announcer on Fri, 2 Oct 1998 20:36:48 +0200 (MET DST)

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<nettime> announcer 054

   . The Announcer ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send all announcements and notes to [email protected] .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .

01 . Sue Thomas              . Wanted: Writers-in-Residence for trAce:
                               1.Virtual  2.Nottingham, England
02 . Kalina Bunevska         . Press Conference SEAFair `98
03 . andreas hagenbach       . comm_X_change '98
04 . Reception               . sHrd v.1.0 Funk, Sole, Grind Launch (f)
05 . P.Constable             . JOIN-iN
06 . Gary Danner             . STATION ROSE: 1st decade - Das Buch
07 . Florian Cramer          . Finnegans Wake-based text recombination
08 . Ventsislav Zankov       . New media art Center in Sofia
09 . Jose Luis Brea          . algunos de mis websites favoritos son arte
10 . roberto paci dalo       . SOS: SUPPORT AUDIOBOX...SUPPORT AUDIOBOX...
11 . Matthew Fuller          . reading and presentation of net-based
                               work (Backspace, 9th October)
12 . Frederic Madre          . week-ends off for
13 . grouper                 . Call for Entries
14 . Sinisa Rogic            . Cinema REX - Oktobar 1998
15 . Dmytri Kleiner          . The Martyrdom of Lucky the Goldfish

   ................................................................... 01

From: "Sue Thomas" <[email protected]>
Subject: Wanted: Writers-in-Residence for trAce:  1.Virtual
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 07:02:03 +0100

The trAce Online Writing Community connects writers everywhere and already
has members in 18 different countries. We wish to appoint the following to
help us spread the word:

1 Virtual Research Fellow/Writer-in-Residence. 18.5 hours per week for 6

Supporting trAce members everywhere. This post operates entirely on the
internet and the person appointed may be resident anywhere in the world.
You will already be experienced in working and collaborating on the World
Wide Web  and you will be expected to facilitate a lively and interactive
online literary community.  Post Ref M0273. Full details at

2 Research Fellow/Writer-in-Residence. Full-time for 6 months.

Based in Nottingham, England, you will use tutorials and group workshops to
provide a point of interaction for local and international writers working
on the internet. We expect that you will be an experienced author and
already experienced in working and collaborating on the world wide web where
you will facilitate a lively
and interactive literary community. Post Ref M0526. Full details at

The salary for both posts is �14,148 pa (pro rata where applicable)

Closing date 27 November 1998.

Please quote appropriate post reference.

the trAce International Online Writing Community
Nottingham Trent University
Clifton Lane
NG11 8NS
Tel: +44 (0)115 9486360
Fax: +44 (0)115 9486364
email: [email protected]

   ................................................................... 02

Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 16:39:16 GMT
From: Kalina Bunevska <[email protected]>
Subject: Press Conference SEAFair `98


I would like to inform you that the Press Conference for SEAFair `98 will
take place at the Macedonian Press Center (address: Dame Gruev, tel.
389.91.112-148; fax: 389.91.137-365), on Monday, October 28, at 12.00

Kalina Bunevska
Public Relations

   ................................................................... 03

Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 19:08:05 +0100
From: andreas hagenbach <[email protected]>
Subject: its a bit late-do what you can!

comm_X_change '98
16. 17. 18.  Oktober 1998
Offenes Forum f�r analoge und digitale Kommunikation

Im ehemaligen B�rsensaal, Aeschenplatz, Basel
ab Bahnhof SBB: 5 Min. zu Fuss oder 1 Min. mit Tram Nr.1 oder 8 zum

e-mail: [email protected]

Freitag, 16. Oktober 1998


............ KOMMUNIKATION IM ALLTAG / Allgemeines zur Kommunikation

--- 09.30 --- Verstehen wir uns richtig?
Referat mit Experimenten:
Stefan Bolli, Institut f�r angewandte Psychologie, Z�rich.

--- 10.30 --- Jules Verne auf der Datenautobahn
Zwiegespr�ch mit:
Hellmuth Broda, Chief Technologist Europe, Sun Microsystems, Basel
Daniel H�gli, Kommunikationswissenschafter/Germanist, Basel.

