to grow richer: the good ol' every-man-for-himself survival of the fittest. To the proponents of such a world, the poor who turn to narcotics for consolation are responsible for their poverty because everyone can 'get ahead' if they really want to. Life is so very simple when observed through the undialectical glasses of Stahlman's irrationality. It need not be stressed that the rich have a lot more to lose than their chains and jewels, but it must be questioned whether nettime should become the stage for smearing critiques of the multiple hierarchies inherent in capitalism. Nettime is supposed to be a forum for netcritique. Is the netcritique not at stake here? Is it not at stake when so many jump onto the bandwagon of the new virtual class and their 'California ideology', which is heading for such a wonderful capitalist future, and a place near the warm oven of the cyber-capital. It is important for everyone who subscribes to nettime to consider what purpose this mailing-list can serve. Surely it was not intended as a postmodern, anything-goes forum. It is annoying to read so much stuff that would be better published in the conservative newspapers. irritated greetings, Juergen (Goettingen, Germany) e-mail: [email protected] --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime" in the msg body # URL: contact: [email protected]