nettime on Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:56:49 +0200 (CEST)

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Micz Flor: One Day In The Live Medium

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Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 15:33:36 +0200
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Micz Flor <[email protected]>
Subject: One Day In The Live Medium

# One Day In The Live Medium
# Sunday, 27/06/1999, Schikaneder Kino, Vienna
# URL:
# (find stream there when the time is right...)
# live stream powered by Public Netbase t0, Vienna

   Support now for the period after:
   attention raising for the Free Media
   of the Balkan Region: FreeB92, Radio21, Net Aid

   Cross the Culture Gap: 
   Contemporary Media Art from Yugoslavia (on- and off-line)
   feat. Video Screenings of B92 material and work of the
   Novi Sad artist group Apsolutno

   Break: Collaborative cooking, browsing, reading, arithmetics
   and hands-on practice in collective decision making

   Body Check:
   Green Thai Curry for the masses

22.00 - 02.00
   Content Battle:
   convex tv. (Berlin) vs. Net Aid (Belgrade)

   special provision: 2 hour live stream from Belgrade - audio and video
   live act (Vukan) plus DJ (Vlada Janjic)

   With remote guests from Backspace, London; E-lab, Riga;
   Radio 21, Skopje and other (very tbc) locations

One Day In The Live Medium remains technically speaking its own periphery.
Net culture today is still a format driven lo-fi scene with local
connection points, rooms that is, in which people work. Besides, the
high-tech media collectives live in networked spaces, a structure which
rarely connects to the public waiting rooms of the cultural industries. At
the Schikaneder Kino Vienna we try again.

And as long as technology remains peripheral at One Day In The Live Medium
we can allow content to be essential at the 27 June. Thanks.

The situation of independent media and cultural producers in the Balkan
region remains critical. So One Day In The Live Medium will use this
opportunity to pass the modem to various initiatives from Belgrade, Novi
Sad and Skopje to plug in where the cultural converter fits. 

Further reading:

Micz Flor ([email protected])