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Museum of Modern Strategy <[email protected]> : E-Journal | 0 1 |
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Brian Judy <[email protected]> : WTO Art Game | 0 2 |
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Sylvie Parent <[email protected]> : CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine | 0 3 |
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Fee Plumley <[email protected]> : Global Multimedia Interface | 0 4 |
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[email protected] : ||||| THE COILS OF THE SERPENT PART ONE ||||| | 0 5 |
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[email protected] : com.une.farce 3 | 0 6 |
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Franco Barchiesi <[email protected]> : NEW JOURNAL - Multitudes | 0 7 |
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delivered each weekend into your inbox |
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E-Journal of Modern Strategy #11
Bunker Project (1996-99)
A complete survey
CAPC, Coimbra, Portugal.
18.12.1999 - 31.01.2000
The Museum of Modern Strategy will be the main subject of a public
retrospective presentation at the CAPC (Coimbra, Portugal), between
December, 18, 1999 and January, 31, 2000. The exhibition -- Projecto Bunker
(1996-99) -- will be a complete survey of the last few years of work and it
is co-ordinated by Miguel Leal (with Duarte Soares Lema as special guest on
the Art Department Bunker project).
Opening: December, 18 at 21.30
Soon there will be more information on the subject.... stay tunned.. (also
trough the E-Journal of Modern Strategy).
For more information on [The Museum of Modern Strategy] see:
See also the [Bunker] project:
and the[Revolting the Museum] project:
Project by Miguel Leal
[email protected]
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Play the WTO Art Game and help the protesters start a sitin!
Brian Judy
Booga Holler
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The 9th edition of CIAC�s Electronic Art Magazine is now on line.
The Contents of the Magazine include:
* A Feature on Electronic Literature
* Perspective on text based Web projects
* Reviews of Web projects by Mark AMERIKA, Richard BARBEAU, Vera
* Interview with Zoe LEOUDAKI
* Reviews of media art events : Media Lounge (FCMM), Cartographies
(ISEA), �tats g�n�raux de l��criture interactive (Art 3000),
Rendez-vous... sur les bancs publics (SAT), Fixions (Agence TOPO)
* Spotlight on a Website : Museum of Jurassic Technology
Thank you for your interest
Sylvie Parent
CIAC�s Electronic Art Magazine
Centre international d�art contemporain de Montr�al
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The Global Multimedia Interface (GMI) is a state-of-the-art LED screen the
height of a 4-storey building. Located at Leicester Square in the heart of
London, the GMI provides a monthly programme of screen-based material
and interactive projects by an extraordinary range of international artists
and creative producers. Operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week the
content of the GMI is also webcast simultaneously to a worldwide audience.
The extreme portrait screen - measuring 11.5m x 5.7m - has been
custom-manufactured and assembled by Pixelite. The screen provides
outstanding visual quality. More importantly the screen will, in time, come
to act as a participatory host, receiving and presenting a wide range of
projects generated by artists and creative producers around the world using
the latest developments in telephony and visual imaging.
Part architectural feature, part communications forum, the GMI is a London
landmark and one of the most ambitious and dynamic permanent visual
interfaces established in the UK for the presentation and experience of art.
The GMI programme is curated and scheduled by Eddie Berg, Fee Plumley & Kim
Sweet for the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology [FACT]. For further
information regarding commissioning and presentation opportunities please
e-mail [email protected] or call Fee Plumley on +44 (0) 7968 258630.
For programme, general information and sponsorship opportunities please
contact Christine de Leon, Project Manager at GMI -
[email protected] telephone: +44 (0) 20 7909-0011.
= + = + = + = +
F e e P l u m l e y - C u r a t o r i a l P r o j e c t M a n a g e r
G l o b a l M u l t i m e d i a I n t e r f a c e
Foundation for Art & Creative Technology
Bluecoat Chambers School Lane Liverpool L1 3BX
M: +44(0) 7968 258630 E: [email protected] W:
- & -
T: +44(0) 151 709 2663 F: +44(0) 151 707 2150 W:
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Die Nummer 3 der com.une.farce, Online-Magazin fuer Kritik im Netz und
Bewegung im Alltag, <> ist ab
heute im Netz und enthaelt folgende Beitraege:
##Die Redaktion
Programmatische Fragen und pragmatische Hinweise
#Eine Nachforschung
Dieser Text unternimmt den Versuch, nach einem gewissen zeitlichen Abstand
zur Bluetezeit der autonomen Bewegung noch einmal - oder erstmalig? - in
Diskussion ueber Staerken und Schwaechen von Bewegungspolitik zu treten.