--- 11.30 --- Von den Rauchzeichen bis zum Internet
Giaco Schiesser, Leiter Studienbereich Neue Medien, Schule f�r Gestaltung,


--- 14.30 --- Neue Dienstwege braucht das Land!
Alan Kocher, Informationschef Bundesamt f�r Wirtschaft und Arbeit.
Anschliessend Podiumsdiskussion mit:
Franz Z�lch, Brigadier, Chef Truppeninformationsdienst VBS
Mark Helfenstein, CEO Bay Networks AG, Urdorf
Felix Wenger, Vizepr�sident HQ-Blessing White, Sissach
Ulrich Kunz, CEO Systor AG, Z�rich/Basel
Margrit Meier, Gesch�ftsf�hrende Sekret�rin Schweiz. Gewerkschaftsbund.
Moderation: Barbara Widmer, Wirtschaftsredaktorin Radio DRS.

--- 15.30 --- KMU auf dem Internet
Diskussion mit:
Walter Dettling, Leiter Institut f�r angewandte Betriebs�konomie, FHBB
Roland Hofmann, Lexcom, Initiant KMUNET Region Basel
Ralf Michel, Redaktor Verlag Hochparterre, Z�rich �
Astrid van der Haegen, PR-Fachfrau, Madeby AG, Sissach. Moderation: �
Erhard D. Burri, Medipool AG, Ostermundigen.

--- 16.30 --- Vor mir die Informationsflut
Diskussion mit:
Oliver M�nster, Competence Center Manager, Systor AG
Barbara B�ttner, Journalistin, Abteilung Information Radio DRS
David Rosenthal, Jurist /Publizist, Basel
N.N.(E-Mail. Verantwortlicher F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG).
Moderation: Josefa Haas, Pressesprecherin SRG Generaldirektion, Bern.

............ SOIREE ANALOGUE

--- 19.45 --- T�r�ffnung

--- 20.15 --- Candlelight Dinner, Anmeldung erforderlichbis 2. Oktober 1998
___ Cuisine: Manfred Greser, Basel.
___ Gastgeberin: Gardi Hutter

___ CD-ROM Zeitgem�sse Umgangsformen
___ Aktion Vergessen�, Wien
___ Ballorchester T.O. Haifisch, Basel


Samstag, 17. Oktober 1998



--- 9.30 --- Internet f�r alle! Ein Gewinn f�r die Demokratie?
Podiumsdiskussion mit:
Beat Kappeler, Journalist/Publizist
Petra Huth, Politologin, GfS Bern
Claude Janiak, Landratspr�sident Baselland
Hans Geser, Soziologe, Universit�t Z�rich
Urs B�rge, Chef Abteilung Planung und Administration im Bundesamt f�r Justiz.
Moderation: David Rosenthal, Jurist/Publizist, Basel.

--- 10.30 ---
Referat: Geert Lovink, Medienaktivist, Amsterdam.
Anschliessend Diskussion mit G�sten:
Philippe Cabane, Soziologe/Stadtplaner, Basel
Lydia Buchm�ller, Stabsstelle Amtsleitung Hochbau- und Planungsamt BS
Moderation: Patrik Tschudin, Journalist Radio DRS 3.

--- 11.30 ---  Per Internet n�her zu den W�hler/innen?
Podiumsdiskussion mit:
Johannes Matyassy, Generalsekret�r FDP
Martin Baltisser, Generalsekret�r SVP
Jean-Fran�ois Steiert, Generalsekret�r SP
Hilmar Gernet, Generalsekret�r CVP. Moderation:
Patrik Tschudin, Journalist Radio DRS 3.


--- 14.30 Chat Rooms - die Stammtische von morgen?
Stammtisch mit:
R�bi Koller, Moderator �quer� TV-DRS
Robert Stalder, PR-Berater/Publizist, Basel
Joachim Frey, Chat-Raum-Verantwortlicher TV-DRS
Annette Kielholz, Psychologisches Institut Universit�t Bern
bewirtet von: Franziska Oliver, Journalistin Radio DRS 3

--- 15.30 ---  Sprache im Zeitalter der Vernetzung
Referat: Rainer Ganahl, K�nstler, A/USA.

--- 16.30 --- Ein Blick zur�ck f�r die ZukunftDas Internet ist global.
Workshop/Roundtable mit:
Annette Nyffeler, Electronic Media Artist, Z�rich
Corinne Wacker, Ethnologin, Z�rich
Ruth Bieri, Musikerin und Komponistin, Z�rich.

