Ventsislav Zankov" (by way of [email protected] (eon)) on Mon, 12 Oct 1998 05:46:40 +0200 (MET DST)

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<> Re: [] Welcome to Nettime.Free!

> Reply-to:      [email protected] (eon)
> Date:          Sat, 10 Oct 1998 19:55:42 -0400
> From:          [email protected] (eon)
> To:            Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
> Subject:       [] Welcome to Nettime.Free!

> Hello All,
> Welcome to NETTIME.FREE, the renewed, UNMODERATED AND OPEN
> Revival of the Nettime Community!
> Once again, there is an OPEN LIST for Nettime, free of
> any unwanted censorship, hidden agendas, personal tastes,
> anal-retentive book editors/librarians, respiratory diseases,
> and other information-hostile elements that have corrupted
> the intial mission of the nettime list as established by the
> founders of Nettime in Venice, June, 1995.
> No more digestion/indigestion...just free flow of information!
> Send your texts to:  <[email protected]>
> Enjoy!
> #  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
> #  <> is an open mailinglist for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info: [email protected] and "info" in the msg body
> # is not infected with TB or other respiratory diseases
> #  free speech guaranteed--speak and breathe freely!
that's great!

More often than not i was really pissed off with finding some 
materials in the nettime concidering Bulgaria and the art scene 
here/there, eespetially some of the interviews by Geert Lovnik which 
i found very incorrect. The point was that he didn't even try to get 
some others opinions about the topics and people he usually 
discussed with.
so,  in this way somehow the idea of media activism, and the people 
calling themselves media activists began to loose a sense to me being 
closer and closer to this we call it "Komsomol' activists/people who 
survived the socialism should know what i mean/
for now that's all
see you all around

Ventsislav Zankov
Freelance Artist & Lecturer
Video Art
Theatre Department
New Bulgarian University
21 'Montevideo' Str.
Sofia 1635
phone ++359 2 95591 39
      ++359 2 5585 70
fax   ++359 2 55 82 62
home phone/fax: ++359 2 569 682
e-mail: [email protected]

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#  <> is an open mailinglist for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [email protected] and "info" in the msg body
# is not infected with TB or other respiratory diseases
#  free speech guaranteed--speak and breathe freely!