Was waren die Grundlagen linksradikaler Politik und was ist davon - zu
Recht oder nicht - auf den Muellhaufen der Geschichte gewandert? Die
neunziger Jahre Revisited.
##Sonja Bruenzels
#Reclaim the Streets: Karneval und Konfrontation
Reclaim the Streets ist das unangemeldete Feiern von Strassenparties, ein
Zeitvertreib, der in den letzten Jahren in den St�dten Grossbritanniens an
Beliebtheit gewonnen hat. In Grossbritannien haben sich in den neunziger
Jahren politische Aktionsformen entwickelt, die anders funktionieren als
traditionelle Demos. Eine moegliche Entwicklung vom Oekoprotest zum
antikapitalistischen Protest?
##Die Redaktion
#Treffen der Generationen. Zwei Captains - Eine Mission
Dieser Beitrag setzt sich in Form einer popkosmologischen Analogie zu
StarTrek mit dem Editorial der letzten farce auseinander. Einige Mitglieder
der farce-Redaktion treffen sich in einem simulierten Redaktionsbuero, um
via chat ueber die Aktionen gegen den Bielefelder Kriegsparteitag der
Gruenen mitte Mai dieses Jahres zu debattieren. Wir erinnern uns: Es war
der Tag, an dem Aussenjoschka rot wurde. Ende der neunziger Jahre stellt
sich die Frage nach Aesthetik und Strategie[-losigkeit] autonomer Politik
auf's neue. Log in right now!
##autonome a.f.r.i.k.a gruppe
#Gegen wessen Kriege welchen Widerstand?
#Ein Plaedoyer fuer die Etablierung eines neuen Antimilitarismus.
Waehrend elf Wochen nach dem 24. M�rz 1999 bombardierte die NATO unte
Mitwirkung der Bundeswehr in einem unerklaerten Krieg die Bundesrepublk
Jugoslawien. Gegen diesen Krieg formierte sich in keinem der beteiligten
Angreiferlaender eine nennenswerte Anti-Kriegsbewegung. Der folgende Text
versucht thesenhaft, die Ursachen hierfuer zu analysieren und moegliche
Handlungsoptionen in zukuenftigen, aehnlich gelagerten
Auseinandersetzungen zu diskutieren. Denn, so lautet eine Kernthese der
nachfolgenden Ueberlegungen, der Kosovo-Krieg war neben und nach dem
zweiten Golfkrieg 1990/91 Prototyp einer neuen Art von Konflikten, die
zugleich symbolischer und
materieller Ausdruck der neuen Weltverhaeltnisse sind.
##Alain Kessi
#Kosov@ - Widerspruechlichkeiten und Subjektivitaeten
#Eine Einladung, genau hinzusehen und sich konkret irritieren zu lassen.
In der Diskussion um die Nato-Bombardierungen von Jugoslawien hat eine
Betrachtung weitgehend gefehlt: Die Subjektivitaet von
Kosov@-AlbanerInnen wurde kaum wahrgenommen, da nicht unmittelbar
zugaenglich und, vielleicht der springende Punkt, schwieriger in ein
angestammtes radikal linkes Selbstverstaendnis und Weltbild einzuordnen als
jene jugoslawischen
GenossInnen, die sowohl gegen Milosevics Politik wie auch gegen die
Nato-Angriffe protestiert haben und zumeist Teile radikal linken
Geschichtsverstaendnisses mit westeuropaeischen AktivistInnen teilen.
##Gespraech mit Slavoj Zizek
#"Der westliche Pazifismus und seine die Entpolitisierung vorantreibende
Zizek ist als Kritiker eines "abstrakten Pazifismus" und eines "repressiven
Multikulturalismus" bekannt; die er als zentrale Formen einer
"post-politischen" Entpolitisierung gesellschaftlicher Konflikte
charakterisiert. Die gegenwaertige hegemoniale Form der Politik druecke
sich in einer "Post-Politik" aus, die einem Ende der Ideologien
dem Ende des antagonistischen Klassenkonflikts das Wort rede. Dieses
Gespraech mit dem slowenischen Psychanalytiker versucht zu klaeren, wie
sich politische Praxis im Zeitalter der Post-Politik artikulieren kann.