............ SOIREE DIGITALE

--- 17.30	---  Apero
Ballett Lambaya: afrikanischer Tanz und Perkussion, Kongo/Basel.

--- 19.00 ---  Permanent Party:  Eintritt: Fr. 12.-/8.-

___etoy.CREW offeriert etoy.TIMEZONE/DRINK

___ Xchange space trancemission: eine Reise in die Welt
der Internet-T�ne mit
Rasa Smite, Ozone, Riga/Litauen und

___ Luka Princic, DJ Nova, Ljublijana/Slowenien & roaming irationalist
Radio 90 FM mit
backspace, London; space agency, Australia ;ccs, Banff; CONVEX TV, Berlin.

___ Bodyscan, Eva Wohlgemuth.

___ Kochkurs 11.21, Evelyn Teutsch. Lernen Sie die komplexen Wechselwirkungen
 zwischen irdischer und foo_lanischer K�che kennen!.

--- 20.00	--- Look at my forms
interaktive Klang-Bild-Performance. Boris, Boris & Stephane, Genf

--- 21.00 --- Video-Projektionen
___ Vergessen, Trailer, Gerhard Sengmueller, Wien
___ Premiere: Le Jardin des autres Roses Eine 3D-Fiction-Story aus der Welt
des Internet mit Didier Charlet, Kylio Waltersund, Jacques Roman von
Alexander Iordachescu, Atelier 51 Productions, Genf, Koproduktion: ESAV,
TSR (45').

--- 22.00	--- Intimate Chats: live and direct
Let's get physical mit Gaby Farke, Lippstadt (D) und Dominik Landwehr,
digital brainstorming, Z�rich.


Sonntag, 18. Oktober 1998



--- 12.00 --- 	 Boot-up + Brunch
Rauffahren der vegetativen + digitalen Systeme

--- 15.00 --- Performance:
___ Marie Kawazu, Paris

--- ab 13.00 ---  parallel: Pr�sentationen und Chats
Projektbeschreibungen siehe weiter unten

___ Bodyscan, Eva Wohlgemuth
___ FOOGUE, Evelyn Teutsch
___ Community Modell, Walter von der Cruijsen

___ Scanner++, Joachim Blank, Karl-Heinz Jeron
___ B. A. S. E.L., Marc Milohnic
___ Schattenwerfer, Ren� M�chler
___ Kal�idoscope, Pierre Gafner
___ Interaktive Modulierung, Andi A. M�ller
___ Autours du Monde, Davide Legittimo

___ Bronx Family Album, Christoph Schifferli
___ Hors d�Oeuvre, EMONA
___ Polaro�d Act 1, Denis Pont�
___ Cybermarket, Atelier 51

___ Sprachscape: ein Leseseminar mit Rainer Ganahl
___ Geheimnisvolle Finanzwelt, Geert Lovink
___ Antworten Treffpunkt, Holger Friese

--- 16.00 ---  Schlussdiskussion zum Thema:
'Rezipienz und Bew�ltigigung der allt�glichen Lebenswelt in der
Leitung: Giaco Schiesser, Leiter Sudienbereich Neue Medien, Schule f�r
Gestaltung, Z�rich

   ................................................................... 04

Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 18:02:27 +0100
From: Reception <[email protected]>
Subject: sHrd v.1.0 Funk, Sole, Grind Launch (f)

sHrd v.1.0 Funk, Sole, Grind
by Andi Freeman

Channel is delighted to announce the launch of sHrd v.1.0 - Funk, Sole,
Grind by Andi Freeman.

sHrd is a collection of special edition 'browsers' that appropriate the
codings of web sites to recreate them as anarchic assemblages.  Initially
developed by Andi Freeman out of programming work for a performance poetry
engine, sHrd Version 1.0 Funk, Sole, Grind generates a unique, raw
aesthetic as it grinds its way around

channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel
. sHrd . channel . sHrd

sHrd (pronounce 'shred') by Andi Freeman download for Windows or Mac at

CHANNEL is is a unique home for collaborative and experimental networked
arts projects, debate and resources.

CHANNEL is funded by the Arts Council of England and is managed by Artec
who provide production resources and artists' residency programmes.

