Andreas Broeckmann on Mon, 7 Jul 1997 09:53:53 +0200 (MET DST) |
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<nettime> Sassen interview, June 1997 |
Inte rview with Saskia Sassen, 12 June 1997 Andreas Broeckmann (for Freitag, Berlin) It is a late afternoon in June, and I meet up with Saskia Sassen at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam where she is participating in an international conference about new architectural paradigms. Sassen is an economist and a sociologist, she is Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia University in New York, a researcher on migration, and an expert on the role that the Internet is playing in the global economy. My first question is how she reconciles these different fields in her work. Sassen: Depending on where I talk I like to say that I got into the digital networks via the international markets, and hence that gives me a different perspective from going at it from the internet. In other settings I like to say that I got to studying the international markets by studying immigrants who work in financial firms. I like emphasising the materiality and the fact of the connection between what are the lowliest workers, these immigrant workers, and what is the most globalised, digitalised economic sector. There is no necessary connection between any of these things. It isn't that if you start working on immigrants that you necessarily end up studying international finance, or that if you work on international finance you inevitably start working on electronic networks. But it is one pathway that one can follow, and I like it because it's an unusual one. Broeckmann: But where lies your focus of interest? Sassen: My focus of interest is the global economy and how it materialises in specific institutions, specific sites, places, etc. So immigration has been one of the issues, global cities has been another issue. I have worked on each of these themes for five to seven years, and now I am in a new big five to seven year project which has to do with the question of governance and accountability in a global economy. All three are really shaped by an interest in the global economy. Broeckmann: The first one of these was migration ... Sassen: Yes, my first book and my first big project was on the question of a global economy and international migration flows. I started out by noting that there are these correspondances between the major migration flows to the United States and the major capital flows of a certain kind out of the United States. And those were capital flows which led to labour-intensive direct foreign investment. By labour-intensive I mean something that involves a lot of people, either directly or indirectly, like commercial agriculture. When the United States transforms vast areas of Mexico, of Central America into commercial agriculture it displaces small farmers. Those are likely to become first regional migrants, because they become labourers, and so they go to the harvests. In El Salvador, for instance, we know that the people most likely to come to the United States as undocumented immigrants during the civil war were people who had before been seasonal migrant labourers in regional harvests. In Mexico commercial agriculture meant displacing a lot of the small farmers who then become that floating labour supply and they wind up then doing the same kind of work in Texas, in California, etc. And in the case of manufacturing I looked at the northern industrialisation area in Mexico, and free-trade zones in Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan - a whole number of countries which developed export processing zones, which meant that they were producing manufacturing goods for export, not for internal consumption, and this was mostly through foreign capital, initially from the United States, though eventually other countries followed the same pattern. This again was a very labour-intensive way of manufacturing which mobilised and brought in vast numbers of young women into paid labour, disrupting the local economies from where they came, and hence the men then also had to migrate to the cities because those economies depended on women and men together running households and local production. Plus large-scale national of manufacturing began to destabilise small scale national manufacturing. So you have a conjunction of elements that destroys a lot of the employment opportunities that people had before foreign investment came in. I want to emphasise that this is foreign investment that goes there because it wants to use cheap labour. If you take a map of the world and you trace these kinds of export-oriented investments by the United States in manufacturing, and you look at where the main ten migration flows come from, you can see that to a very large extent they come from those areas. There is a second type of migration which originates in a neo-imperialist setting, the areas where the United States was very active in military terms, Vietnam, Cambodia, that is another major migration stream. These economic and military interventions build bridges between these countries and the U.S. Immigrants travel on these bridges; they do't just go anywhere. The point for me is one of politics: international migrations are produced not just by the poverty and unemployment in sending countries, but also by the bridges built and the destabilising effects produced by the economic and military interventions of the receiving countries. In the case of Europe you have a lot of neo-colonial migration, -- the example of the Algerians who move to France -- and direct