Presidential Exploratory Committee on Sun, 23 May 1999 05:41:45 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> bushogram 052299 [digest]: re hipocrite, re gwbush website

Presidential Exploratory Committee <[email protected]>
     Rico <[email protected]>
          Re: hippocrite
     The Kristler Family <[email protected]>
          Re: gwbush website

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Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 12:31:57 -0400
To: Rico <[email protected]>
From: Presidential Exploratory Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: hippocrite

Dear Friend,

While we have little authority to declare such, we are fairly certain that Bush
is NOT willing to see either Reagan or the Bush Father (as in Queen Mother)
tried for any crimes. Nor is he willing to be tried for any crimes himself.

This is a wild guess.

Roy and Liz

Presidential Exploratory Committee: Your efforts redeemed

You wrote:
>Presidential Exploratory Committee wrote:
>> Hi, were you trying to answer the questions? You just sent them back.
>> You wrote:
>> >1.Do you currently use drugs illegally?
>this was on the
>My wife & I are both conservative chrisians and I
>also want to know
>what his stance is on iran/contra and crack cocaine
>is he willing to see both Reagan & Bush Sr tried,
>convicted, & punished
>for these high crimes and treasonous acts?
>these are very serious issues
>the media is silent
>please answer these questions for us

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Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 19:01:47 -0400
To: The Kristler Family <[email protected]>
From: Presidential Exploratory Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: gwbush website

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your understanding of the troubles we have had to undergo because
of the website. As a serious American candidate in a
serious American election, Mr. Bush believes it is incumbent upon every serious
American to consider the importance of voting for elected officials. Without
elected officials, nothing! The people who run do not
know this. They have crazy ideas and opinions, and perhaps do not put much
stock in the way the electoral process works. They seem to think it is all in
the hands of corporations. It is not! It is in the hands of 

	George W. Bush, Jr.
      	Governor of Texas
Now that's not a corporation, is it?

Best wishes to you and your fellow enthusiasts!

Roy and Liz

Presidential Exploratory Committee: Your efforts redeemed

You wrote:
>To Mr. Bush,
>    I understand you being upset about the GWBUSH website, in fact I feel the
>    gentlemen that design the site has
>less intelligence than a stuffed iguana.  By the way he downgrades your
>policies and policital agenda's, he seems to be a right hand man to the
>clinton adminstration.  Lying to the public, abusing his rights to free
>speech.  F rankly, I feel sickened that this gentlemen has the pompus attitude
>to question subjects that he probably doesn't understand.  If he feels running
>as a state's Govenor or as President of the United States is so easy, why
>don't I see his smart ass on the balot box!  Thank you for you time.
>                                    Anthony Kristler [email protected]

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