ricardo dominguez on Thu, 26 Aug 1999 19:56:31 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> 24 Hour Digital Storm On the Mexican Government - August 26th, 1999

24 Hour Digital Storm On the Mexican Government.  August 26th, 1999

�August is the month of memory, the month of storms.�
--The Zapatistas

Once More Dear Sisters and Brothers
We Must Act To End This WAR
That Dare Not Speak Its Name.

Once More We Must Do
Whatever Each of Us
Can Do to Stop This
Attack on the Zapatista Communities.

Therefore We Are Calling for a
24 Hour Digital Storm
On the Mexican Government.

The Storm Will Start At:
12am (Mexico City Time) On the August 26th, 1999

and End At:
12am (Mexico City Time) on August 27th, 1999.

To Check Your Local Time Zone Go Here:

The Electronic Disturbance Theater
Will Once More Use the Zapatistas FloodNet,
Virtual Sit-In program

The URL Will Be Made Public at:


Remember the More People Gather the Greater the Storm.


The Electronic Disturbance Theater


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freeware/shareware utilities
such as:

AGNetTools 2.0 (Mac)
PortProbe 1.0 (Windows).

Run port scans on this site:

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Search for "port scan".


To the Hacktivist Communities
We Call On You To Do Whatever
You Can Do Within Your Means.


Speech Delivered in San Cristobal by Zapatista Support Bases

Sisters and Brothers of All the Indigenous Peoples
Of Chiapas and of All Mexico.

Honest Sisters and Brothers,
of the Different Sectors of Our Mexican Society.

Sisters and Brothers of National
and International Civil Society.
To the National and International Press.

Today, August 23, 1999, thousands of men, women, children and old ones -
Zapatista Army of National Liberation support bases from the different
municipalities in our State of Chiapas - once again find ourselves forced
to mobilize, to come to this city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, in order
to protest and to condemn the warlike attitude of the illegitimate
governments of Ernesto Zedillo and Albores Guillen, who never weary of
attacking our indigenous communities, of provoking division and
confrontation, among the peoples.  On the contrary, day after day the
military harassment grows, as do the threats of war and of death.  Day
after day, the attacks and persecution against our communities increase.
For example, as is happening right now in the Selva Lacandona, and
specifically in the Aguascalientes of La Realidad and in Amador Hernandez,
where our companeros and companeras are being threatened with death, with
destruction, and with being taken to jail.  They are surrounded at this
moment by thousands of federal soldiers, judicial police and public
security police, where they are making life impossible for thousands of
children, women, old ones and the ill, because the combat helicopters and
war planes are flying above their heads, their communities are surrounded,
their roads are cut off and blockaded by hundreds of soldiers and
paramilitaries, so that no one can leave or enter the communities. 

Ernesto Zedillo and Albores Guillen - with all of their accomplices they
call governments and officials - are preparing for war and destruction
against our indigenous peoples who are struggling for their rights, for
their liberty and for justice. 

Zedillo and Albores speak so much of dialogue and peace, but at the same
time they are assassinating, attacking indigenous communities,
persecuting, torturing and imprisoning many innocent people, and they have
a greater war of extermination prepared against the indigenous peoples,
who are barely surviving from the poverty that does not even allow them
enough to buy a kilo of tortillas.  Against the children, who are just
dying every day from diarrhea, malnutrition, parasites, etceteras. 
Against the old ones, who are barely able now to go out to take care of
their basic physiological needs, exhausted as they are, from the hard work
they have done throughout their lives.  It is these people, and these
peoples, whom the government considers to be the main enemies of the
patria.  It is because we are demanding a small piece of the patria that
will enable us to live with dignity, as true children of this Mexican
country.  It is because of this, against these intransigent peoples, as
the bad government calls them, that so many thousands of federal soldiers,
public security, judicial police, and other repressive groups, have been
mobilized, with sophisticated weapons, with war tanks, armored vehicles,
combat helicopters and bomber planes, who are harassing and threatening
the death and destruction of our peoples. 

