Barry Coates on Sat, 22 Aug 1998 17:24:03 +0200 (MET DST) |
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<nettime> Summary OECD's MAI negotiating group |
Dear friends, Developing country issues in the MAI are hotting up. This E-mail sets out the results of a recent informal negotiation amongst most of the OECD's MAI Negotiating Group, and gives a summary of the work that will be undertaken by the OECD Secretariat on a study of the MAI's impact on developing countries (or perhaps more accurately, a study that will show developing countries what a good idea it would be to accede to the MAI). It concludes with some ideas for follow-up by NGOs/researchers/academics/MAI saboteurs.=20 1. MAI "Informal" Negotiation There was an informal meeting of MAI negotiators in London on 13th July to discuss developing country accession. This was not part of the April Ministerial statement and managed to escape public or media scrutiny. Despite the break in negotiations, most countries sent a representative. We have recently received a letter from the UK negotiator about the meeting. The following is their note of the meeting (with a few explanatory notes in brackets):=20 "The meeting was informal, so there is no formal record. Both DAFFE [Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs] and DCD [Development Co-operation Directorate] attended from the Secretariat. They presented some ideas they had on possible follow-up work to the Fitzgerald report [undertaken for the UK government on the likely impact of the MAI - see below]. They propose a mixture of general analysis and case studies to look at how developing countries might be affected by the MAI and the work that might be needed within developing countries to build up the capacity to join. The meeting essentially endorsed the Secretariat's proposals for further action.=20 In discussion, those present covered some of the main issues that the negotiators are likely to face regarding developing country accession. There was general agreement that we could not talk about "developing countries" as a single category - Brazil, Latvia and Uganda were as different form each other as they were from the OECD - and therefore could not talk about a single and separate regime for developing countries. There was a widely held view that the distinction between the full negotiating partners and the current observers (Brazil etc) was becoming increasingly narrow and that the current observers would probably be treated as founder members in the same way as would the UK.=20 The negotiators reminded themselves of the reference in the Consolidated text to the criteria that might govern accession by non-members (possible country-specific exceptions to accommodate development interests, possible time-limited exceptions to allow for reforms of a domestic regime, etc). there was a first look at what might be regarded as the "core elements" of the MAI - the minimum that any member would have to sign up to. The discussion was inconclusive, with a number of delegations pointing out that this issue was still up for grabs within the OECD. For similar reasons, no conclusions were reached on the issue of the kind of exceptions that might be regarded as acceptable.=20 There was also a discussion of "outreach"activity. The general view was that OECD members should not feel constrained from supplementing the Secretariat's work with activity of their own.=20 In conclusion, I think the meeting provided a useful forward step on dealing with this question. I am sure the negotiators will be returning to this issue once we have the first fruits of the Secretariat's work in the autumn. You are aware of the UK's continued commitment to ensuring that this issue is taken seriously and that the outcome is favourable to developing countries."=20 Signed by Tom Smith, Head of the International Investment Unit, Department of Trade and Industry [The new UK negotiator on the MAI].=20 Interpretation: The meeting was called by the UK to publicise their report and in an attempt to deflect criticism by securing an agreement that developing countries would be treated favourably under the MAI. Specifically, there was the proposal that developing countries be granted a relatively automatic waiver for a number of the MAI's provisions (such as performance measures).=20 However, a number of OECD negotiators (or their proxies) resisted any such blanket provisions for developing countries. The US seems to have been in the forefront of the hard liners. The issues seem to have been contentious.=20 2. OECD Secretariat study on the impact of the MAI on developing countries I have a copy of the OECD Secretariat's note, "setting out the background, objective and outline of the Secretariat study on the development implications of the MAI, requested by the MAI Negotiating Group at its meeting in April 1998. The outline takes account of proposals made by several delegations. It is provided to MAI delegations for information and comment." DAFFE/MAI(98)25, dated 28 July 1998 [please contact me for a full copy - only print copy available].=20 The following cites some of the key points of this note (8 pages).=20 Background: "This request grew out of comments by several delegations that the accession of developing countries to the MAI would be desirable. Not only will this advance the value of the MAI itself, it will promote economic development in those countries by enhancing investor confidence and the credibility of economic policies through adherence to binding international rules.=20 The UK delegation has already presented the results of a consultant's study on the development implications of the MAI to the Negotiating Group and the Japanese and Norwegian delegations have emphasized the importance of non-member accession to the MAI. Subsequent proposals for the Secretariat study have been provided by the UK, Norwegian and Swedish delegations.=20 The purpose of this outline is to make sure that all relevant questions are raised. It will not be possible to provide satisfactory answers on all matters by October. the proposed case study approach, recommended by several deegations, will imply an ongoing and iterative programme of work.= =20 The objective of the study is to assess the implications of the MAI for developing countries, noth those that join and those that do not. It will assess the extent to which the MAI is consistent with development objectives and how it might actually promote them. The study will also consider the possible terms of developing country accession to the MAI and discuss what are legitimate development interests and how they might be accomodated by country specific exceptions and transition arrangements."=20 [It is interesting to note that the relatively neutral approach to the study is completely undermined by the extremely one-sided outline of the study.] "The Introduction will point out the extent to which there is now a consensus on the role that foreign direct investment (FDI) can play in economic development and the need for a "stable, supportive, effective and transparent legal framework." It will argue that the debate has now shifted from the ends -- private sector led development -- to the means: attracting and enhancing the role of foreign firms, including those controlled by expatriate investors".=20 [Whose consensus?! There are some spectacular leaps of faith in that chain of logic.] Part I: FDI Trends and Policies in Developing Countries (1) FDI Trends [usual arguments, plus the suggestion that much of the developing world is not as marginalised as everyone considers].=20 (2) FDI Policies - "This section will serve to demonstrate to what extent there is now consensus, in both the OECD and the developing world, about the potential benefits of openness to FDI." [showing what could be regarded as a slightly biased starting point for this rigorous assessment!].=20 Part II: The Benefits of adhering to the MAI for developing countries "This section will address the key question of why developing countries should sign on to the MAI."=20 (1) Rules - the importance of Bilateral Investment Treaties [arguing the much of the MAI is already included in BITs] - multilateral investment rules and economic development: this will discuss the potential benefits that developing countries hope to achieve in exchange for adhering to binding multilateral rules, including the amount of investment to those acceding and those not acceding, the quality of inward investment, the impact on domestic investment and the sustainability of investment. [Each of these points are framed in a way that presumes a certain answer].=20 (2) Liberalisation "An integral part of the MAI is the locking in of existing levels of openness and providing a means toward further liberalisation among signatory countries." [Yes, indeed; succinctly put!].=20 "Unlike in trade agreements, many developing countries do not have multinational enterprises of their own which could benefit from reciprocal privileges. As a result, these countries signing the MAI would effectively be granting market access on a unilateral basis to potential investors from signatiory countries. They will therefore only do so if they perceive it is in their own best interests."=20 [This is the nub of the OECD's problem. They need to show it is in the interests of the host country. There is, however, another way to get developing countries to sign up, which is by applying political pressure on them to do so. This is already happening, with many examples including the proposed US Growth and Opportunity Act and the EU's negotiating mandate for the Lom=E9 Convention].