##Matthias Brieger
#Von der Kritik der Zustaende zur Kritik der Missstaende.
#Oder: Die Geburt der neuen Mitte aus dem Geist von 1968
Agnolis Texte in "1968 und die Folgen" illustrieren nicht nur die Genese und
Weiterentwicklung eines offenen, staatskritischen Marxismus, sie
gewaehren auch Einblicke auf Nebenschauplaetze der Auseinandersetzungen.
Beispielsweise analysiert er in "Die Schnelligkeit des realen Prozesses.
Vorlaeufige Skizze eines Versuchs ueber Adornos historisches Ende" dessen
Unfaehigkeit, sich auf die Revolte der Studierenden zu beziehen und
vieles, vieles mehr.
##Franziska Roller
#Die Stadt als Beute
Klaus Ronneberger, Stephan Lanz und Walther Jahn begleiten uns nach Berlin,
Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Oberhausen und Leipzig. Ihre Untersuchungen
zeigen wie unaufloeslich das Bild der Staedte mit globalen oekonomisch
Entwicklungen verknuepft ist. Franziska Roller hat das gleichnamige Buch
##Andreas Siekmann
#Aus: Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung
-Aus: Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung ist eine zwischen 1996 und
1999 entstandene Serie von Zeichnungen. Das Projekt erhebt die Frage, wie
die in den neunziger Jahren endgueltig umstrukturierten und ideologisch
konkurrenzlosen wirtschaftlichen Machtverhaeltnisse sich auf den
oeffentlichen Raum auswirken.
-Aus: Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung besteht
insgesamt aus dreizehn Bilderserien und war im Sommer 1999 in der Kunsthalle
Portikus in Frankfurt am Main ausgestellt. Fuer die farce haben wir die
Bilderserien Ne travaillez jamais (stand 1959 auf einer Mauer in Paris und
wurde dem Umfeld der Situationistischen Internationale zugeordnet) und
Falsche Freiheit Frankfurt (steht immer noch irgendwo in Hessen)
#Stadt ohne Namen
Das Multimedia-Versprechen der farce wird wieder ein wenig wahrer gemacht:
Ein Mini-Comic im Shockwave-Format, der unser Unbehagen an den Innenstaedten
aufnimmt und damit einen psychedelischen Stadtplan der Stadt ohne Namen
##Alex Karschnia
#Der SPIEGEL und die Shoah
Zehn Jahre nach der deutsch-deutschen Vereinigung bleibt es ein
Hauptanliegen der Eliten der Berliner Republik, die NS-Vergangenheit als
Schranke der neuen aussenpolitischen Machtansprueche aus dem Weg zu raeumen.
Nach der Relativierung der Shoah durch eine konservativ-revolutionaer
interessierte Lesart der Totalitarismustheorie (Ernst Nolte u.a.), hat sich
nun die neue deutsche Laessigkeit breit gemacht. Alex Karschnia rueckt in
SPIEGEL und die Shoah diesem neuen deutschen Holocaust-Humor mit einer
beissenden Polemik auf die Pelle und stellt die Arbeit der 'Shoah
von Steven Spielberg vor.
##Kein Mensch ist illegal
#Ohne Papiere in Europa
"Ohne Papiere in Europa" heisst ein Sammelband, der von der Kampagne 'Kein
Mensch Ist Illegal' herausgegeben wird und im Dezember bei Verlag Libertaere
Assoziation/Verlag Schwarze Risse/Rote Strasse erscheinen wird. Die farce
proudly presents gleichnamiges Vorwort und Auszuege der Texte ueber
Illegalisierung von Migration und die Selbstorganisation und
Unterstuetzungsprojekte in Westeuropa.
Termine - Termine - Termine - Termine - Termine
Auch diese Ausgabe der com.une.farce wird wieder mit einer release-party
gefeiert. Das Event findet am 16.12.99 im Frankfurter Ostklub, Hanauer
Landstr. 99 ab 21.30 Uhr statt. Mit Videos und Musik. Reclaim the Streets!
