[email protected] on Sat, 18 Dec 1999 21:34:34 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> B92 news

ANEM press release
see also: www.freeb92.net


BELGRADE, December 15, 1999 -- The Association of Independent Electronic
Media in Yugoslavia was today informed by the Yugoslav Federal State
Prosecutor that he will not act on a demand for protection of legality
lodged against illegal actions in the take-over of Radio B92 in April this

Deputy Federal Prosecutor Danilo Jovanovic justified the decision by
saying that the court had not made the files on the case available to him
until after the deadline for lodging the demand had expired. This is
despite the demand having been lodged within the deadline and the delay
being caused entirely by the internal administration of the court. 

ANEM believes this is a blatant attempt by the state prosecutor to avoid
taking action against the illegal decisions of the Economic and Higher
Courts, without attempting to explain the obvious breach of the law which
occurred in the take-over of Radio B92. 

ANEM condemns the hypocritical strategy of the judiciary which obviously
aims at avoiding protecting legality, as it is clear that the decisions of
the lower courts have infringed the rights of the employees of the real
Radio B92. ANEM notes such enforcement of the law occurs only in cases
where the plaintiff is close to the government. 

Despite the scandalous tactics of the judiciary, ANEM gives notice that it
will continue its struggle to protect the rights of all its members and
their journalists, and in particular the rights of the employees of the
real Radio B92 until the law is applied uniformly across the board and
until Radio B92 is restored to its rightful owners. 

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