=20 "This...requires making the case for the economic benefits of an expanded role of foreign investors in the local economy....will draw on the arguments contained in 'Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development' (OECD 1998) [Has anyone out there done a critique of this report or know of one?] "This section will also provide an inventory of those measures adopted by developing countries which they are least likely to liberalise and discuss the motivations for such measures in terms of development strategies. This inventory will provide a basis to discuss the possible terms of accession of developing countries in the next section."=20 Part III: Developing country accession to the MAI Possible accession terms, including transition periods, level of legal and institutional infrastructure, investor-State dispute settlement, the broad definition of investment under the MAI and developing countries' views on the emerging provisions on labour and environment.=20 "Should there be any incentives to encourage developing countries to adhere? If so, what form should they take?" [The Fitzgerald report, commissioned by the UK, suggested that enhanced debt relief should be made conditional on developing countries acceding to the MAI. This is probably the type of incentives that the OECD is thinking of. Or it might be more aid for countries signing the MAI. In any form, it should be rejected.] Part IV: Case studies of individual developing countries These are likely to be drawn from existing material:=20 - OECD members and MAI observers that are classified as developing countries - Recent OECD Secretariat studies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand - investment guides from countries in Eastern and Central Europe and former CIS - reviews of the investment climate of poorer countries undertaken by the Foreign Investment Advisory Service.=20 Follow-up 1. Some resources available are: - a copy of the Fitzgerald report on the MAI (saying that the MAI will be good for developing countries) from the UK Department for International Development [email protected] - a copy of WDM's critique of that report, available in text or Word form from me here <[email protected]> or on WDM's website - a copy of WWF-UK's critique of the environmental aspects of that report from [email protected] - North-South Development Monitor (SUNS) report on the NGO-Ambassadors meeting on 10th June 1998 - briefing papers from Third World Network, including issues 184/5 and 186 of Third World Economics; visit TWN website at <> 2. If you are in the OECD, please press your governments to ensure that the OECD's study outline is revised to look objectively at the likely impacts on developing countries, rather than the biased approach embodied in this outline. You should also press them to call for the involvement of developing country governments, NGOs and researchers, and OECD NGOs and researchers. As UK academics are doing, you may want to call for a seminar to discuss the Fitzgerald report. Depending on the positions of different government departments, you may choose to direct your lobbying to the Ministry responsible for International Development.=20 3. If you are from a developing country, you should let your government know that this is going on and suggest that they get involved. Many governments have not been sent the Fitzgerald report. It would be very helpful if you could send them one or both of the critiques of it. If you have done any research on the MAI or FDI, you could send it to the OECD Secretariat (although from the study outline, it seems unlikely they will take much notice). Send to Rainer Geiger, OECD DAFFE, 2 Rue Andr=E9 Pascal 75775, PARIS CEDEX 16, France.=20 4. If you are interested in presenting an alternative analysis, I would like to work with others to develop an informed and credible study on the likely impact of the MAI on developing countries. Its main purpose would be to correct some of the misconceptions about FDI and the MAI, and to undermine the OECD study. Please let me know if you are interested in joining with me and others on such a study, and if you have or know of good analysis of some of the problems with FDI, examples of the types of policies that would be ruled out by the MAI, and the likely impacts of the MAI on developing countries.=20 As a last point, I think that we are nearing the stage when the negotiators will try to pick off NGOs and other critics through changes to the draft text. However, since industry associations have identified developing countries as the real targets for an MAI, the accession of non-OECD countries are central to the agreement. Yet the decision by OECD governments to exclude non-OECD developing countries from negotations is indefensible. Therefore, I hope your research or campaigning on the MAI will resist the urge to engage in changes to the MAI's draft wording or to call for extra accession provisions. The MAI is not an acceptable basis for an international agreement and should be abandoned. There is some great work going on to develop alternatives. But they should not be based on the MAI.=20 For Immediate Release - 3 August 1998 MAI Outlaws New Rules to Benefit Fishing Communities According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) the new rules recently announced by the Government to protect British fishing communities are in direct conflict with an international investment agreement, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). As a result of this conflict, foreign fishermen will be able to sue the UK government because the new rules discriminate against them.=20 The new fishing rules are aimed at ending =EBquota hopping=ED where primari= ly Spanish or Dutch owners buy a licence to fish against British quotas, while landing their fish at home ports. The new conditions, applicable from January 1 1999, will insist that to receive a fish licence 50% of any catch must be landed in the UK or 50% of the crew must be resident in the UK or the vessel must incur a given level of operating expenditure in the UK. The rules are meant to ensure that a major proportion of the economic benefits from the UK=EDs fish stocks comes into the UK, even if they are fished by foreign owned vessels.=20 However, these same rules are outlawed by the MAI as discriminatory =EBperformance requirements=ED which hurt foreign investors. The MAI bans performance requirements on foreign investors which specify the purchase of local goods, levels of local employment and levels of exports.=20 To avoid this legal clash the Government will have to obtain an exception for these rules from the MAI. If the MAI had been signed in April 1998, as the UK Government had intended, it would have been impossible for the new fishing rules to be adopted at all.=20 WWF supports the new fishing measures introduced by the Government as an important way of ensuring sustainable fishing by giving local communities a stake in conserving fish stocks.=20 =ECUnless the MAI is reformed this treaty threatens to destroy this new protection for UK fishing communities,=EE said Nick Mabey, WWF-UK=EDs Economics Officer. =ECThis conflict clearly indicates that the Government does not understand the danger that this treaty poses to sustainable development.=20 The Government must immediately debate the MAI in Parliament to resolve these issues. he added.=20 The ability of the MAI to circumvent laws which promote sustainable development also demonstrates how the MAI will be used by rich OECD countries to gain unlimited access to less well protected fishing grounds in developing countries, ruining the livelihoods of small fishermen and destroying fish stocks. =ECIt=EDs a clear case of double standards=EE said= Nick Mabey. =ECThe UK Government might be able to gain an exception to benefit UK fishing communities, but the treaty will allow them to deny the same opportunities to poor fishermen in developing countries. The Government must amend the MAI so that it cannot override laws that protect the environment and local communities,=EE he added.=20 Ends For further information, please call:=20 Nick Mabey - WWF-UK Economics Officer : Tel: 01483 412 548 Ed Matthew - WWF-UK Media Officer : Tel: 01483 412 379 Mobile: 0468 867 274 For your information: the NGO consultation on the MAI which the European Commission's DG1 sent around invitations for back in May has now turned into a 'dialogue' with 'the Presidency of the European Union, together with the Commission and the Member States' on September 22th in Brussels. Quite a crowd, isn't it? Here's the invitation which Towards a Different Europe received earlier this week, from the Austrian ministery of economic affairs.=20 Austria 1998 Presidency of the European Union Federal Ministery for Economic Affairs Stubenring 1 A-1011 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 71100/5180, Fax: +43 1 715 96 51, E-mail: [email protected] Name/Contactextension: M. Schekulin/5180 Reference Number: 25.840/39-II/5/98 Ref.: MAI: consultation and assesment: invitation to a dialogue meeting on 22 September Dear Mr. Hoedeman The Community, as well as the Member States, have been participating since the start in 1995 in negotiations on a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) which are taking place in the framework of the OCED. During these negotiations the MAI Negotiating Group, but also the Commission Services and the Member States authorities have held consultations with Parliaments, the business community, the trade unions, and with representatives of relevant interests, on the developments in the negotiations.