In order to break the unity and to weaken the organization of the peoples,
those bad governments have set about provoking divisions and
confrontations among the indigenous communities.  In order to buy
consciences, those bad governments have been handing out charity and
promising economic aid under conditions that take advantage of the hunger,
the misery and the ignorance of our indigenous peoples. 

In order to carry out their strategy of war, the bad government is using
and buying PRIs and some former zapatistas in order to prepare a theater
of desertion and surrender, passing them off as zapatistas who are turning
themselves in to the bad government, and, then, these misled persons are
used to point out the leaders and to betray their brothers of the people. 

The alleged development projects for the towns are no more than a war
strategy, because they distribute crumbs and promise economic aid in order
to buy consciences and to divide the people.  They are opening roads in
strategic places so that their cars and war tanks can enter easily and
rapidly in order to destroy the indigenous communities. 

The entire war strategy the Zedillo and Albores governments are using,
they call carrying out the San Andres Accords. 

The handing out of crumbs and the promises those bad governments make,
they call public works or social development. 

The intense militarization of our communities, the constant harassment and
threats of death and persecution, the incarcerations and assassinations,
Albores and Zedillo call social tranquillity or social peace. 

The attacks on our communities, the constant harassment, the
Assassinations and the massacres of defenseless persons, Albores and
Zedillo call "the solution of the conflict through dialogue." 

Albores and Zedillo accuse the EZLN of intransigence and irresponsibility,
only because we zapatistas do not surrender in the face of the threats of
death, nor do we allow ourselves to be deceived by the bad government's

The main and real provocateurs, the intransigent ones, the human Rights
violators, are Roberto Albores Guillen and Ernesto Zedillo themselves, and
others as well.  It is they who, in the name of the law and of democracy,
are killing, torturing, persecuting, imprisoning and waging war against
our indigenous peoples, against all the workers, against the teachers and
students, and against all those who desire a new, just and democratic

- We demand an end to the attacks on our communities. 

- We demand an end to the militarization of all the indigenous towns. 

- We demand the immediate withdrawal of the federal Army and public
security from the communities of La Realidad, of Amador Hernandez, and of
all the indigenous communities. 

- We demand the complete carrying out of the San Andres Accords, but basta
now to the blackmail and insults of Roberto Albores Guillen and of Ernesto

Basta now to the many provocation�s, attacks and threats of war by Roberto
Albores and by Zedillo. 

We demand that Roberto Albores no longer continue covering our chiapaneco
soil with indigenous blood. 

We demand respect for our indigenous peoples, because we also have the
right to live and to govern our towns. 

We demand real solutions to the just demands of the students and strikers
at the UNAM, but now no to repression, no to the attacks, no to the
imprisonments, no to persecution, and no now to the massacre of students. 

Our brother and sister students of the UNAM who are carrying on their just
struggle are not alone.  Here we are also, thousands of companeros and
companeras who are making the same demands. 

Lastly, we want Roberto Albores and Ernesto Zedillo to know and to hear
this well, that we, the zapatista indigenous, are here, and here we will


We will resist with dignity. 

Sincerely, Coordinators of the Demonstration

New Military Incursion in La Selva

We hereby wish to call the attention of the international community on the
tense situation in the Amador Herna'ndez community in the Lacandon Jungle
of Chiapas. This area is being occupied by hundreds of soldiers from the
Mexican Federal Army. Since August 12, 1999 the soldiers have been
harassing and intimidating the indigenous population and members of the
Mexican civil society who had gone there in solidarity. 

The facts and context: 

On August 12, 1999, there was a military incursion in the Lacandon Jungle,
in Amador Herna'ndez community,in the municipality of Ocosingo, at the
edge of the Montes Azules reserve biosphere.  Around 500 soldiers of the
Mexican Federal Army entered this community by land and air with the use
of paratroopers. They arrived 19 kilometers from La Realidad, where
Subcommander Marcos and commanders of the Zapatista army (the EZLN) were
staying.  Subsequently, two military helicopters transporting another 50
soldiers arrived. Up to the date of this Urgent Action, the helicopters
are continuing to fly over this area, some of them are transporting
equipment and food supplies for the army. 