For more information about Channel projects contact:
David Sinden, Arts Programme Coordinator, Artec on +44 171 477 2775 or
email [email protected]

Editorial and design: Pete Gomes . Programming and artists' support: Andi

channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel . sHrd . channel
. sHrd . channel . sHrd

   ................................................................... 05

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Sep 29 10:07:45 1998
Subject: JOIN-iN

hi all,

Yesterday was the first day the POD was occupied. Due to network
problems at Salford Uni, the email notice did not reach most of you.
So my deepest apologies to you all.

To the POD is occupied by Grag Lock ( 3D artist, spacializes in
counter balance of open spaces ). Micz Flor ( internet corerspondent,
resently organized Exploding Media and Revolting)

Dont forget the debate is 24 hours a day so log-in. If anyone is in
the area of Manchester they are more then  welcome to come and
occupie the POD to  host the debate.


MUD would like to hear from anyone interested in participating in the
EVENT!. Mud are also looking for HOSTS to start on line discussions
live from the physical molecule in Manchester, UK.


[email protected]


Phil. C

   ................................................................... 06

Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 23:28:24 +0200
From: Gary Danner <[email protected]>
Subject: STATION ROSE: 1st decade - Das Buch



1988-98.10 years of native multimedia art.

edition selene, Vienna. ISBN: 3-85266-082-3

204 pages, color & bw, with texts by Timothy Leary, F.E.Rakuschan,
Howard Rheingold,

Geert Lovink, Christoph Tannert, David Hudson, Elisa Rose, Gary Danner
and many others.


     A) Wien Start Up Sequence (1988)

     B) Cairo - you have home in egypt (1988-89)

     C) back in the western world (1989-90)

     D) Frankfurt & Cyberspace (1991-92)

     E) drag & drop (1993- 94)

     F) Digital Cocooning (1995-96)

     G)unafa: Pop, MIDI & Virtual Community (1996-98)


   * the 10-year-history of station rose hypermedia.

   * The historical facts are presented as a documentary report & in
     the typical graphical STR-style, including original documents, PR
     clips, icons, morphs, samples & texts.

   * moments in time - like e.g. the viennese phase (morphing the city
     from postmodern to digital), cairo or cyberspace/frankfurt - are made
     transparent with narrative sequences, combined with evidence out of
     station rose's "digital archive".

   * The "digital archive" provides an enormous amount of data, let STR
     grab what they needed: multimedia field-research in egypt with a little
     help of GUNAFA, multimedia field-research in california 1991/92/95,
     their connection with the german techno scene since 91, digital
     cocooning experience & their virtual community, cd s & cdroms with a
     major company.

   * the media/art theory concerning Station Rose has been provided by
     writers who know STR's work from the startup sequence in vienna
     until now - LAH/Life After History.

Das Buch is released at the Frankfurt book fair (6.1 C 128) in october '98.


Location: OSTKLUB, Hanauer Landstrasse 99, Frankfurt.

Datum: Thursday, October 8th 1998, 21 Uhr.

Sound: Gary Danner

Visuals: Elisa Rose

Dj: N-D

Lecture: F.E.Rakuschan/Vienna.

Welcome !

The Booktour will see "Station Rose im Aussendienst" - on field duty

Adapting the locations, STR will install a hypermedia setting of sounds
and visuals out of the digital archive. The powerbook & us in the role of
fractal chairmen will talk about the book. We will present music and QTs,
videos (over P.A. and projections), live- from HD & tape, extending the
concept of a mobile "Gunafa Clubbing" as well, which started in 1989.


   ................................................................... 07

Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:28:52 +0100
From: [email protected] (Florian Cramer)
Subject: Announcing Finnegans Wake-based text recombination machine

"Here Comes Everybody - A Continuarration of/on Finnegans Wake"

This machine generates new words and new narratives from the text of
"Finnegans Wake" by recombining its syllables.

Every word is a cross-reference which, once you follow it, reorganizes the
text and recombines it according to syllable patterns. New narratives
result, and new portmanteau words not to be found in Joyce's text.

A deep recursion into James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. Potential texts of
Finnegans Wake may perpetually be read here.


