announcer on Fri, 18 Dec 1998 22:43:58 +0100 (CET)

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No Subject

   . The Weekender ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send your announcements and notes to [email protected] .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .
   . for subscription info & help .

01 . Nettime                    . Nettime-d
02 .                            . cicerone
03 . melinda burgess            .
04 . Zvonimir Bakotin           . VRML99 - VRML.ART CALL FOR ENTRIES
05 . Australian Network         . ANAT National School for New Media Art
     for Art & Technology         Curation
06 . Jason Skeet                . London Musicians' Collective web site
07 . Hofstetter Kurt            . SUNPENDULUM  -  WORLD WIDE WEB SPACE
08 . Walter van der Cruijsen    .
09 . A. Jenn Sondheim           . NEW OBSERVATIONS issue on Cultures 
                                  of Cyberspace
10 . A. Jenn Sondheim           . CYBERCULTURE EMAIL LIST
11 . ANAT                       . National Summer School in Science & Art

   ................................................................... 01

Date:  Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:22:18 +0100
From: [email protected] (Nettime's Autoreply System) (by way of
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  Re: info

Nettime-d ist ein Kanal fuer Internet-bezogene
Themen aus Bereichen wie


Nettime-d ist ein kollaborativen Textfilter fuer
aktuellen Ankuendigungen, Diskussionen, laengere
Threads und netzbasierte Experimente. Als
Kommunikationsplattform und
Vor-Veroeffentlichungsmedium dient die Liste dem
freien Austausch von Texten und Nachrichten, die in
anderen Medien und Kanaelen schwer zu beschaffen
sind, oder untergehen, bzw. erst spaeter auftauchen.

Nettime-d ist unmoderiert, frei subskribierbar,
und startet im Dezember 1998 zum zweiten Mal,
nachdem die Liste im Maerz 1998 beim Abschalten
der Internationalen Stadt Berlin vom Netz gehen musste.

Nettime-d ist die deutschsprachige Parallelliste zur
internationalen, net-pidgeon-englischsprachigen
Nettime-l, und zur niederlaendische Nettime-nl.
Info zu diesen Listen ueber:

Nettime-d wird u.a. unterstuetzt von Mikro e.V.
( ), der Kunsthochschule fuer
Medien Koeln, und

Dieses Info ist ueber die Benutzung der Liste
je nach Anforderungen zu aendern. Fragen, Antworten,
Kritik ist willkommen.

Viel Spass!

Berlin, Pit Schultz, 7. Dez. 1998

Um zu subscriben einfach eine mail an [email protected]
schicken, mit folgendem Inhalt:
subscribe nettime-d [email protected]

Um zu unsubscriben einfach eine mail an [email protected]
schicken, mit folgendem Inhalt:
unsubscribe nettime-d [email protected]

Um zu subscriben einfach eine mail an [email protected]
schicken, mit folgendem Inhalt:
subscribe nettime-d [email protected]

   ................................................................... 02

Date:  Mon, 14 Dec 1998 16:52:42 +0100
From: Geert Lovink <[email protected]> (by way of fokky)
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  cicerone

                               Cicerone Project

Cicerone - thats how the Italians name a tourist guide who is
talkative like the old Cicero. From time to time every traveller, coming
to an unknown town, whishes to have somebody of this kind by his side.
Someone who leads you to your hotel while giving you background
information on all the sights you are passing and someone who knows about
history as well as what is going on in the nightclub-scene. But
unfortunately, this Ciceron enormally i neither available nor affordable.
- I - Was you have to s!

Cicerone now stands for a completely new concept in the field of personal
information systems. Cicerone uses the worldwide available
satellite-based navigation system to provide the user with the ability to
explore an area totally independent and free from any kind of prescribed

The only equipment required is a palmtop and a small GPS satellite
navigation system. Using a headphone the traveller gets acoustic
information and therefore, according to his own interests, is enabled to
go to all the places he wants to. The user is permanently located via
satellite and, depending on his position, gets comments on special topics
or the direction he should follow. Since the Cicerone system creates a
3-dimensional audio environment the users way of orientation is natural.
Advices as next corneto the right areno longer needed, you only go in
the direction the sound is coming from.

Orientation follows intuition.