The army has installed military bases and surrounded the community With
barbed wire. On Sunday August 15, they fired tear gas at the population
and at students and teachers from the Anthropology and History School and
the National Autonomous Mexican University (UNAM), leaving 4 people
injured. The students and teachers were there participating in a national
encounter on "Defense of the Cultural Heritage, taking place in La
Realidad. This encounter was convened by the EZLN to discuss government
proposal of the Cultural Heritage General Law, that seeks the
privatization of the historical heritage. After finding out about the
military incursion, the students and teachers walked 12 hours to Amador
Herna'ndez to observe and witness the events. 

The authorities are about to release arrest orders against the Mexican
students who formed part of the observation civil camp in Amador
Herna'ndez for the following offenses: instigating violence, obstructing

public roads, kidnapping and attacking the army. Anti-riot squads and
various federal and state security corps already installed checkpoints at
the entrance of the state capital and on the roads leading to the
Highlands and the Jungle region in order to stop caravan members that are
now coming from various regions of Mexico to observe the events in the
aforementioned community, in order to stop them. 

Furthermore, the federal and state governments are carrying out a Strong
campaign to discredit and slander the students through a wide range of
regional and national mass media. They are portraying them as "ultras" or
extremists of the striking student movement at UNAM and accusing them of
"manipulating" the indigenous.  Those who returned to San Cristo'bal de
lasCasas were intimidated at the checkpoints on their return. It is
obviousthat this participation

of other sectors of the Mexican civil society from other areas of the
country who are taking part in activities or encounters with the EZLN or
the formation of an observation civil camp in indigenous community in
Chiapas is not acceptable the federal government. 

In the meantime, the State Governor, Roberto Albores Guille'n, issued a
warning that he would not accept the presence of anymore national or
international observers, since he considers them "destabilizing" actors.
In an official statement, he stated, "We, the people of Chiapas, are
losing our patience... Enough of the blackmail and manipulation...  [on
the part of the]... agitators [who] take advantage of the political
conflicts and who infect the society." 

The arguments that the governmental and military sources use to sustain
the military presence in Amador Herna'ndez are: The protection of the
topographers who will be doing the measurements for the construction of
the road from San Quinti'n to Amador Herna'ndez. Yet, according to media
and observer sources that visited the community, the people of this
community do not want this road, since it would facilitate the entry of
the Army. There is an important military base next to the San Quinti'n

Earlier, 6000 militaries arrived to the zone to carry out a reforestation
campaign in the Jungle (La Selva). This campaign was strongly criticized
by development, environmental, human rights and non-governmental
organizations who stated that this activity should be carried out by

The Mexican Army has succeeded again, now under the guise of reforestation
and the construction of new roads, to successfully transfer their military
troops, to implement numerous military camps, put up roadblocks and other
military constructions in the conflict zone of Chiapas. 

On the one hand, the government employs an abundant variety of discourse
in different forms of the media. They state that they are seeking a
dialogue with the EZLN. However, on the other hand, they accuses the EZLN
of turning down any possibility of talking with the government. This
latest military-police incursion questions the government's true
intentions and its willingness to really solve the conflict through

Call for action: 

We consider these latest actions of the Mexican Federal Army and the
police of adding to and not improving the tense climate in Chiapas, nor do
these actions promote the possibility of a true dialogue. If these kind of
operations continue, they might cause violent eruptions between the
security forces and Zapatista solidarity bases. We therefore, call upon
you to write to the different actors involved. Express your concern about
the actual situation and ask them in a brief and polite way the following: 

To the Chief of the Armed Forces, President Ernesto Zedillo: 

to promptly assure the end of the military-police operations in the Selva
Lacandona as a clear message to promote dialogue in order to resolve the
conflict in Chiapas