("HCE" is part of the Web site "Permutations"
<> which features numerous online
reconstructions of historical text automata and combinatory poetry)

   ................................................................... 08

From: "Ventsislav Zankov" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 21:41:57 +0200
Subject: New media art Center in Sofia

for more info see

Ventsislav Zankov
Freelance Artist & Lecturer
Video Art
Theatre Department
New Bulgarian University
21 'Montevideo' Str.
Sofia 1635
phone ++359 2 95591 39
      ++359 2 5585 70
fax   ++359 2 55 82 62
home phone/fax: ++359 2 569 682
e-mail: [email protected]

   ................................................................... 09

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 13:44:55 +0200
From: Jose Luis Brea <[email protected]>
Subject: algunos de mis websites favoritos son arte

sorry for the spanish. this is an announcement of the mirror of "some of my
favourite websites are art" in spanish, and may only interest
 spanish-speaking nettimers

aleph se complace en presentar "algunos de mis websites favoritos son arte",
 mirror en castellano de la que unanimemente es considerada la mas
 importante de las e-xposiciones de arte en la red celebradas hasta la

Presentamos nuestro mirror a trav=E9s de un interfaz "solo texto", para
 facilitar la lectura de contenidos y la rapidez.

Esperamos que "algunos de mis websites favoritos son arte" sea de vuestro
 inter=E9s. Seguramente muchas de las piezas de mas reconocidas
 estan incluidas en este ya m=EDtico e-show. Para aleph [ ] es un placer poder presentar su mirror en

   ................................................................... 10

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 19:58:03 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "roberto paci dalo'" <[email protected]>

dear all,

bad news from the media front. the RAI (national italian
radio) has cancelled since september 20, 1998, the weekly
historical program 'audiobox'. no real reasons of course.

audiobox has been the most advanced and radical program
in the italian national radio. fully supporting mostly of
the net and radio projects created worldwide in the last years.
creating a platform for our daily net + audio activities
and experiments.

now your support is really important. we kindly ask you to
express your solidarity to audiobox sending a fax to :

Dott. Peppino Neri
fax: ++ 39 06 3216230

(Please note: every call from outside Italy MUST dial
the 0 after ++39 and before the area code)

thanks so much for your
attention and help

- roberto paci dalo'

[ we're attaching a text unfortunaly only in italian.
sorry, no time to translate it right now... rpd ]



Ne comunicano notizia gli stessi Pinotto Fava e Pino Saulo, loro
guide materiali e spirituali: a fine settembre '98 chiude Audiobox,
la trasmissione di RadioTre che tanto affetto ha conquistato presso gli
ascoltatori e tanto interesse ha suscitato a livello nazionale e
internazionale in virtu' della bonta', l'originalita' e l'efficacia
delle sue proposte, tutte di segno genuinamente culturale. Le motivazioni
della sospensione paiono quelle legate a una ristrutturazione aziendale
di palinsesto, ma vengono in mente ragioni dettate piuttosto da tagli di
tipo economico o da politiche degli ascolti francamente indecifrabili.
E' tutto da capire, infatti, perche' la Rai, anziche' rafforzare, intenda
sospendere uno dei suoi prodotti piu' validi, maggiormente dinamici e
meglio rappresentativi, per rimpiazzarlo magari con un'insulsa rubrica
di dischi o con un accomodante contenitore di chiacchiere in vecchio stile
(di cui le sue reti sono peraltro gia' ampiamente attrezzate).

In onda ogni domenica dalle ventitre' alla mezzanotte, in una fascia oraria
forse non inadatta all'ascolto di qualita' che il programma merita,
Audiobox ha in verita' sofferto anche in passato di destabilizzanti momenti
di silenzio e di forzata inattivita', con improvvisi cambiamenti di rete,
di orario e di formato. Tuttavia, e finanche nei titoli adottati ("spazio
multicodice", "derive magnetiche a piu' voci"), a ogni ripresa ha
riaffermato la voglia di configurarsi come area di ricerca sonora
aggiornata e aperta a occasioni tematiche diversissime, con un orecchio
vigile e critico puntato a tutti i livelli della comunicazione
contemporanea: dalle musiche alle arti audio e video, dal dialogo
filosofico al silenzio, passando attraverso il rock e il rap, il varieta',
l'evento in diretta; il telefono, la socialita', la virtualita' elettronica
e il rumore. A caratterizzare e a distinguere ancor piu' il programma negli
ultimi anni e' stata l'attenzione costantemente rivolta all'innovazione
tecnologica. Nel tentativo di reinventare un medium orizzontale capace di
assorbire, rubare, dilatare, manipolare e creare le occasioni acustiche
piu' disparate. Audiobox ha cominciato infatti - caso unico nel panorama
dell'emittenza nazionale - a esplorare le possibilite' tecniche e ideative
offerte alla radio dall'intreccio con satellite e Internet, in questo
alleandosi alle piu' avanzate esperienze internazionali: lo dimostrano gli
esempi di interattivita' e simultaneita' condotti cooperativamente con le
radio austriaca e svizzera, francese e britannica, canadese e australiana
in progetti prismatici e complessi come Shpil e Horizontal Radio, Rivers &
Bridges e Resonance 107.3 FM.