While moving through an area, the traveller can check his current position
on the laptops display where a permanently updated arial picture is
shown. The complexity and intensity of impressions can individually be
controlled by turning to a spot or moving away from it. If the user
decides to turn to a spot, the matching sounds are brought in by the
software. Reality becomes enriched and augmented, he literally gets sucked
up by what is going on. Using this technique, many different topics can
be presented. Here are only some possible examples for possible solutions:

 Passing by the musical theatre Cats, you hear Barbara Streisand
singing Memories and afterwards you are told if there are any free
tickets and what the prizes are.

 Museums and galleries can catch the tourists attention byproducing
sounds, music or texts that illustrate current exhibitions.

 Famous historical events can be brought back to life right at the
place they have happened.

The variety of practical values seems more or less endlessly. Although the
costs for the hardware will surely go down soon, unfortunately only a
limited number of people will have the opportunity to use the mobile
Cicerone system in the nearer future (for instance by renting it from a
tourist office). That is why media G has created a desktop-version by
which it is possible to download the Cicerone system from the Internet and
explore a town only using the mouse. By means of arial pictures, quicktime
VRs and a3D-audio-environment a very lifely image of a town or region can
be depicted. As a result, for example an American tourist , sitting in his
office in New York, can walk through a virtual Paris and find out what is
really of interest to him.

>From our point of view, two factors are important for the success of such
an information system:  1. The system has a highly efficient editor which
enables even unexperienced computer-users to create contents.  2. Local
communities and initiatives decide on the contents because they are the
owners. The social relations and the contents are the essential
ingredients of the communication-age.

Further information on media G and the Cicerone project

Media G was established in Hamburg/Germany as a media-laboratory with
various forms of European and Japanese involvement. The goal of
media G is not only to work on an experimental level but to put the
outcome at the general publics proposal. As a result all media G products
are easy to use and and can be run on hardware at reasonable prizes.

Following this idea, the 3D-audio environment Cicerone from the very
beginning was planned as a mobile as well as a desktop-version. In
contrast to the rather costly mobile version, the desktop alternative only
requires an inexpensive 486er computer. A huge effort is made to ensure
that the contents can be uptdated very easily and - most important -
affordable. One answer to this demand will be to involve local radio
stations to provide contents. In this case the only thing the user will
have to do is to switch on his radio, the software will do the rest.

This line of thinking leads to the question whoelse may contribute
contents. Contents and social relations are the essential ingredients of
the communication-age and therefore the Cicerone system is based on the
idea of the participation of local communities. With the Cicerone
software comes a highly efficient editor which enables even unexperienced
computer-users to put in their contents. No further backup by  software
specialists is needed.

media G Point, media lab Hamburg/Tokyo
Karolinenstr. 6, 20357 Hamburg, fon +49-40-4325351-5, fax +49-40-4325351-6
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

   ................................................................... 03

Date:  Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:48:21 +1100
From: melinda burgess <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ... was concieved in tiny windowless cabins on baltic sea ferrys in the
northern summer of 1998. is an animated journey thru the archipelago of perpetual flux. is where i stand silently waiting. surveys mythical landscapes that are common to us all. recalls fragments washed up on the shorelines of culture.

no tiresome interactivity necessary...
........................... just choose which porthole to look thru.....

Australian Site:
European Mirror:

melinda burgess 1998

is written in DHTML for version 4 browsers only
delivery will vary with your connection and system
arial font preferred
java and java script enabled
600 x 800 screen resolution

 melinda  burgess

   ................................................................... 04

Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:16:09 +0100 (GMT+0100)
From: Zvonimir Bakotin <[email protected]>
Subject: <nettime> VRML99 - VRML.ART CALL FOR ENTRIES 


The 4th VRML Conference will take place in Paderborn, Germany (the first
in Europe)  February 23-26, 1999.

This year, the conference, a collaboration between the VRML Consortium
(, the Gesellschaft fr Informatik ( and C-lab,
R&D Institut of Paderborn University and Siemens AG ( will
feature the VRML.ART expo.