=20 At the 1998 OECD Ministerial it was decided to allow for a period of assesment and further consultations, in particular with interested parts of civil society, taking into account progress made, difficulties remaining and concerns voiced.=20 In order to follow-up on this decision at the European level, the Presidency of the European Union, together with the Commission and the Member States would like to invite you for a dialogue on the MAI and in particular on the issues which have given rise to concerns, i.e. the social, environmental, cultural and development aspects of the MAI. The objective of such a meeting is for representatives of all parts of civil society to help us on the government side to better understand your concerns and for us to answer any questions as to where negotiations now stand. We envisage an open and wide-ranging debate.=20 A more detailed agenda will be transmitted to you as we come closer to the meeting. It will take place i the building of the Council of the European Union, Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 170 on 22 September, starting at 9.30. Given the expected number of participating organisations, we would appreciate if your representation would be restricted to 2 representatives.=20 I would appreciate if you could let the Council Secretariat (Mr. Oliveira, Tel: +32-2-285 66 19, Fax: +32-2-285 7374) know by 8 September if you intend to participate in this dialogue, an if so, please transmit the names of the individual(s) who will attend.=20 Yours sincerely, M. Schekulin -------- Mega-mergers and the MAI This is the year of the mega-merger, with records being broken before the ink is dry on the previous one. The decision to combine Daimler-Benz and Chrysler two months ago was the largest industrial merger in history-- until yesterday. Now we have British Petroleum and Amoco merging to form the biggest oil producer in the US.=20 Six thousand employees will be thrown overboard, but don't expect any of these "efficiency" gains to show up in the form of lower prices to consumers. In fact the opposite is more likely, when the new giant flexes the economic muscle of its increased market power. The big winners are the investment bankers who brokered the deal and the stockholders, as evidenced by the soaring stock prices of both companies that greeted the announcement.=20 But there are worse problems with these deals: in particular, the concentration of political power that they produce. Consumer and environmental groups are already concerned that a wave of mergers in the oil industry could solidify the powerful anti-environmental alliance that these giants can mobilize around such issues as global warming.=20 It is also worth noting that these last two record industrial mergers combined American with foreign firms. These trends are often believed to be the inevitable result of such unseen forces as "technology" and "globalization," but this not true. Our own government has been leading the worldwide effort by multinational corporations to rewrite the rules of the global economy in order to facilitate such deals.=20 One of these efforts is the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), which our government has been negotiating for almost three years. This agreement would initially include the 29 industrialized countries of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), and then be opened to the rest of the world. It would create a host of new rights and privileges for international investors, and make it more difficult for governments to prevent or regulate international megamergers like BP Amoco or Daimler-Chrysler.=20 So long as our government continues to place the interests of multinational corporations ahead of the public interest, we can expect more such mergers, with similar results.=20 ------------------------------------- Name: Mark Weisbrot E-mail: <[email protected]> Preamble Center for Public Policy 1737 21st Street NW Washington DC 20009 (202) 265-3263 (offc) (202) 333-6141 (home) fax: (202)265-3647 July-August 1998 - The Social Crediter Official Journal of the Social Credit Secretariat - The 1998 Bilderberg Meeting.=20 by Alan Armstrong, with Alistair McConnachie at Turnberry.=20 Punch magazine's report of May 23-June 5 continued, "Few have heard of the Bilderberg Council. But its 120 members are some of the most powerful people on the global stage. It meets amid unparalleled secrecy to discuss the future of the world."=20 Punch was referring to the meeting held at Turnberry Hotel, near Girvan on the West coast of Scotland on Thursday 14th - Sunday 17th May 1998. Until very recently, any reference to even the existence of the highly secretive Bilderberg Group was greeted with great skepticism by the world's media. Punch, along with the Mail on Sunday, the Scotsman, the Scottish Daily Mail, the Scotland on Sunday and The Social Crediter, met outside the gates of Turnberry to find out what was going on.=20 The 123 participants at the meeting, conducted as always in secrecy and accompanied by a powerful police presence, included Lord Carrington, Chairman since 1990, UK Defence Secretary George Robertson, William Hague Leader of the Opposition, Kenneth Clarke ex-Chancellor the Exchequer, Henry Kissenger and a great clutch of other heavyweight movers and shakers from the world of international banking, industry, multinational corporations, and senior politicians, of whom some are still in power and some others showing real potential!=20 Investigatory journalist Robert Eringer, in his book The Global Manipulators (Bristol, England: Pentacle Books, 1980) notes that "The steering committee certainly has an amazing eye for choosing guests who are on the way up. Most of the current leaders of the West have emerged from the depths of Bilderberg ... Every British Prime Minister of the past thirty years has attended Bilderberg ...(and) Denis Healey was an early member of Bilderberg and was on the steering committee long before he became Chancellor the Exchequer." Tony Blair attended the meeting on 23-25 April 1993 at Vouliagmeni in Greece when he was Shadow Home Secretary.=20 Why the Secrecy?=20 Punch noted, and Bilderbergers would not deny, that the Council meets "amid unparalleled secrecy to discuss the future of the world." But why? In this context, Robert Eringer wrote to David Rockefeller, Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank to enquire about Bilderberg. An assistant directed him to a Mr. Charles Muller, a Vice President at Murden and Company, "the organisation which assists with the administration of American Friends of Bilderberg, Incorporated." (p. 11) Muller sent him a printed message which included the suggestion that it was, "In order to assure perfect freedom of speech and opinion, the gatherings are closed and off the record. No resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements are issued during or after the meetings."=20 Eringer subsequently established that in fact this is not so. He managed to obtain a copy of a "Strictly Confidential" record of the meeting held in Barbizon, France in March 1955 and one of the September meeting in Garmisch, West Germany the same year, which records that "Participants in this conference may, in light of the consensus of opinion expressed during the discussions, be able to pass these views on to public opinion in their own spheres of influence, without disclosing their source." (p. 30)=20 Finally, in a letter to Eringer, one time member Sir Paul Chambers wrote, "I am under obligation not to disclose anything about the Bilderberg Group to anybody who is not a member of that group. I am very sorry that I cannot help, but I am clearly powerless to do so and it would be wrong in the circumstance to say anything to you about Bilderberg."=20 There is enough here to allow us to insist that if there are grand strategies to be developed, presumably in the "best interests" of the world's peoples, they should be made in forums that are subject to full democratic scrutiny and accountability. Not behind locked doors at private meetings of a largely self-appointed elite establishment. Why should democratically elected representatives attending these meetings feel it necessary to maintain complete secrecy over what is discussed? It is also open to question whether the British Police Force should have provided armed security for such a "private meeting" or whether an Army helicopter should have been used to ferry Defence Secretary George Robertson. According to his spokesman, "He was fulfilling an official engagement as Secretary of State for Defence and, as such, transport was met by public expense." (Mail on Sunday, Night and Day supplement, June 14, 1998, p. 15.)=20 The Turnberry Agenda According to the official PRESS RELEASE Bilderberg Meetings, dated May 14, 1998: "Among others the Conference will discuss NATO, Asian Crisis, EMU, Growing Military Disparity, Japan, Multilateral Organizations, Europe's social model, Turkey, EU/USA Market Place."=20 Hopefully, journalists are beginning to wake up, at long last, to the idea that Bilderberg is real and that it is a very important influence in the world. Perhaps, the veil of secrecy can be lifted if only a little and with that hope, Alistair McConnachie set out to find participants who might be willing to say something about what was going on inside the hotel.=20 Hotel staff coming and going would just look at their feet without uttering a world. A reporter for the Scottish Daily Mail who knocked on the doors of the staff accommodation block was arrested, handcuffed and detained for eight hours in Ayr Police Station under Section 14 of the Criminal Justice Act (Scotland), which is invoked when police have reason to suspect an offense has been committed! This episode is reported in The Press Gazette of 22 May.