Ben lo conoscono gli ascoltatori piu' assidui, in grado di coglierne il
disegno di continuita' nel tempo, ma anche al casuale frequentatore del
programma non sara' sfuggito il di complementarieta' degli appuntamenti
allestiti da Audiobox su piu' fronti: le interviste e i concerti dal vivo,
i reportage da convegni e da festival; le occasioni di incontro e di
dibattito tra addetti ai lavori a publico; la grande considerazione per
l'emergere di nuove scene creative nazionali e internazionali nei campi
della musica, della drammaturgia, del cinema e della multimedialita'; la
rilettura di alcune preziose esperienze radiofoniche italiane del passato
(le riprese di "Un certo discorso" su Robert Wyatt e Cassix, per esempio).
E poi la sfida lanciata agli artisti di cimentarsi con le potenzialita'
specifiche del medium radiofonico: impressionante l'elenco dei nomi
coinvolti, da Wolfgang Fuchs a Mike Cooper, da Gianni Gebbia a Butch
Morris, dal Gruppo Romano Free Jazz a Musica Elettronica Viva passando per
Paolo Fresu, Eugenio Colombo, Mario Schiano, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Evan
Parker, Alberto Grifi, Jon Rose, Amy Denio, Cane Capovolto, Ned Rothenberg,
Chris Cutler, Ossatura, Takla Makan, A Bao A Qu, Alvin Curran, Tim
Hodgkinson, Luther Blisset e molti molti altri.

La lucidita' programmatica, animata dalla competenza e dalla manifesta
passione dei suoi conduttori; la capacita' di collegare l'impiego del mezzo
radiofonico a quello di altre tecnologie, intuendone il destino comune;
l'opportunita' data agli artisti di esplorare nuovi linguaggi creativi:
tutto questo rende Audiobox uno dei rari esempi di radio sintonizzata sui
bisogni culturali dell'ascoltatore, invitato a una fruizione sempre piu'
differenziata e consapevole dei fenomeni sonori di cui oggi si compone la
realta' quotidiana.
Che l'azienda Rai voglia mettere la parola fine a questa esperienza non e'
soltanto uno sbaglio: e' anche un grosso torto a danno dei cittadini,
utenti del servizio pubblico, di fronte al quale essi non possono ne'
vogliono rimanere indifferenti.

[ end ]

   ................................................................... 11

Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:36:47 +0100
From: Matthew Fuller <[email protected]>
Subject: 4announcer

event:  reading and presentation of net-based work with:
Mark Amerika
Dimela Yekwai
Mervin Jarman

venue:  Backspace, Clink St. London
date:  Friday, 9th October
time:  8pm
entry:  Free
tube:  London Bridge
bar: none. bring your own, drink someone else's

meta-tags: avant pop, blacklash, yardie, sexual blood,, sabotage,
war of classification, post-media stutter

Mark Amerika is the US based author of 'Sexual Blood' and the 'Kafka
Chronicles'.  He is also the publisher of the fiction web-site 'AltX'
( and author of the hypermedia novel Grammatron.

Mongrel is a London based group of artists, writers and programmers
combining hip hop with hacking.  They will be giving away copies of their
new paper 'Colour Seperation'.

The evening will include a pre-release showing of two sites produced as
part of the Mongrel project 'Natural Selection' ( by
Mervin Jarman and by Dimela Yekwai.  Formed round an elegant hack of one of
mainstream technoculture's most popular sites, Natural Selection is
guaranteed to stop you smearing skin lightener on your computer.