DEADLINE  to submit projects:  January 15, 1999
NOTIFICATION:  January 25, 1999

   Artists and designers   -   Art and design students

Projects can be submitted as:
Stand-alone VRML  --   Web-based VRML  --  Multi-user-based VRML
Multi-media VRML Work   --   VRML Objects and Environments

The VRML.ART expo features the ideas and  independent creations in VRML
artists, and Web VRML design from commercial designers.  It shows the
of  VRML based visual work done private, in companies and in schools.

A growing number of Art Schools and Art departments in Universities are
teaching students VRML based visual  work, commercial companies and
institutions are starting to implement 3D objects (in their 2D Web
representation), and artists are using VRML technology to express artistic
ideas and in communication environments.

The VRML.ART expo will be presented online, and also featured in a gallery
installation at the VRML99 conference.  Works will be juried by Karel 
Director of VGTV Laboratories (Germany) and Kathy Rae Huffman, Independent
curator and Associate Professor of Electronic Art, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, N.Y. (USA)



Please specify the category, and provide a URL, title of project, contact 
address, telephone, FAX, and email address.

Online submissions:
Submission authorizes linking to your 3D site, if selected. Online works
run on max.150 MHz.   Please specify CPU power and OS which your work is 

CD ROM submissions:
Test CD ROMS before sending.  Please specify CPU power and OS which your
work is tested on.   Works with loading problems, or alert messages on
dashboard  will be automatically eliminated.  Return of CD ROMs is not

Student submission:
In recognition of the growing number of student sites and VRML activity,
student works that load properly will be included in a special
gallery. Class compilations are encouraged.  The name of professor or
instructor, a list of students included, school name and course title 
should be
included with each student entry.

Submit projects on or before January 15, 1999, to:
     Karel Dudesek,  VGTV, Glsingerstr 40c, D-21217 Seevetal (Germany)
     Additional information: [email protected]   or 

   ................................................................... 05

Date:  Wed, 16 Dec 1998 12:14:03 +0930
From: Australian Network for Art & Technology <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  ANAT National School for New Media Art Curation

The Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) are calling for
applications for:

    **********************     me.d ia te     **********************

     **  the ANAT National School for New Media Art Curation  **

                             Hobart, Tasmania
                        28 March - 11 April 1999

                      Applications due: 12 February

ANAT, with the support of the AFC and the Australia Council, in
with Contemporary Arts Services Tasmania (CAST), presents, me.d ia te, a
pioneering new skilling program for artsworkers and curators.

Trained curators, technicians and theorists will provide intensive
training, in a two week masterclass teaching environment, that aims to
curators both a technical and a theoretical understanding of new media art
exhibition practice.

me.d ia te: the ANAT National School for New Media Art Curation, has
evolved out of a recognition that to nurture art which utilises
adequate education of curators and arts workers must also be undertaken.
As new technologies become increasingly critical to art practices, it is
important to provide skill-based education for curators wishing to extend
their practice into this area.

ANAT has been holding National Summer Schools for artists since 1989.  The
School is the only intensive training program in Australia devised
specifically for artists who want to upskill in uses of new technologies.
The success of these schools is demonstrated by the significant number of
Australian artists who have achieved national and international
as artists working with technologies, following their participation in the
school.  Many graduates of the ANAT Summer Schools have gone on to
participate in major international events such as SIGGRAPH, ISEA, Ars

Whilst Australian artists have now achieved international acclaim for
work, many artists still have difficulty in having their work shown within
Australia.  One of the key explanations for this predicament cited by many
artists, is that decision-makers, such as curators and arts
remain reticent to show work by technology-based practitioners.  This is
partly due to perceived pragmatic issues associated with equipping new
media exhibitions, but also due to a lack of understanding of
technology-based practice, and the design and display issues presented by
interactive artworks.

me.d ia te aims to address these issues by training curators and arts
workers using ANAT's acclaimed National Summer School for artists as a
working model.  Educating curators in technology-based art presentation
critical discourse will improve opportunities for Australian artists to
have their work seen in an Australian context.

Acknowledging that the needs of curators are very different to artists,
me.d ia te will skill curators in all aspects of interactive new media and
technological based art presentation, including the following areas:

* Access to local and overseas art work using new technologies
Consultation with curators has indicated that access to contemporary new
media work needs to be improved for curators to develop a critical
of artists' work.  me.d ia te will address the issue of access by
facilitating presentations of artwork by leading Australian and
international new media art specialists, and will also explore furthering
connections between curators, curatorial organisations and resource
networks to ensure ongoing dissemination of material.