=20 However, for a few hours on Saturday, between 12 noon and 3pm, the delegates spent time in the grounds, either playing tennis, playing golf on the course by the sea, or visiting Culzean Castle a little up the coast. Alistair McConnachie and a colleague had time to speak to delegates as they passed.=20 Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH in Germany was the first to stop and explained that the meeting was structured with short introductions to a chosen topic and then a general discussion. Two British delegates explained that there is a panel which consists of a moderator and two or there people. They have about 10 minutes each on the chosen topic and then there is "discussion questions, which last for 5, 3 or 2 minutes." There are no introductory documents, and there are no records. At the most there is a page on a 3 hour debate. It doesn't circulate documents between its members. One of the British delegates explained that it was not possible to mount a conspiracy in a group like the Bilderbergers because it has no existence between its meetings. George Papandreou, Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs was out jogging and came over to speak. He said they had been discussing, "Everything. Everything from the Asian crisis to Portugal to whatever else." He was happy to have his photo taken, "You want to put me in the paper like this?= =20 They'll love it in Greece." He jogged off, urging, "Be strongly critical, whatever you write!"=20 A little light is beginning to shine on this group. For example, Will Hutton, Editor of The Observer, who was an attendee at the 13-15 June 1997 Bilderberg Conference at Lake Lanier Islands outside Atlanta, Georgia wrote on 1st February 1998 ("Kinder capitalists in Armani specs") that "the Bilderberg Conference ... us one of the key meeting of the year ... the consensus established here is the back-drop against which policy is made worldwide".=20 A recent former delegate who "holds a senior position in the media" (almost certainly Hutton - SCS) was quoted anonymously at length by Malcolm Macalister Hall in the Mail on Sunday article of June 14, 1998. Macalister Hall writes: "But he says that Bilderberg is part of a global conversation that takes place each year at a string of conferences, and it does form the backdrop to policies that emerge later, 'There's the World Economic Forum at Davos in February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in April/May, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September. A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next. But no one's really leading it. This consensus becomes the background for G8 economic communiqu=E9s; it becomes what informs the IMF when it imposes an adjustment programme on Indonesia; and it becomes what the president proposes to Congress."=20 The Bilderberg Group is one of a constellation of "private groups" with related global agendas. They include the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House). Arnold Toynbee, the central figure at Chatham House for thirty years from 1925 to his retirement in 1955 might have been speaking about the ethos of any one of these groups when he commented that they were "denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands" (International Affairs, Vol. 10).=20 The Social Credit Secretariat is keen to contribute what it can to ensuring that the agendas of such organisations are made fully open to democratic scrutiny and that especially our elected politicians cease attending such group meetings for so long as they are subject to any instruction to secrecy. Finally, we put the following comment on record, passed to us, from one of the many people we spoke to and who shall remain nameless, "Book your holidays in Portugal next year."=20 Any readers who want a copy of the full list of delegates, or a copy of the original article, are invited to write, enclosing a s.a.e. to The Social Credit Secretariat, 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain, EH1 3LH. Telephone 0131 550 3769, e-mail [email protected] Also see the Internet site at -- Tony Gosling [email protected] Kebele Caf=E9 Tel 0117 939 3093/939 9469 14 Robertson Road, Eastville, Bristol, BS5 6JY.=20 The Land Is Ours - A Landrights Movement for Britain [email protected] email us your UK address and tel. no to get our free newsletter Box E, 111 Magdalen Road OXFORD OX4 1RQ England Tel. +44 (0)1865 722016 "And that not only this Common, or Heath should be taken in and Manured by the People, but all the Commons and waste Ground in England, and in the whole World, shall be taken in by the People in righteousness, not owning any Propriety; but taking the Earth to be a Common Treasury, as it was first made for all." 1649 Winstanley the Digger on the web:=20 ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 17:35:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Mike Dolan <[email protected]> Subject: ICTSD and WTO Transparency To: Multiple recipients of list TW-LIST <[email protected]> Reply-to: [email protected] Friends:=20 By way of Preview of Coming Attractions (in anticipation of the WTO 1999 Ministerial here in the USA) ...=20 A colleague from Geneva has requested that we post hereto the following discussion of WTO transparency, prepared by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development=FF (ICTSD or the Centre) which was established in Geneva in September 1996 to contribute to a better understanding of development and environment concerns in the context of international trade. We have enjoyed their web-site and we recommend it -- *********************************************************************** IMPROVING THE TRANSPARENCY OF WTO OPERATIONS Communication from the European Communities The following communication has been received on 13 July 1998 from the delegation of the European Communities with the request that it be circulated to WTO Members The EU strongly supports the statement in the May Ministerial Declaration, in which WTO Members "recognised the importance of enhancing public understanding of the benefits of the multilateral trading system in order to build support for it and agree to work towards this end. In this context we will consider how to improve the transparency of WTO operations." Greater transparency is essential to reinforce the WTO as an institution and strengthen support for the multilateral trading system. This issue requires therefore priority attention by all WTO Members Transparency essentially implies a policy of open access to information as regards WTO activities. Transparency is therefore an essential component of accountability and a necessary prerequisite for a meaningful process of consultations with organisation of civil society. Consultations is of course a broader concept, which includes the process through which organisations of civil society can engage in dialogue with WTO Members on issues of mutual interest. The main focus of this submission are immediate steps that could be taken to enhance transparency in the sense of access to information, although the submission also stresses the importance of making full use of current avenues for consultation and cooperation with organisations of civil society. The Community is also suggesting that the General Council should undertake a review of the adequacy of current means of interaction with NGO's in order to enhance the opportunities for consultation and cooperation with organisations of civil society. The Community will be presenting further ideas on how to enhance interaction with organisations of civil society in a future Communication to the General Council.=20 1. The need to improve transparency of WTO operations Since the entry into force of the WTO, steps have been taken to improve the transparency of WTO operations. The General Council adopted on 18 July 1996 decisions on "Procedures for the Circulation and Derestriction of WTO Documents" and on "Guidelines for arrangements on relations with non-governmental organisations". On the basis of such decisions a number of steps have already been taken to improve the transparency of WTO operations:=20 - A large number of WTO documents are now available to the public and access to such documents has been greatly facilitated through the establishment of the WTO Internet home page.=20 - Panel reports are generally unrestricted at the same time in which they are circulated to all WTO Members, - The Secretariat has developed channels of communication with a large number of NGOs representing different interests in civil society.=20 Of particular interest, as a means of fostering an interactive dialogue between WTO Members and the broad NGO community, has been the organisation of symposia on issues such as trade and the environment or trade facilitation. Their informal nature is particularly conducive to an open dialogue in which the particular interests and concerns of the broad NGO community can be communicated and discussed with WTO Members. Such open dialogue contributes not only to a better understanding of the role and activities of the WTO, but also enriches and strengthens the WTO by providing a means to draw on the expertise of organisations of civil society.