Mervin Jarman's work ( shows, amongst other things,
the fastest way for a Yardie to get past British immigration - a hilarious
collision of offficialese,Tel Aviv realism and pure criminal mindedness!

Dimela Yekwai ( is a powerful poet and
story-teller.  She considers herself to be in the tradition of village
'warner women', bringing words from beyond into the digital age for a
celebration of the individual and collective self.

Break/Flow ( will be presenting a portable sound installation
"Post Media Announcement"

This event is organised by ShaKe Editions, leading up to the launch of a
new, London-based imprint of books that communicate, mutate and provoke.

   ................................................................... 12

X-Sender: [email protected]
X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 15:48:40 +0100
To: announcer <[email protected]>
From: Frederic Madre <[email protected]>
Subject: week-ends off for
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
id PAA03905
Status: RO

at the time of writing, Pleine Peau was

Lunedi - Mirabelle ~ [email protected]

Mardi - Josephine Berry ~ [email protected]

Mittwoch - Porculus ~ [email protected]

Jueves - Frederic Madre ~ [email protected]

Friday - Brad Brace ~ [email protected]


at the time of writing, the process of
understanding pleine peau in 5 days
had been launched


at the time of writing, there was no time to act


at the time of writing, there had to be more than just that


as usual: all on the outside.

mother of pleine peau, tongue of velvet

Nobody refers to the sun 'setting' and 'rising' anymore. They have learnt
the hard way.

>num�ros sera consacr� aux gens qui "changent les choses" en France. J'ai
>pens�, dans le domaine de la litt�rature, � pleine-peau.

which would have to keep everybody busy

Nothing about my service cause i am unfit for service as �p4� (as
�prick and balls 4 times too big for the uniform�)

A picture of one of those cactuses which look like tongues covered in

btw, I've got a new rule for you:

Lick Me.

it is in fact salsify, it is a verb too, it means what "les salsifis" do
usually when they are free, that is doing what here nature tell

She even chewed before swallowing. She was triumphant. Bon appetit

five whorled digits


meanwhile, a temporary face lift is applied to the worn flesh

meanwhile, porculus writes of and in language

meanwhile, frederic madre can't get over his birthday


introducing: rich kids at fast lane debut with "disaster paradis"

- at the time of writing

   ................................................................... 13

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:31:52 -0400
From: grouper <[email protected]>
Subject: Call for Entries

The Pittsburgh Center for the Arts is currently accepting submissions
and proposals for a 1999 exhibition entitled Digital Traces: Navigating
Interactive Domains.  Digital Traces is a cross-disciplinary examination
of interactivity in both screen-based and real-world environments.

Proposing interactivity as a medium, we will examine new forms and
experiences in the culture industries, including art, media and
entertainment, as well as the larger societal impact of new modes of
communication made possible by the Net's reconfiguration of real-world
time/space relationships.

The exhibition will exist as gallery installations and terminals,
printed catalog, and web site.  Submissions and proposals for all three
forms from those constructing, critiquing and theorizing interactivity
are encouraged.  Please submit relevant information and materials -
URLs, CD-ROMs, documentation, essays, abstracts, etc. - along with any
technical and budget requirements to:

Digital Traces
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
6300 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232

URL's and inquiries should be sent to [email protected].
All materials must be received by Friday, October 30, 1998.

   ................................................................... 14

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 20:46:07 +0200
From: Sinisa Rogic <[email protected]>
Subject: Cinema REX - Oktobar 1998

Oktobar 1998.

do 5. okt
zajednicki projekat graficara iz Beograda i Njujorka
izlozba umetnika iz Njujorka

NEVEROVATNI DUEL Plavo pozoriste

predstavljanje radionica Tiye Giraud i Sondre Loring (USA)
uz video projekcije i razgovor

7.okt- 11.okt
Radionica Sondre Loring (USA)

20:00 SUGAR TIT!
predstava trupe Tiye Giraud (USA)
autor i izvodjac: Tiye Giraud
rezija i koreografija: Anita Gonzales

svecano otvaranje REX  laboratorije za nove medije

Prezentacija radionice i solo tacka Sondre Loring

Radionica Tiye Giraud

20:00  STRIPER
promocija novog broja

promocija knjige Jasmine Cubrilo
ucestvuju: Irina Subotic, Jerko Denegri i autor
izdavac: Radio B92

15. okt
Dah teatar

18. okt
DVOJE U NISTA  Supernaut

19. okt

21. okt
gostovanje pozorista iz Uzica
adaptacija i rezija: Dragoljub Selakovic
igraju: Nemanja Rankovic, Vahidin Prelic, Svetislav
Vermezovic, Marija Suljagic,Ljiljana Jankovic i dr.