* Exploration of gallery space and exhibition design
Though education in traditional installation and exhibition practices is
relatively accessible, training for optimising the presentation of art
using new technologies is not so readily available.  Incorporating the
skills of exhibition designers, me.d ia te aims to address this issue by
giving practical demonstrations and workshops on design issues associated
with new media installation.

* New Media Art Theory
In order to theoretically contextualise new media work, particularly
an international framework, me.d ia te will engage a number of writers and
theorists who will provide insights into the issues which are informing
media art and culture.

* Techniques of new media art exhibition and technical demonstrations
One of the main obstacles associated with new media exhibition is a lack
understanding of the technical issues associated with presentation.  Most
new media work requires technology such as computers, video and data
projectors and internet connections for exhibition.  Technicians with
experience working with installation and exhibition contexts will give
curators an introduction to the techniques associated with installing this

* Arts marketing and audience development
Assisting audiences to understand and engage with technology-based art
be a key focus of the school.  me.d ia te will examine  strategies for
overcoming both the perceived and real obstacles associated with equipping
new media exhibitions.  Arts marketing strategies to promote new media art
nationally and internationally will also be a key focus.

Curators and artsworkers interested in applying for the school should
contact Amanda McDonald Crowley, Director of ANAT for further information
or Guidelines.  me.d ia te is developed with the support of the Australian
Film Commission and the Audience Development and Advocacy division of the
Australia Council.

For further information, please contact:
Amanda McDonald Crowley, Director
Australian Network for Art & Technology
tel: + 61 8 82319037 or 0419 829 313
email: [email protected]
fax: + 61 8 82117323

[email protected]
postal address: PO Box 8029 Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
web address:
telephone:  +61 (0)8-8231-9037
fax:   +61 (0)8-8211-7323
Director: Amanda McDonald Crowley   (mobile: 0419 829 313)
Administration & Information Officer: Honor Harger
Web & Technical Officer:  Martin Thompson

Memberships: $A12 (unwaged), $A25 (waged), $A50 (organisations)

ANAT receives support from The Australia Council, the Federal
Government's arts funding and advisory body

   ................................................................... 06

Date:  Wed, 16 Dec 1998 10:39:22 +0000
From: Jason Skeet <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  London Musicians' Collective web site

Announcing the launch of the WEB SITE of the London Musicians' Collective

The site has been designed by Andi Freeman and Jason Skeet of Deepdisc
(, and is supported by an Arts Council of England
ATLS grant.

It features:

Calendar - the month in new music in London at a glance.

Information on LMC membership - LMC is a charitable organisation devoted
new music, particularly free improvisation and experimental musics. You
join us - or just donate money!

LMCSound studio information - detailing our new resource: a
facility for use by artists, broadcasters and musicians.

Archive - of texts, concert series programme notes, all manner of material
going back over twenty-five years since LMC's inception. This section
includes the programme from Resonance 107.3 FM experimental radio station,
plus audio examples from this and our Annual Festival. There are some
minutes from meetings of the early eighties ("Is LMC dead?", that kind of
thing); plus the infamous "Parker Numbers" April Fool's joke. A section
that is due to grow substantially over the next few months as LMC sorts
through its quarter of a century of constant ground-breaking activity.

Publications - articles and interviews from LMC's Resonance magazine.
Includes features on players such as Marshall Allen of the Sun Ra
Alvin Lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons; Ed Baxter's obituary of Tom
Cora; Romanian composer Iancu Dumitrescu; John "Drumbo" French on Captain
Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica; Charles Hayward, Simon Fell and Tim
Hodgkinson in discussion; Otomo Yoshihide on Japanese new music; and many
more. About twenty texts are up for your immediate perusal.

Audio laboratory - examples of new audio works by key practitioners,
including in this inaugural issue Christian Fennesz, Otomo Yoshihide and
Les Diaboliques (live at the LMC Festival).

Directory - resources for working musicians, contact addresses and links
other sites. Let us know if you would like to be linked to us and us to

Do visit the site and do let us know your thoughts.