=20 While all these steps are important, there is a clear need for further improving the transparency of WTO operations. Trade policy has a major impact on the livelihood and welfare of citizens. It is therefore only natural that WTO activities are a matter of legitimate public interest and debate. A deficit of information about WTO activities can only result in public mistrust and misunderstandings and weaken support for the multilateral trading system. The authority of the WTO as an institution would be strengthened, and public support for multilateral trade liberalisation enhanced, if the WTO were to follow a much broader policy of openness in access to information and if greater use were to be made of current avenues for interaction with organisations of civil society. Transparency should be part of a wider communication strategy to convey the benefits of an open multilateral trading system, explain the functioning and the role of the WTO, as well as the interactions between trade policy and broader concerns in a global economy.=20 There is no reason why it should not be possible to adopt, such a policy of greater openness without impinging on the nature of the WTO as an intergovernmental forum. The WTO is a member-driven organisation whose core functions are to provide a forum for negotiations among WTO Members,monitoring compliance with treaty obligations and providing a mechanism for the settlement of disputes. All such functions are essentially intergovernmental in nature. Governments are supposed to represent their entire population. They have the primary responsibility to establish, at the domestic level, broad consultative processes with organisations of civil society, through which such organisations can have an input into the process of trade policy formulation, and to develop an effective communications strategy.=20 At the same time, it should be pointed out that the WTO has a broader political remit than the GATT. This is reflected in the establishment of the Ministerial Conference, the new function of undertaking reviews of the trade policies of WTO Members and the mandate on "coherence in global economic policy-making". Further reflection is needed on how this broader policy-oriented role of the WTO could be better performed by its Members. For instance, two areas that may require further attention are the following: a) The General Council proceedings could include in between Ministerial Conferences, consideration of the coherence between WTO activities and broader trends and concerns in the global economy. This would allow the WTO to remain fully sensitive to its broader environment and contribute towards the fulfillment of its mandate on coherence in global economic policy-making including cooperation with the Bretton Woods institutions, b) The WTO should become a more powerful tool for transparency, and it must make full use of the opportunities provided by current proceedings, not least the TPRM, for Members to explain the full range of their trade related practices and policies in areas of concern to their partners. Improvements in each of these two areas require further common reflection since these goals must not be pursued at the expense of the negotiating effectiveness of the organisation.=20 The Community considers that the time has come for the WTO to take further decisive steps to enhance the transparency of its operations. The political mandate given by Ministers should be acted upon as a matter of urgency. In particular, we would propose immediate steps to ensure that: a) WTO documents are immediately derestricted and made accessible to the public; b) documents pertaining to dispute settlement are, as a general rule, treated as unrestricted and delays in the circulation and derestriction of panel reports are substantially shortened, c) greater and more systematic use is made of the current avenues for interaction with organisations of civil society.=20 The Community would wish to underline the importance of rapidly delivering results. This should not be a matter of controversy among WTO Members,' it should therefore be possible to reach rapidly a consensus on a set of reforms which are both realistic and ambitious, thereby enhancing the authority of the WTO as an organisation, The General Council has a mandate to review the procedures for the circulation and derestriction of WTO documents by July of this year. A decision to substantially enlarge the current policy of access to documents could therefore be a first immediate response to the mandate given by Ministers. In order to facilitate discussion and Consensus-building, a specific proposal is attached to this Communication. Some of the steps required to enhance transparency in dispute-settlement proceedings require a change of the Dispute Settlement Understanding. The review of the DSU therefore provides an opportunity, which should not be missed, to reach rapid results on this crucial aspect of transparency. Finally, as regards consultations and co-operation with NGOs, the Secretariat has already been given a mandate to facilitate such a dialogue through a number of informal mechanisms. The General Council should fully support ongoing efforts by the Director General to improve contacts with the NGO community. It should also review the adequacy of current means of interaction with NGOs in order to enhance the opportunities for consultation and cooperation with organisations of civil society.=20 2. Procedures for the Circulation and Derestriction of WTO Documents The Guidelines adopted by the General Council in July 1996 are already based on the principle that WTO documents shall be circulated as unrestricted. This principle is, however1 subject to exceptions specified in an Appendix to the Decision (WT/L/160/Rev1). The procedures applying to such document generally imply consideration for derestriction six months after the date of circulation of the document. Unless a Member objects, documents are derestricted after a certain time limit -normally sixty days - since the circulation by the Secretariat of a list of documents eligible for consideration for derestriction. Any Member may also present a request for the earlier derestriction of a document, which would then be derestricted within 60 days unless a Member objects.=20 The current procedures represented a significant improvement in relation to prior GATT practices by providing for the earlier derestriction of WTO documents, The procedures have shown, however, a number of weaknesses and fall short of what can be expected in terms of transparency of WTO operations. Timely information to the public is crucial for the proper understanding of WTO activities. Very few WTO documents can be considered to contain genuinely confidential information, which would justify restriction. The current procedures moreover have a number of flaws:=20 a) The delays for the derestriction of most WTO documents seriously limits their value for public information. Apart from traditional practice, there appears to be no rationale for a rule that makes most documents available to the public, but only after the expiry of an artificial deadline. The restricted nature of many WTO documents not only unnecessarily limits public access to information, but also makes it more difficult for WTO Members to properly explain to domestic constituencies activities in the WTO.=20 b) Requests for early derestriction can result in a selective and partial release of information and may provoke unnecessary controversy among WTO Members. A general rule under which most types of WTO documents would be immediately derestricted would avoid the risk of selectivity and ensure an adequate and full reflection of WTO activities, c) A WTO member may indefinitely block derestriction of a WTO document.=20 The Community considers, therefore, that there are clear benefits in adopting a much broader policy for the immediate derestriction of most WTO documents. Access, through the WTO Internet Home Page, to most current WTO documents would be a major and easy-to-achieve step in improving transparency. Such step is all the more necessary since WTO intergovernmental meetings remain, in principle, closed to the public. In particular, and subject to very limited exceptions, all submission by WTO Members, Secretariat background notes, minutes of meetings and agendas should be circulated as unrestricted documents. The details of the EC proposal are outlined in the annex to this submission.=20 3. Transparency in WTO Dispute-Settlement The 1996 Decision on Derestriction only deals partially with the public availability of documents presented in the context of WTO dispute settlement. The Decision does not apply to submissions to a dispute settlement panel, which are governed by the relevant provisions of the DSU. Panel reports are circulated as unrestricted, unless a party to the dispute requests delayed derestriction, which may not exceed ten days since the date of circulation. This provision is subject to review within the context of the review of the DSU.=20 The review of the DSU provides an opportunity, which should not be missed, to improve the transparency of the WTO dispute-settlement process. The Community will present a number of proposals to improve transparency in dispute settlement. Consideration of these proposals should take place within the context of the DSU review, rather than in the General Council review on transparency.=20 4. Consultation and Co-operation with Organisations of Civil Society On the basis of Article V.2 of the WTO Agreement, the Council established on 18 July 1996, "Guidelines for arrangements on relations with non-governmental organisations". Such guidelines call upon the Secretariat to "play a more active role in its direct contacts with NGOs"; recommend the development of a number of modalities for interaction with NGOs, such as symposia on specific WTO-related issues) and envisage the possibility of participation by the chairpersons of WTO Councils and Committees in discussions or meetings with NGOs.