To the general of the VII Military Region, General Jose' Go'mez Salazar: 

to order the immediate return of the soldiers to their barracks and that
the army respect the rights and liberties of Mexican citizens

To the State Governor, Roberto Albores Guille'n: 

to ensure the respect of the national observers' constitutional rights of
free transit, free association and free expression

to ensure the respect of journalists' constitutional rights of free
transit and free expression

to ensure the respect of the international observers, in accordance with
the recent United Nation's Declaration (December 1998)  which affirms the
right and duty of any person to watch over the fulfillment of human rights

We furthermore ask you to disseminate this information as broadly as
possible and send a copy of your message to the Chiapas State Congress,
members of the federal Deputy Chamber, and to the members of the
Commission of Concordance and Pacification (COCOPA) 

Presidente de la Republica Lic. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leo'n Palacio
Nacional 06067 Me'xico, DF - Me'xico Fax: (int - 52) 5 271 1764 / 5 515

Eje'rcito Nacional Mexicano VII Regio'n Militar General de Divisio'n Jose'
Go'mez Salazar Carretera Panamericana, KM 1089 CP 29000, Tuxtla
Gutie'rrez, Chiapas Tel./Fax: (int - 52) 961 41666

Ca'mara de Diputados Palacio Legislativo "San La'zaro"  Av. Congreso de la
Unio'n s/n, C.P. 15690, Col. El Parque, Me'xico, D.F.  Fax. (int - 52) 5
208 7863

COCOPA Paseo de la Reforma # 10, piso 17 06018 Me'xico, D.F. - Me'xico
Fax: (int - 52) 5 140 3288

Gobernador del Estado Roberto Albores Guille'n Palacio de Gobierno 1er
piso Tuxtla Gutie'rrez, Chiapas Tel/fax (961) 209 17/124 18 E-mail:
[email protected]

Congreso del Estado de Chiapas Palacio de Gobierno 2o piso Tuxtla
Gutie'rrez Chiapas E-mail: [email protected]

The Mexican Government Says No Oil in Chiapas�WRONG

Petroleum Reserve Studies Tabasco-Chiapas fields to be completed 1999


Volume 3, issue #13 - Tuesday, May 06, 1997 EIA Oil Market Chronology --
March 1997

The following chronology lists international events of potential
significance for world petroleum markets is offered to you by the Energy
Information Administration. 

Sources include: Dow Jones (DJ), New York Times (NYT), Reuters (REUT), and
the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). 

March 18

Independent oil experts suggest that Mexico may have overstated the size
of its petroleum reserves by as much as 30 percent since the 1970s, and
indicate that Mexico's latest reserves estimates are more in line with
outside estimates such as the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's. 

This is based on an analysis of a statistical report, released earlier
this month, in which Mexico reduced its estimates of proven reserves in
the Bay of Campeche to 15 billion barrels of crude oil and 9.7 billion
cubic feet of natural gas (from previous estimates of 23.5 billion barrels
of crude oil and 11.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas in 1996).  The
report was the first Mexican reserves report to be audited by independent
experts. The Bay of Campeche currently accounts for about 80 percent of
Mexico's oil and natural gas production. 

***Reserve studies of other major petroleum areas (including the
Chincontepec and Tabasco- Chiapas fields)  are not expected to be
completed until 1999. (NYT)***


24 Hour Digital Storm On the Mexican Government. 

The Storm Will Start At:  12am (Mexico City Time) On the August 26th, 1999
and End At :  12am (Mexico City Time) on August 27th, 1999. 

To Check Your Local Time Zone Go Here: 

The Electronic Disturbance Theater Will Once More Use the Zapatistas
FloodNet Virtual Sit-In Program. 

On the Day and Time of the Action The URL Will Be Made Public at: 


Remember the More People Gather the Greater the Storm. 

In Solidarity The Electronic Disturbance Theater Ricardo Dominguez Carmin
Karasic Brett Stalbaum Stefan Wray

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