carlais on Thu, 13 May 1999 19:51:25 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> DIGITAL |
EL PARLAMENTO DE LAS ARTES ESTA PROMOVIENDO LA PRIMERA MUESTRA DE ARTE DIGITAL EN QUITO - ECUADOR - CONTACTENOS SI ESTA INTERESADO. ESTE ES UN EVENTO PARALELO A LAS CONFERENCIAS Y DEBATES QUE SE LLEVARAN A CABO. THE ARTS PARLIAMENT IS PROMOTING THE FIRST EXHIBITION OF DIGITAL ART IN QUITO - ECUADOR - CONTACT US IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. THIS IS A COMPLEMENTARY EVENT FOR THE FORUMS AND DEBATES THAT WILL TAKE PLACE. _______________________ PARLAMENTO DE LAS ARTES SPANISH TEXT: Usted ha sido informado sobre el Parlamento de las Artes, cuyo primer evento se realizara en la ciudad de Quito del 23 al 28 de agosto del presente anio. Si ha sido invitado y desea participar ya sea como conferencista o expositor, o ya sea el caso en estas dos areas, le rogamos nos envie un resumen, lo mas especifico posible de su Curriculum Vitae. En el mismo debera incluir, el cargo o profesion que ocupa actualmente, el area a la que se dedica, y la institucion (si este fuere el caso) en la que trabaja o a la cual representa. De la misma manera, una breve explicacion del trabajo que Ud mostrara en Quito, debera adjuntar a su curriculum. En la misma Usted debera explicarnos cual sera el material que necesite para exponer su trabajo. Debido a la naturaleza del evento, esperamos su pronta respuesta. Pues estamos trabajando desde ya, en la ubicacion de lasposible obras a presentarse. Si desea participar unicamente como conferencista, debera en este caso, enviarnos el tema que desea tratar. De la misma manera, debera enviarnos los costos de por participacion. Si dese recibir el programa envienos su pedido. existe una actualizacion del mismo. ****En todos los datos que nos envie, sea lo mas conciso y especifico posible. Debido a que somos una organizacion pequenia, nos veremos obligados a privilegiar a quienes no nos presenten valores a cobrarse. pues nuestros fondos no nos permiten financiar estos pagos. Cualquier duda o pregunta que tenga, haganosla saber. Gustosamente le responderemos. _____________ ENGLISH TEXT: We have sent to you some information about the Arts Parliament, an event that will take place in Quito from august 23th to august 28th. If you has been invited and you wish to participate as conferencist, as an artist, or both, you should send to us your Curriculum Vitae. This has to be very concise, specific. There you will include the profession you have now, the area in wich are you working now, and the institution (if this is the case) in wich you work and/or you represent. If you will show your work, you have to let us know the material you will use, the ideal space to exhibit your work. Also you have to include your proposal. ****You should be very consise and specific. If you want to participate only as a conferencist, let us know the theme or topic you will touch. If you want to receive the program, let us know. This has being actualized. Also you have to include the fees for your participation. Because we are a very small organization we will prefer the propossals of those that will not present any fees or costs to be payed. However, we are working hard to obtain founds for this specific matters. A contact with the Embassy of the United States has been made, and other institutions are in the procees to let us know their interest in giving to us financial support, focusing this kind of costs. Any questions you have, please let us know. We will be happy to answer you as soon as posible. Best regards, Damian Toro C. Coordinador de Proyectos PARLAMENTO DE LAS ARTES Artistas Independientes Phone: 593-2-897970 Telefax: 593-2-898289 / 897972 Po Box 17-07-8983 Quito - Ecuador - --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # URL: contact: [email protected]