=20 The Community is convinced that organisations of civil society are key stakeholders in the domestic process of trade policy formulation. WTO Members have a primary responsibility to develop, at the domestic level, procedures for consultation and co-operation through which organisation of civil society can have an impact on trade-policy making. This should involve all organisations of civil society with an interest in trade policy, such as representatives of the business, community, trade unions, consumer groups, environment or development NGOs. Such dialogue could and should encompass an increasing number of areas of WTO activities which are of mutual interest for all stakeholders and WTO Members. At the same time the WTO, as an organisation, should contribute to greater openness through a comprehensive policy of access to information. Greater and more systematic use of opportunities for dialogue and consultations with organisations of civil society at the multilateral level should complement the dialogue undertaken at the domestic political level. The guidelines adopted by the General Council in July 1996 entrust the Secretariat with the organisation of the particular modalities for interaction with NGOs, They could and should be used more fully to further such a dialogue and consultations. The Secretariat should also consider means of resolving practical problems that may have arisen in the application of the guidelines, such as the requirement for NGOs to undertake a separate registration every time symposia or other means of interaction are organised.=20 The General Council should therefore: a) Fully support ongoing efforts by the Director General to improve communication to and contacts with organisations of civil society; b) Review the adequacy of current means of interaction with NGOs in order to enhance the opportunities for consultation and co-operation with organisations of civil society, including through the organisation of symposia and other informal means of dialogue with NGOs on relevant WTO-related issues. The Committee on Trade and Environment has provided a good model in this respect. It should be stressed that WTO Members have direct responsibility to consult all interested stakeholders in the development of their trade policies. The General Council could, in the run up to the 1999 Ministerial, provide a forum for an exchange of views and experiences among WTO Members on the wider issue of developing an effective communications strategy with interested stakeholders. The Community will further present ideas on these issues in a future submission to the General Council.=20 ----------------------- ANNEX Proposal for Revision of the Procedures for the Circulation and Derestriction of Documents.=20 The Decision adopted by the General Council on 18 July 1996 is already based on the principle that WTO documents shall be circulated as unrestricted. Exceptions are set out in an appendix which lists certain categories of WTO documents for which derestriction is subject to special procedures.=20 On the basis of experience, and the call by Ministers to consider means of improving transparency in WTO operations, it is proposed that certain types of WTO documents be removed from the exception list and be therefore circulated as unrestricted documents. As a general principle, procedures for delayed derestriction should only apply to those particular WTO activities where there is a strong case for maintaining a period of confidentiality, while an issue is subject to consideration by WTO bodies. In particular, it is proposed that the following types of documents be removed from the exception list:=20 a) Documents Submitted for Circulation by a WTO Member: All such documents should be circulated as unrestricted, including those which are currently classified as working documents On an exceptional basis, a Member may indicate to the Secretariat that a document be circulated on a restricted basis, In such case, however, the document should be automatically derestricted after the expiry of a period of time (e.g. 6 months).=20 b) Secretariat Background Notes: Such notes are intended to provide factual information and not to represent the collective views of WTO Members. All such notes should therefore be circulated on a non-restricted basis. There may be exceptional cases in which a WTO body, when requesting the Secretariat to prepare a background note, considers it essential that the note be initially considered On a confidential basis. This may be allowed, as an exception to the general rule of derestriction, provided that a maximum time period (e.g. 6 months) is established for its automatic derestriction.=20 c) Minutes of Meetings: Minutes are prepared under the responsibility of the Secretariat and provide essential information about WTO activities. Minutes should therefore be circulated on an unrestricted basis. As noted below, exceptions would be made for a limited number of WTO bodies which, by their very nature, require a certain degree of confidentiality in proceedings.=20 d) Meeting Agendas: These should be immediately derestricted.=20 The proposals for immediate derestriction above would not affect certain categories of documents, for which current procedures would continue to apply. This is the case for:=20 - Working documents of a draft nature, such as decisions and proposals.=20 (Consideration could be given to procedures to facilitate earlier derestriction of such documents after die expiry of a reasonable period of time;=20 - Documents in the Secret/series (i.e. documents relating to Article XXVIII negotiations, including processes initiated pursuant to Article XXIV:6);=20 - Documents relating to Working Parties on Accession (Documents submitted by the acceding country could be subject to earlier derestriction if the acceding country so indicates to the Secretariat);=20 - Documents relating to Balance-of-Payments consultations;=20 - Documents relating to the Budget Committee.=20 Documents relating to the Trade Policy Review Mechanisms would also continue to be subject to current procedure, which already provide for derestriction upon the expiry of the press embargo thereon.=20 Panel reports should be immediately derestricted upon their circulation to all WTO Members. Other aspects relating to transparency in WTO dispute settlement should be considered within the framework of the DSU review.=20 It should be noted that procedures for derestriction only apply to official WTO documents. The procedures do not apply either to the Plurilateral Trade Agreements, although the Community would favour their adoption by the competent bodies.=20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miguel Jimenez-Pont Dialogues Programme Director International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development 13, chemin des Anemones; CH-1219 Geneve; (Switzerland) Tel: (41-22) 979-9492 Fax: (41-22) 979-9093 E-mail: [email protected] Please, feel free to visit our WEB Site: --------- Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 09:56:06 -0700 From: David Bacon <[email protected]> Subject: article for will swaim FREE TRADE'S REVENGE By David Bacon IRVINE, CA (8/2/98) -- Daimler St. extends for three unimpressive blocks, between anonymous crackerbox buildings in an aging Irvine industrial park, next to Interstate 55. It's hard to tell what goes on in these concrete warehouses - they look pretty much alike. In some of them, it's apparent that nothing goes on at all -- real estate signs hang across their facades, advertising that their occupants have fled or disappeared. The Friction plant is one of these anonymous tiltups. Soon it will be vacant too -- already a real estate agent's sign partially hides the arrow telling truck drivers where to turn to find the loading docks. Friction is so anonymous that no other sign even announces the company's name. If you don't know the address already, presumably you have no business there.=20 Friction Corp. gets its name from the simple, automatic process every driver uses a hundred times a day, every time they press downward on the brake pedal of a car or truck. As the brake pad squeezes the rotor or pushes out against the brake drum, friction from the contact brings their vehicle safely to a halt. Friction makes brakes. Inside its concrete box, the company's workers bake the pads. They drill the holes and attach them to the metal flanges, which later bolt into the wheel assemblies of a million cars and trucks. For over a hundred people, Friction has been a familiar place for years -- even decades. Since working life absorbs a third of all waking and sleeping hours, these folks have spent as much time in this long low edifice as they have in their own kitchen or living room.=20 Maria Villela and her husband Raquel spent a combined 32 years in this Irvine auto parts plant. They were there when the business was bought by Echlin, a Connecticut-based transnational corporation. The two were leaders in the organizing drive that brought in the union in 1994, and Maria became its president. And they were there last summer, when three workers from another Echlin plant, three thousand miles away, showed up at lunchtime on the grassy strip between the factory and the street.=20 When the lunchtruck pulled into the lot that day, sounding its horn, Friction workers began streaming out of the plant's huge doors into the parking lot. A small group took their lunches, walked out of the gate to the street, and sat down on the grass to hear what the three strangers had to say.