To listen to the audio on this site requires the Quicktime 3 plug-in

Deepdisc - supports a range of art and educational projects

<mailto:[email protected]>

   ................................................................... 07

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 21:32:26 +0100
From: Hofstetter Kurt <[email protected]>

P A R A L L E L     M E D I A
Hofstetter Kurt / Barbara Doser

proudly presents
the WorldWideWeb - space of the global media project

many thanks to the cooperation partners and sponsors  for the great

Federal Chancellory of Austria / Department for the Arts
Austrian Federal Ministry of Science & Transport
Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
City of Vienna / Cultural Department
Institute for Computer Graphics / Department for Visualisation and
Technical University of Vienna
:3C! Creative Computing Concepts
BekoNet  Ing. Kotauczek GmbH
Living Earth (R), Inc.
Maison Naturelle
Zeissel + Partner
Brll Modellbau
Pammer Druck

special thanks to Otto Clemens and Dorretta Carter

to experience the sunpendulum web-space
you need Java enabled
Netscape 4.5 or InterNet Explorer 4.0
and Real Video-Player G2 or Real Video-Player 5.0

   ................................................................... 08

Date:  Wed, 16 Dec 1998 17:49:18 +0200
From: Walter van der Cruijsen <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...


Amsterdam, december 15. 1998.

Happy christmas to you from

We proudly present the new Amsterdam free content provider Desk
Organization ( for all free spirits and autonomous networking.

A brief history.

Desk Organization started in october 1994 and initiated the Flying Desk,
internet workspace for activists, artists and cultural workers. Many
on-line projects have run from there, until the january 1997 split within
the group.

Since then, continued as another entity, the members have
been scattered all over the place. This autumn we have managed to bring
together again some first, primary resources.

Currently, we are configuring machines, writing editorial concepts and
outlines. We welcome you to send in proposals for meetings,
publications and other media.

Concerning our internet presence, we are planning a new website, which
show commissioned netprojects and productions by our members and friends.
Furthermore, we will establish linux host services, like nameserving,
mailinglists and virtual websites.

The public launch of will be at the Next Five Minutes 3 (N5M3),
march 12. - 14. 1999.

On behalf of all the (future) members and projects,

Walter van der Cruijsen
Geert Lovink


   ................................................................... 09

Date:  Wed, 16 Dec 1998 01:53:49 -0500 (EST)
From: "A. Jenn Sondheim" <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  NEW OBSERVATIONS issue on Cultures of Cyberspace (fwd)

A new issue of NEW OBSERVATIONS, on Cultures of Cyberspace, is now out,
and available from New Observations for $6. Edited by Alan Sondheim, the
magazine is 8.5x11, with glossy purplish cover, approx 40 pps. with _a
lot_ of text. The writers are from 'all over,' including many from the
Cybermind and Fop-l email lists (as well as Future Culture, Poetics, etc.)

>From the Introduction:

"This issue of _New Observations_ focuses on Cultures of Cyberspace - the
kinds of exchanges and communities that have grown out of the Net over the
past twenty years or so. The oldest document is a reproduction of a dia-
gram from a 1972 paper describing failures in the original ARPA network,
the ancestor of today's online monster. [...] The illustrations have been
chosen as a counterpoint to the texts; they reflect spaces and bodies that
are effaced, occluded, ghostlike - in short _uncanny_ spaces that, to my
mind at least, parallel the 'feeling' of being online."

I must say I'm quite pleased with the publication - which captures a cer-
tain aspect of online subjectivity. The articles range from accounts of
the phenomenology of email lists to a description of ThePalace, from MUD
and MOO analyses to posts from alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb.verb.

The writers include Michael Spirito, Miekal And, Ryan Whyte, Eve Andree
Laramee, Jerry Everard, John Suler, Caitlin Martin, Adrianne Wortzel,
Radhika Gajjala, addicted2words, S. McKenzie, Nick Mamatas, Ted in St.
Louis, Jon Marshall, Alexanne Don, Art McGee, Laurie Cubbison, Steven
Meinking, Drew Shiel, Paula Davidson, Amy Fletcher, and Guiseppe Iann-
icelli. Artists include David Smith, Fanny Jacobson, Janieta Eyer, Emily
Cheng, Thomas Zummer, Tyler Stallings, Nancy Haynes, Wenda Gu, Ichi Ikeda,
Robert Cheatham, Barbara Simcoe, Kim Mcglynn, and Alice Glenn, among

You may order it from:

New Observations
611 Broadway #701
New York City, NY, 10012

(Single Issue #120, Cultures of Cyberspace)

The telephone is 212-677-8561 (fax as well).
Email: [email protected]

Subscription for this arts/cultural journal (next issue is on Memory
Palaces) is 1 year / 4 issues: $22.00 and 2 years /8 issues: $38.00

Enjoy! See what the fuss is about!