labour recruitment. The main implication is that international labour migration, the large systemic flows, are really embedded in other patterns that have to do with capital movement, with military and neo-colonial domination. It is not enough to say: they are poor and unemployed, hence they will come. Most people who are poor and unemployed are not emigrants. Many countries in the world that have poverty and unemployment do not have significant emigration. And many of the countries that at some point become significant emigrant sending countries have had poverty and unemployment long before that period. We really need to look, both politically and theoretically, at what are the dynamics that get these processes going. This is a very abstract statement and there are many exceptions to it, but overall the pattern repeats itself. Broeckmann: You are also describing that in the book about the history of migration in Europe that you recently published in Germany (Migranten, Siedler, Fl�chtlinge, Fischer TB 1996). Sassen: That's right. In the 19th century there were many places that were poor, but they did not all send migrants to the richer sites within Europe. There is always a combination of conditions, which is why I like to say that migrations are produced, they are not just the consequence of an individual wanting a better life. Wanting a better life matters a lot, but it cannot by itself explain the process of migration. This also means that at the level of policy there are no 'innocent' immigrant receiving countries. The receiving country has been a player, either dirctly through labour recruitment, military operations, neo-colonial bonds, or indirectly through these kinds of foreign investments. Broeckmann: What is the period that you have in mind when you are talking about globalisation in this way? Sassen: There are two answers to this question. One is, that we have had internationalisation for a very long time, for centuries, so there is inevitably a lot of continuity. I have been particularly interested in understanding the difference of the contemporary period. I position myself very openly as a theorist of the difference. I am keen on emphasising what is different, which doesn't mean, that there isn't a lot that is the same. Secondly, I believe that there are a number of new developments in the last fifteen years in the United States, more recently in Latin America and Asia -- a set of processes that begins to chrystalise fifteen years ago, in the early 80s. The main difference is not, as is often said, that globalisation means that you have an economic system that goes beyond the borders of the nation state - international trade, international investment, etc. Globalisation means that you have an economic system that operates not simply outside single states, but outside the inter-state system. Before that, you had international trade, but international trade operated within the context of the inter-state system. There is a period in the late 19th century where you have quite a few cross-border processes resembling resembling the current era -- e.g. a very open international system. The real difference is what happens after World War I, when the nation state is strengthened and you have the formation of an inter-state system. This is a period that goes through the early 1970s: everything happens within the context of the inter-state system. In the late 19th century you have basically a British Empire, and it is in some ways more similar to today than that period between 1914 and the 1970s. But I still see differences. One issue that specifies today is that you have an inter-state system, yes, but that you also have an international economic system that operates partly outside the inter-state system. The second big difference - and I should really say that these are very much my own ideas with which many economists would not agree - the second big difference today is that you have the formation and the development of an intermediary world of strategic agents like financial services firms, international accounting experts, international legal experts, international organisation experts, etc. This is an intermediary world that operates between nation states. It means that in the past, when a country entered the international system it almost inevitably engaged another nation state. Today a country can enter the international system and not engage another state, but engage J.P.Morgan, the Swiss Kreditanstalt, etc.. A very good example is when China recently entered the global capital market with a hundred-year bond from the Chinese government. It was sold in New York and in Hongkong. China didn't have to deal with the United States government, it dealt with J.P.Morgan and a few other such firms. Part of this intermediary world are the credit rating agencies - private firms that create order in the global capital market and that rate private and sovereign debt, including not just the Brazils and the Mexicos, but the debt of all the highly developed countries like Sweden, Switserland, or the United States. And international commercial arbitration which is a private system for solving business disputes that has as its purpose to avoid national courts. This creates a very private world of highly specialised agents which means that you can enter the international system without ever engaging another state. Broeckmann: In a book that also came out in German (Metropolen des Weltmarkts, Campus Verlag, 1996), you have described the sites of these transnational economic activities. Does the global economy still have a necessary relation with