=20 Like the majority of Friction's workers, who are immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, the strangers spoke Spanish. They told the tale of their own factory, a plant in Mexico City with a history of accidents, where wages are a tenth of those in Irvine, and where a government-controlled union prevented workers from acting independently to improve conditions.=20 Their story was not a complete surprise to Friction workers. "We used to get boxes of parts from their plant," explains union shop steward Ruben Cabrera. "When we'd open them up, the parts were covered in dust." Brake pads are made from asbestos. Friction workers thought the dust in the boxes was that fibrous mineral which causes mesothelioma, a kind of lung cancer, when it's inhaled. Dust in the boxes, they say, already gave them the idea that conditions in the Mexico City plant were not healthy.=20 Nevertheless, "we were surprised by what they said, and some of us got pretty mad," Cabrera remembers. "The situation they described was very unjust -- I felt they were being treated like slaves." As the quiet lunchtime discussion wore on, Friction workers described to their Mexican visitors the improvements they'd been able to make in Irvine after organizing their union. The Mexicans, on their part, explained that they were starting an effort to organize their own independent union, and get rid of the government-affiliated union the company favored.=20 Many Friction workers, who as Mexican immigrants were already familiar with the country's system of "charro" or management-friendly unions, identified with the effort in Mexico City to win a democratic union. "We wanted to help the workers there win their rights," says Maria Villela.=20 In February, Echlin Corp. formally notified Villela's union it was closing the Friction plant. By August 31, the gate into the Irvine factory will shut for the last time. The ovens will be turned off. The machinery that churned out brake pads and auto parts for over two decades will be loaded onto trucks and hauled away. The plant's 110 production workers will give the boxy building a last look, and move on with their lives.=20 Friction will be gone.=20 Echlin spokesperson Paul Ryder says only that the work is being moved, and claims it's only going to other U.S. factories. "We have overcapacity for that product line," he says. "The closure is just the normal course of business."=20 But Friction workers are convinced that their desire for a common, human bond of sympathy and support for their lunchtime visitors is the reason why Echlin is shutting Friction's doors. Friction managers, they say, interpreted their desire as a danger signal. The move came as a shock to Friction workers, who have an average of 11 years on the job. "We think it's revenge," Villela declares. "We work like crazy here, and make the best product in the industry. Now they say they're transferring the work to other plants." According to Cabrera, a couple of years ago Sears Roebuck, one of Friction's principal customers, was so pleased with the quality of the factory's product that it gave the company money to reward its employees. Each worker took home a $100 bonus. At lunchtime last week, a group of workers eating on the small grassy strip next to the street speculated that the company would actually sacrifice quality and efficiency by transferring the work to other plants.= =20 "We hear that in Virginia" one reported, "where some of the work's going, that they have eight people working on each oven. Here we only need two."= =20 It seems evident that economic motives are not the only ones driving the plant's closure. According Leanna Noble, a representative for the United Electrical Workers (UE), the parent union for the local at the Friction plant, "the company also told us that the closure reflected a change in corporate management, that it was an effort to reorganize the production mix and the location of production. It's clear that the company isn't cutting production back - it's moving it."=20 "I think it's likely that the company found out about the Mexico City workers' visit to Irvine, and concluded that the Irvine workers had a special role in encouraging the organization of their independent union," speculates Bob Kingsley, the UE's organizing director.=20 That conclusion is supported by conversations with supervisors that workers reported to Cabrera. "They were told that 'this is what you get for what you've done,'" he says. "What hurts isn't just the shock of losing a job. It's losing friends and people you've known and worked with for years. I came here from a small town in Michoacan seventeen years ago. I got a job here right away, and I've been here ever since. Working at Friction has been a big part of my life."=20 Encouraging workers from the Mexico City plant to organize an independent union was not the first time that the employees of the Irvine factory found themselves mired in serious conflict with the company.=20 Echlin has a reputation as an extremely union-hostile employer. On March 13, 1998, Echlin senior vice-president Milton Makoski made perfectly clear the company's raging antipathy to unions. In a letter to Teamster Union vice president Tom Gilmartin, who proposed that Echlin negotiate a corporate code of conduct, Makoski wrote, "We are opposed to union organization of our current non-union locations ... We will fight every effort to unionize Echlin employees who have chosen not to be represented by a union." He went on to note approvingly that, despite "60 years of determined and relentless efforts" by unions, a majority of its employees are still unorganized. "There is only one [operation] in existence," he regrets, "where the employees, while they were part of the Echlin organization, have elected to be represented by a union." (The company's other unionized plants were already union at the time that Echlin bought the companies.)=20 That operation was the Friction plant. In the Irvine factory, workers had formed their union, UE Local 1090, in a fierce organizing battle in 1994. "We got tired of having supervisors tell us, 'do this or there's the door,'" Cabrera recalls. "If we stopped our machine just to go to the bathroom, they'd yell at us. Even those of us who had been here for years were only making $6.00 an hour."=20 Cabrera is a heavyset, softspoken man. It's not hard to see why he might inspire confidence in other workers trying to speak up to a hostile management, or why they might later have chosen him as steward.=20 As he desribes these conditions there's no whine in his voice. He speaks carefully and slowly. It's a demeanor that would carry credibility even with the foremen themselves. But had union depend simply on the credibility of leaders like Cabrera, or the bravery of the other workers inside the plant, it still might not have succeeded in overcoming the company's intense opposition. The union tried to back them up by finding support for them from other factories in the Echlin chain.=20 "We put one of our organizers on the road," Kingsley explains, "meeting with workers and unions at other Echlin plants. Workers in one Virginia factory where the Amalgmated Clothing Workers (now UNITE) had a contract, and at various Teamster locals around the country signed petitions, sent letters of support, and wore buttons at work supporting the local in Irvine. That was the origin of what grew to be the Echlin Workers Alliance."=20 The effort was successful. Echlin signed a contract and recognized the union in the Friction plant. Two years later, during a second round of contract negotiations, unions in the Echlin alliance again sent faxes and petitions to plant managers throughout the company in support of the Irvine workers. Villela, who was elected president of the Local 1090, credited the alliance's involvement with helping them win a sizable raise.=20 Given the company's stated attitude towards unions, these actions may have won the company's respect, but not its goodwill. Nevertheless, the union organizing alone was probably not sufficient to provoke the closure of the Friction plant. The series of events which set that into motion may have had their start instead on the outskirts of Mexico City, at Echlin's ITAPSA brake factory. There, throughout 1996 and 1997, workers at the ITAPSA plant endeavored to join STIMAHCS, an independent metal- and steelworkers union. That effort was thwarted last summer through the combined efforts of the company, the government-backed "official" union federation and the local police. While squelching independent unions in Mexico is nothing out of the ordinary, the international response to it broke new ground. Since '96, STIMAHCS has been part of a NAFTA-zone alliance of unions with contracts in Echlin's factories, including the Teamsters, the United Electrical Workers (UE), the Paperworkers and UNITE in the U.S., and the Canadian Steelworkers and Auto Workers. This unique labor alliance sought to mobilize the unions' combined membership at Echlin factories to assist each other in bargaining and organizing. "Our primary purpose," says Kingsley, "is to achieve a situation where we're all sitting down at the table with the same company, and bargaining together."=20 When ITAPSA workers began facing firings in June of 1996, unions in the alliance responded. The most active U.S. local in that campaign was the one at the Irvine Friction plant. Local 1090 members signed a petition after the September 10 sham-election at ITAPSA, demanding that Echlin stop firing workers and recognize STIMAHCS. When Villela and other executive board members presented it to Friction plant manager Mark Levy, "we could see in his face how angry he was. He told us we had drawn a line between the union and the company," she recalls.