- Alan

   ................................................................... 10

Sender: [email protected]
Reply-To: "A. Jenn Sondheim" <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Precedence: Bulk
Date:  Wed, 16 Dec 1998 13:34:22 -0500 (EST)
From: "A. Jenn Sondheim" <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  CYBERCULTURE EMAIL LIST -




                     AND COMMUNITY IN CYBERSPACE

We are all dwelling in cyberspace, coursing through the wires, becoming
cyborg and becoming human, alone at the keyboard, together online. We are
subjects of a realm which offers new ways of envisioning Self and Oth-
er(s), and where a global cyberculture is in the process of creation.
Cyberculture is devoted to an examination of the new subjectivities and
collectivities that are emerging. We are interested in the cultural,
political, philosophical and psychological issues engendered, on all
levels of the social.

The Cyberculture email list is not a community-forming enterprise as such,
but a place to discuss culture and community online. The list will remain
focused on these topics; it will also be a clearing-house for work-in-pro-
gress, calls for papers, and so forth.

Some issues that may be relevant:

* the formation (or ad hoc re-constitution) and functioning of online
communities, such as Quake Clans or MUD/Usenet/e-mail groups;
* the place of the political in online communities and the functioning of
power online;
* work on sex, gender, race, sexual behaviour in relation to online (vir-
tual) subjectivity;
* the implications of symbolic and technological extensions of the human
(cyborg, android theory, etc.);
* financing the Net, the production of the Net consumer, and so forth;
* the social implications of computer interfaces and operating systems -
in other words, the role of the apparatus in online behavior and commun-
* and the interactions between online and offline culture (how social/
cultural ideas shape online and offline 'realities').

This will be a relatively open list - posts on all aspects of cyberculture
will be welcomed. We stress, however, that our intent is to explore these
issues in the broadest sense, within a focused, substantial discussion,
with a minimum of distraction.

One concern we hope to address is the way in which much theoretical work
on cyberspace to date reflects an exclusive, hegemonic bias, thus fore-
closing some of the most interesting and radical possibilities for the
development of cyberculture. We plan to challenge ourselves and the list
members to integrate issues of race, gender, class and multiculturalism in
our examinations and theories of cyberspace.


If you are going to subscribe to the Cyberculture mailinglist then


The remainder of this message contains the information of how to SUBscribe
or UNSUBscribe from the Cyberculture mailinglist.

To SUBscribe, send a message to:

[email protected]

Do NOT use a subject line. Put the following in the body of the message:


or go to the following website and complete the form:

To UNSUBscribe, send a message to:

[email protected]

Do NOT use a subject line. Put the following in the body of the message:



   ................................................................... 11

Date:  Thu, 17 Dec 1998 17:35:15 +0930
From: ANAT - Honor Harger <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  ann! ...  Correction: National Summer School in Science & Art


The Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) announce:

 **********************    14 Artists Selected For
  **** Australia's Most Prestigious Art and technology Training Program

                   **  the ANAT National Summer School  **

                           Metro Screen, Sydney
                          11 - 29 January, 1999

14 artists from across Australia have been selected to participate in the
1999 National Summer School in Science and Art, coordinated by the
Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) at Metro Screen, Sydney,
NSW, 11 - 29 January, 1999

Rodney Berry, Sydney, NSW
Melinda Burgess, Werri Beach, NSW
Lea Collins, Canberra, ACT
Adam Donovan, Brisbane, QLD
Chris Fortescue, Sydney, NSW
Liz Hughes, Sydney, NSW
Solange Kershaw, Sydney, NSW
Gordon Monroe, Sydney, NSW
Stephen Poljansek, Hobart, TAS
Rea, Sydney, NSW
Jenny Weight, Adelaide, SA
Jordan Wynnychuk, Melbourne, VIC
Jeremy Yuille, Brisbane, QLD
Ionat Zurr, Perth WA