the real world and its cities, landscapes, states, etc.? Sassen: The new world economy is highly globalised, highly digitalised, characterised by the possibility to communicate instantaneously. This has lead to the image that it is a placeless economy where places no longer matter, and also to a dematerialised image of the global economy. It is true that there are more dematerialised factors. There is a dematerialisation of economic activity. However, when you really begin to look how this system is coordinated, worked, implemented, etc., you will descover that there is a lot of material infrastructure that is a necessary part of it, that there is a lot of work, of managing, coordinating, servicing that happens in the context of corporate hierarchies, very specialised services where the firms buy what they used to do in-house, and thirdly, you see that to a very large extent these activities which are strategic activities in the context of the global economic system tend to agglomerate in centers which I call global cities. To some extent when I look at the global economy I see a network of about thirty or forty strategic places - it is a changing animal which depends on all kinds of things - where there is an enormous concentration of all those resources. They are largely cities but not exclusively, Silicon Valley would be part of it, industrial areas with telecommunications industries like Lille for instance. The point is: yes, globalisation, yes, digitalisation, yes, dematerialision, yes, instantaneous communication, but because it is a system characterised not by distributed power, distributed ownership, distributed application of profits, but by the opposite, concentration of profits, concentration in ownership, concentration of control, you also have a material correlate to this, which is this enormous concentration of strategic resources in major cities. Let me qualify this a little. Firstly, whatever can be re-located, whatever can be decentralised leaves the city. Secondly, I am very much talking about strategic sectors, which means that the majority of firms, the majority of workers, the majority of places don't fit this image. This is a strategic topography that cuts across the north-south divide, so that Sao Paolo is part of it and Bombay, it is not only New York, London, Paris, Tokyo. As these countries deregulate and privatise because they want to get integrated into the global market, they adjust and accommodate their economic policies, partly their institutional apparatus. The example here is the autonomy of central banks, which is really code language for saying, we Argentina, we Thailand, we South Korea, we are playing by the new rules of the game. The central european countries which are also very keen on becoming integrated are all now studying how to set up autonomous central banks. There is a set of standards or rules of the game and there are more and more places that decide to play it by the rules of this game, they become integrated and the network grows. But there is hierarchy in this network. You definitely have some that will gain more than others. Broeckmann: What is the role of the nation state, then, if in order for a country to become a global player the state has to withdraw from some of its hegemonic positions? Isn't it paradoxical that, for instance in the discussion about the 'Standort Deutschland', there is a nationalistic investment in such de-nationalising economic strategies? Sassen: There are several answers to this question. At the most evident level there is what for less developed countries has been called 'IMF conditionality': the IMF goes around the whole world, Russia, Romania, South Africa, with its set of conditions and a bag of money; countries have to submit to those conditions in order to get the dollars: austerity programmes, privatisation of public sector firms, deregulation - it is a neo-liberal culture, and the World Bank is one of its implementors. What is amazing is the extent to which, while some statesmen in various countries may resist and say this is hateful, countries are adopting this as a norm that signals: this is good economic policy. There is almost no resistance to this overwhelming neo-liberal agenda where privatisation is good, deregulation is good, flexibilising the labour markets is good, a stable exchange rate no matter what the costs at home - this is what Mexico, Argentina and Brazil did, to the extent of demolishing their middle classes. What has emerged is a new normativity. The rationale of the nation state was the well-being of its citizens. The new normativity now is this neo-liberal set of norms. There are other normativities like that of the international human rights regime which is very powerful. These normativities operate in different spaces, but they are in a way in combat with each other. So one level affecting the position of the nation state is the neo-liberal policy. Second level: it is very common to juxtapose the nation state and the global economy as mutually exclusive entities, so that what the global economy gains, the nation state loses. This zero sum notion is very common. In my new project (Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of Globalisation, Columbia Univ.Press, 1996) I begin to argue that it isn't quite that way. The enactment and implementation of the neo-liberal project takes place partly in particular institutions of the nation state. The nation state is over-developing and strengthening those capacities which have to do with the implementation of neo-liberal policies and impoverishing and underdeveloping those parts