22. okt
21:00 KVARTET - pozorisna predstava
Dragane Alfirevic i Dejana Garbosa

23. okt
20:00  IV LOW-FI VIDEO sabor - drugi put
projekcija novih malih filmova

24.okt  20:00
Predstavljanje  Arkzina,politickog pop mega.zina
(vizuelni materijali & web prezentacija)
25.okt 20:00
promocija knjiga u izdanju ARKZINA,
biblioteke Bastard, edicije Bulgarica...

godisnji internacionalni seminar savremenog plesa
gost-predavac: Jacek Luminski (Poljska)
autor projekta: Boris Caksiran

Promocija knjige Mirjane Danilovic
izdavac: Devedesetcetvrta

30. okt-1. nov
Revija crtanog filma

October 1998

until October 5
cooperative project of printmakers from Belgrade and New York
exhibition of artists from New York

October 5

October 6
presentation of the workshops of Tiye Giraud and Sondra Loring (USA)
with screenings of video materials and discussion

October 7 - 11
(Improvisation) workshop of Sondra Loring (USA)

October 9/10
performance of Tiye Giraud group (USA)
author: Tiye Giraud
direction and choreography: Anita Gonzales

October 11
official opening of REX new media lab

October 12
Presentation of workshop and solo performance of Sondra Loring

October 12-14
Workshop of Tiye Giraud

October 13
promotion of a new issue

October 14
promotion of the book of Jasmina Cubrilo
participants: Irina Subotic, Jerko Denegri and author
publisher: Radio B92

October 15

October 18

October 19

October 21
theatre from Uzice
adaptation and direction: Dragoljub Selakovic
actors: Nemanja Rankovic, Vahidin Prelic, Svetislav
Vermezovic, Marija Suljagic,Ljiljana Jankovic and others

October 22
QUARTET - theatre performance
Dragana Alfirevic and Dejan Garbos

October 23
IV LOW-FI VIDEO gathering - second time
new small films

October 24-25
October 24, 20:00
Presentation of Arkzin, political pop mega.zin
(visual materials & web presentation)
October 25, 20:00
promotion of books published by ARKZIN,
serial Bastard, edition Bulgarica...

October 26-31
annual international seminar of contemporary dance
special guest: Jacek Luminski (Poland)
author: Boris Caksiran

October 27
promotion of Mirjana Danilovic's book
publisher: Devedesetcetvrta (94'th)

October 30 - November 1

   ................................................................... 15

From: [email protected] (Dmytri Kleiner)
Subject: The Martyrdom of Lucky the Goldfish
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 15:10:06 GMT

The Martyrdom of Lucky the Goldfish


For Immediate Release:

Idiosyntactix solemnly announces that a special ceremony will be held
at the last ART PART SUNDAY on Sunday, October 4th. 1998.

In order to carry the spirit of ART PARTY SUNDAY into the afterworld,
Lucky the Goldfish will be ritually sacrificed by the ministers of
Trust, Propaganda, Vision and Sin.

It has been decided. Lucky must become the first Martyr of
Idiosyntactix. Praise Lucky. Lucky the good. Lucky the Immaculate. Our
hearts go with him...ummm....her? Umm... anyway...

Visitors are encouraged to pay their last respects to ART PARTY SUNDAY
in the corporal incarnation of Lucky the Goldfish this Sunday. Witness
history as Lucky is transformed from mere pet store disposable into a
powerful spiritual vessel for our mourning and an eternal symbol for
our loss.

Witness The Passion Of Lucky!

Lucky will be remembered.

Sunday, October 4th, 1998
500 Queen St. West
<that would be Toronto>
8pm - 3am

An Idiosyntactix Incident.

Spread the word!

Be there!

Do it for Lucky!

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