ANAT has been at the forefront of the movement to position artists as
active participants in the 'information age'.  Since 1989 ANAT has
coordinated nine National Summer Schools around Australia, becoming a
crucial aspect of ANAT's objective to advocate and promote artists'
interaction with art, technology and science.  This year ANAT's celebrates
the tenth anniversary of this prestigious training program.  The Summer
School is unique in that it is the only intensive training program in
Australia designed specifically for artists. Providing critical training
and the catalyst for significant creative breakthroughs for key Australian
art and technology practitioners, such as Stelarc, Paula Dawson and Joyce
Hinterding.  The school has in fact, "become something of a rite of
for Australian artists working in this field" (Jon McCormack, former tutor
of the school).

The Tenth National Summer School will focus on the interaction between art
and science.  During 1998 ANAT has undertaken research and investigation
into this area, through a focus, entitled, scientific serendipity, which
has provided the framework for a number of our key programs, including the
development of projects and commissions which directly engage with
scientific visualisation techniques and technologies.  To culminate this,
the 1999 National Summer School will be focussed on diverse science and
technology practices, and how science and art can collaborate.  The school
will investigate the discrete discourses surrounding sciences and media
arts and will encourage the generation of unexpected and alchemic
Metro Screen will provide technical facilities and support, and the
critical context of a research and production site.

"The 1999 ANAT National Summer School will operate like a masterclass for
experienced artists working across all artform disciplines providing a
deeply immersive learning environment.  The School has provided the
catalyst for profound conceptual shifts and directions in practice for
participating artists, many of whom are now highly respected within the
Australian and international electronic artworld, and within the
and film industries." says ANAT Director, Amanda McDonald Crowley.

In a vivid example of the cultural significance of the Summer School,
participants of former schools have continued to work together.  Under the
collective name, nervous_objects, the 1997 graduates of the Summer School
have gone on to receive critical acclaim for their totally networked
synaesthetic environments.  Demonstrating that Australian artists continue
to earn the respect of their international colleagues with the quality and
innovation of their work, nervous_objects presented a web performance at
the world's foremost symposium for electronic art, ISEA, becoming the
latest in a long line of Australians recognised with invitations to
at prestigious events such as SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica, and London's
Institute of Contemporary Art programs.

With an eye toward ensuring the Summer School remains current and tailored
specifically for artists, ANAT have selected a number of Australia's
leading new media artists as this year's tutors.  Science and art
specialists, including John Tonkin, Horst Keichle, Paul Brown and Joyce
Hinterding, will  form a  team who fully comprehend artists' desire to
'bend' technological and scientific tools to achieve their artistic goals.

To culturally contextualise the school, a satellite event combining a
with an open day of the school, will give the public and media an
opportunity to view the work-in-progress produced by the students. This
gala event will showcase not only the innovations of the artists
participating in the school, but also the work of several key science and
art practitioners.  This special event will be an excellent opportunity to
experience the best of the hybrid practices created out of
cross-fertilisation between art, science and technology.  Stay tuned for

The National Summer School is supported by: the Federal Government through
the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; the Queensland
Government's Office of Arts and Cultural Development through Queensland
Artworker's Alliance; the New South Wales Film and Television Office; and
the Minister for Education and the Arts through Arts Tasmania. This year's
School also receives support from Metro Screen and the University of New
South Wales' College of Fine Arts.

For further information or interviews, please contact:
Amanda McDonald Crowley, Director,
Australian Network for Art & Technology
tel: 08 82319037 or  0419 829 313
email: [email protected]
fax: 08 82117323

[email protected]
postal address: PO Box 8029 Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
web address:
telephone:  +61 (0)8-8231-9037
fax:   +61 (0)8-8211-7323
Director: Amanda McDonald Crowley   (mobile: 0419 829 313)
Administration & Information Officer: Honor Harger
Web & Technical Officer:  Martin Thompson

Memberships: $A12 (unwaged), $A25 (waged), $A50 (organisations)

ANAT receives support from The Australia Council, the Federal
Government's arts funding and advisory body

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