=20 The battles around both Friction and ITAPSA show a new level of union resolve to reach across borders in an effort to deal with a common employer in the era of free trade - even as they underscore the difficulties of prevailing in such efforts. As the U.S. auto industry relies increasingly on parts made in maquiladoras and other Mexican plants, however, the increased U.S. focus on struggles such at those at ITAPSA may just be beginning.=20 NAFTA had only been in effect for a few months when Ruben Ruiz got a job at ITAPSA in the summer of 1994. As his new boss showed him around, Ruiz noticed with apprehension that the machines were old and poorly-maintained. He had hardly begun his first shift when workers around him began yelling out as a machine suddenly malfunctioned, cutting four fingers from the hand of the man operating it.=20 "I was very scared," he later remembered. "I wanted to leave." But he needed a job. Accidents were only part of the problem. Asbestos dust from the brake parts manufactured at the plant coated machines and people alike. Workers were given X-rays, Ruiz says, and later some would be fired.=20 Echlin says its ITAPSA plant complies with Mexican health and safety laws. "Medical records indicate that since Echlin has owned the ITAPSA plant there have been no work-related employee deaths," a company statement says.=20 It seemed obvious to Ruiz, however, that things were very wrong. When his friend David Gonzalez asked him to come to a meeting to talk about organizing an independent union, he went. As workers at ITAPSA organized, they discovered that the plant already had a union -- Section 15 of the Confederation of Mexican Workers, Mexico's argest labor federation. But ITAPSA's 300 employees had never even seen the union contract.=20 The CTM agreement with Echlin is a "protection contract," insulating the company from labor unrest. Jesus Campos Linas, the dean of Mexican labor lawyers, says there are thousands of such contracts, arrangements of mutual convenience between government-affiliated unions such as the CTM, and foreign companies who want to take advantage of Mexico's low wages. In the process of making their decision to challenge the protection union system in their factory, three ITAPSA workers visited their Irvine counterparts to find out about conditions in U.S. plants.=20 Once ITAPSA managers knew about the independent union, the firings began. In early June, 1996, 16 workers were terminated. Ruiz was called i= nto the office of Luis Espinoza de los Monteros, ITAPSA's human relations director. "He told me he had received a phone call from the leaders of the Echlin group in the U.S., who told him that any worker organizing a new uni= on should be discharged without further question," Ruiz recounts. "He told me= my name was on a list of those people, and I was discharged right there and th= en." Despite the firings, the independent union chosen by ITAPSA workers= , STIMAHCS, filed a petition with the regional office of Mexico's labor board= =2E A date was set for an election between STIMAHCS and the CTM -- August 28, 199= 7. That morning, the fired workers went to the plant, where they were joined by union supporters from the swing and grave shifts, anxious to vote. But the day before, at the CTM's insistence, the labor board had postponed the election without notifying STIMAHCS. Company supervisors, looking at the off-shift workers assembled at the gate, got a very good idea of who was supporting the independent union. "That afternoon the company began to fire more workers," says Benedicto Martinez, general secretary of FAT, a Mexican federation of independent unions. He says that 50 workers were eventually terminated - a claim Echlin disputes. "Allegations of retaliation and dismissal of 50 employees as a result of their allegiance to FAT are false," it says.=20 The election was finally held 13 days later. The evening before, a member of the state judicial police drove a car filled with rifles into the plant, unloading them openly. The next morning, two busloads of strangers entered the factory, armed with clubs and copper rods. STIMAHCS tried to get the election canceled. But the labor board went ahead, even after thugs roughed up one of the independent union's organizers.=20 As workers came to vote, escorted by CTM functionaries, they passed a gauntlet of the club-wielding strangers. At the voting table, they were asked to state aloud which union they favored, in front of management and CTM representatives. STIMAHCS observers couldn't even inspect the credentials of the voters. Many voted who were unknown to the factory's workers.=20 Predictably, STIMAHCS lost.=20 "The UE had a staff organizer present during the [ITAPSA] election, Sam Smucker, who was on leave in Mexico at the time," Kingsley notes. "Together with the way in which the Alliance was formed, and its origins, this all made the UE a target. That's why we believe the closure of the plant in Irvine is an act of vengeance and retaliation." Echlin's Paul Ryder wouldn't respond to the allegation that theclosure is revenge for workers' solidarity actions.=20 After the Mexico City election, the trinational alliance of unions filed a complaint over the violation of workers' rights at Echlin, before the administrative body set up to enforce the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation. This treaty, commonly known as NAFTA's labor side-agreement, allows workers, unions, and other organizations to charge that either Mexico, Canada or the U.S. is failing to enforce its laws guaranteeing workers' rights.=20 The Echlin case alleges collusion by the Mexican government, the company and the CTM to deny workers the right to representation by an independent union. The charges were heard before Irasema Garza, secretary of the National Administrative Office, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor, in Washington on March 23. A number of ITAPSA workers submitted affidavits about the firings and intimidationof workers. Ruiz himself testified.=20 And - just days after being told her own Friction plant was closing -- Maria Villela also went to Washington to support the ITAPSA workers at the NAO hearing, "We don't regret what we did for a minute," she says. "The company is responsible for a great injustice." Echlin never showed up to contest the testimony. The NAO has not yet reported its conclusions.=20 In hundreds of small factories scattered across the California southland, job security is evaporating as it did at Friction. They've become cogs within large corporations seeking to cut labor costs to the bone, whipsawing workers and shifting production from plant to plant, country to country, as though borders and distance have vanished.=20 For years, workers have agonized over the resulting devastation to lives and communities. In Irvine, Friction workers moved beyond complaining to action. Villela and her union argue that the closure provides telling evidence that agreements like NAFTA have undermined their jobs.=20 To date, however, NAFTA's side agreement has been largely ineffective in protecting them, or other workers who have tried similar efforts. The problem workers face at Mexican plants like ITAPSA is not a lack of laws to protect them. Mexican labor law is "very advanced and progressive," according to STIMAHCS attorney Eduardo Diaz. "The Federal Labor Law and Article 123 of the Constitution [cover] fundamental social rights," he points out.=20 But Mexican economic development policy depends on encouraging foreign investment. "Low wages are part of that policy, and every maquiladora that opens its doors is born with a union that protects it," says STIMAHCS general secretary Jorge Robles. U.S. trade policy reinforces those priorities, using NAFTA and bailout loans to create favorable conditions for U.S. investment. Corporations like Echlin reap the benefits. According to University of California Professor Harley Shaiken, "the productivity of workers in Mexican plants is on a par with plants in the U.S. Investors get first-world rates of productivity, and a workforce with a third-world standard of living."=20 It's not a surprise that NAFTA's labor side agreement has a hard time overcoming these obstacles. "We recognize there's not enough power in the process to overcome the economic incentives of free trade," says Robin Alexander, the UE's director for international solidarity. "It's an extremely weak tool, and the lack of penalties for violating union rights is a gaping hole." Nevertheless, the union alliance convinced the AFL-CIO, the Canadian Labour Congress and a new union federation in Mexico, the National Union of Workers, to join in a complaint against Echlin under the side agreement. It is the first time they've taken such action together.=20 "Wherever I look, I see unions making efforts to figure out how to deal with each other, and face the danger of transnational corporations," Alexander observes. "Maybe there is no single answer, at least not yet. But we won't find any answers at all without getting out there and looking for them."=20 Workers at Irvine's Friction plant were some of the first to do so. They may have been forced to sacrifice their jobs, but they see themselves as pioneers, reaching across international boundaries to find new ways of enforcing labor rights.=20 --------------------------------------------------------------- david bacon - labornet email david bacon internet: [email protected] 1631 channing way phone: 510.549.0291 berkeley, ca 94703 ------------------------------------------------------------ --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # URL: contact: [email protected]