of the nation state which have to do with the social agenda. Thirdly, I think that globalisation has had an effect on the territoriality of the nation state. I distinguish between national territory, and exclusive territoriality. National territory is the physical territory, while exclusive territoriality is related to the question of sovereignty and the fact that the nation state has exclusive authority over that territory. Historically, and certainly in the last seventy years, the two have been one and the same. What globalisation has done is it has revealed to us that they are in some specific aspects two separate questions. I think that globalisation has not affected national territory. The geographical borders of countries have mostly stayed the same, unless there were other causes like the war in Yugoslavia. What globalisation has affected is exclusive territoriality, the institutional encasement of that national territory. The global city, for instance, is what I describe as a denationalised part of a nation's territory. This is very strong in the case of New York and London because they are so heavily deregulated, it's less strong in the case of other countries. This means that you have these strategic elements within national territories where you have incipient denationalisation of a very specialised institutional and functional rather than geographical character. It happens to coincide with geographic sites like New York because of the "Global City syndrome" I talked about earlier. It is a denationalisation that you see in the institutional realm - it's not that Manhattan becomes denationalised, but the financial industry becomes denationalised. So the role of the national state is a very ambiguous one. If you ask about the other, neglected part of the nation state that has to do with social equity, I think that is one of the arenas where we need a lot of political work. We need to develop the capacities in the national state and we need to put pressure on the national state to want to develop the capacities that have to do with the social agenda, rather than allowing it to hide behind the neo-liberal normativities. There is an important political role that has to do with recovering some part of the national state, rather than allowing the national states to keep on saying what they are saying now, namely that as governments we can't do anything, we have to follow this neo-liberal agenda if we want to promote growth. I think that that is not correct and that national governments could be doing much more and should be doing much more. Broeckmann: You are talking about the way in which the state should react to globalisation. Are there ways in which non-government groups can react and maybe develop strategies of resistance to these developments? Sassen: There are many different ways in which one can mobilise. The fact that trade unions are becoming stonger again in the United States is an indication of a certain change. I don't have an easy answer to this, I just see a lot of NGO activities and civil society activities, there are different kinds of neighbourhood organisations, and so on. How you can do it, I don't know, but I do know that strengthening all these community and networking groups, small firms that feel dominated by big companies, women on welfare organising themselves - we just need a multiplicity of organisational efforts which have to be task-oriented, focused. This is an era that will demand enormous innovation in our thinking about how we handle the political resistance question, and how we handle the matter of putting pressure on our governments or on the private sector. I also think, and this is for me a very important issue which I think the internet can help us with, that there are many micro-histories of resistance going on all over the world, some of them extremely successful at the very micro-levels, that are at risk of invisibility. We need to know about them, other people need to know. Poor in a slum in Rio who have found a way of doing this should be communicating with poor in the slums of Bombay directly or through an NGO, rather than going through some intergovernmental commission. We need to communicate also at the bottom, and that I think is where e-mail can help, poor man's e-mail, which allows one to communicate, or electronic bulletin boards for community groups. Connecting only a few groups in different places through, for instance, the computer of an NGO that they can use - something that is also a cross-border experience of resistance for people. But equally important is that we can get to know about their work, because visibility is a very important thing to achieve. Foundations like the Ford Foundation have been very good at creating, for instance, credit systems for poor people where very little money circulates but where small amounts of just $70 can make all the difference to a micro-entrepreneur. These micro-economies are very often not recognised by elites, and the foundations would not have developed these projects 20 years ago. Can they be brought to a next stage where they would create a fund for alternative communication networks that is elementary and cheap? I have never thought about this: where are the sources of money that might have an interest in helping poor people's groups communicate with each other? Some elementary version of an internet that is of no interest to the commercial community and that hence can be a public space that is protected from private invasions. --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime" in the msg body # URL: contact: [email protected]