Eine Heftkritik der com.une.farce Nummer 3 findet via Chat mit Autorinnen
und Autoren, Leserinnen und Lesern und natuerlich der Redaktion Mitte/Ende
Januar 2000 statt. Der genaue Termin ist demnaechst unter
<> in Erfahrung zu
Online-Magazin fuer Kritik im Netz und Bewegung im Alltag
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A new periodical by March 3, 2000
'Multitudes' will be a French language quarterly hard-copy (paper)
periodical, with issues coming out in October, December, March, and
May. It will be published and distributed by Exils, Paris (France).
'Multitudes' will also maintain an electronic mailing list, and a
web-site: Multitudes On Line.
'Multitudes' is a cultural and political review. 'Multitudes' might
take as its own the formula Michel Foucault used to characterise his
own endeavours:
"I am trying (...) while avoiding any abstract and limiting
totalisation, to open up to problems that are as concrete and general
as is possible. Problems that backtrack politics, criss-cross
societies, and are at the same time constituent of our history and
constructed by it".
Backtracking politics: there lies the true subversion of
contemporary social movements. It is what 'Multitudes' aims at
analysing, as theoretical practice, as ontology, and as materialism
within though. Flight, desertion, exodus, and resistance are not
abstract facts stemming from eternally negative critical thought, but
are constituent of a space of positive affirmation. The (true)
alternative is the building power of what transforms thought into
action: in the field of culture, in that of theory, and in politics.
'Multitudes' is born out of the desire to reconstitute a community
of thought that existed with the review 'Futur Anterieur'. 'Futur
Anterieur' was a breath of fresh air within what Felix Guattari had
dubbed the 'winter years'. But the past preterite is also the time of
bygone virtuality, and the present time, to us, seems to carry a much
more joyful and subversive load than nostalgia ever could.
In an allegedly disillusioned world, where politics, management and
spectacle form an uncanny mix, we bet on making a periodical that
will be post-communist, post-socialist, and post-pessimist. A
periodical that will be simply Left. Not second wave social-democratic
left, nor that national-republican left whose embrace of sovereignty
makes it a bed-fellow of the reactionary right. And we are not at the
'left of the left' either, which never ventures beyond a perpetual
critique of domination in all its forms. To the obligation of revolt
inspired by resentment, we far prefer hailing revolts, manifold
manifestations. Absolute domination never was a real occurence, and it
has not happened yet either. Everywhere there are ideas, actions,
texts, groups, and tribes cropping up, defeating the deathly myth of
domination's absoluteness. Ours is this choice for purposeful living.
In its fifth first issues, 'Multitudes' will discuss the following
major topics:
1. Bio-politics and the problem of Power
2. New standards to measure Wealth, towards a new political economy
3. Europe and the Empire
4. The debate on contemporary Art
5. Syncretism of reason and the critique of universalism.
'Multitudes', Issue 1. Bio-politics and the Problem of Power.
This issue will deal with the relations between the various
transformation of the forms of practising and legitimating power, and
the production and reproduction of life under all its possible aspects
(eg. patenting of the (human) genome, life sciences, i.e. genetic
manipulations and bio-technology). We have here a strategic turn in
capitalism and in the power system, but this is also a major
transformation, whose consequence is to (re)define power in terms of
governing life itself, causing a crisis within the parameters that
delimits power since the 17th century, the theory and the practice of
sovereignty, the political contract, and what demarcates power, its
domain and territory. This issue also aims at opening up a new
project: to reverse the notion of bio-politics in order to make it
operative in the realm of political subjectivisation. Contemporary
political struggles (as those of december 1995 in France, the movement
of people without (regular) employment, some campaigns against AIDS,
etc.) force us to reconsider the way we approach the basis of action
in bio-politics.
Dossier prepared by Bruno Karsenti, Maurizio Lazzarato, Eric Alliez
and Saverio Ansaldi
'Internet, New Social Co-operation and Militancy' (dossier prepared by
Aris Papatheodorou, Laurent Moineau, Jerome Gleizes and Jean-Louis
'Multitudes', Issue 2. New Standards to Measure Wealth, Towards a New
Political Economy
The main axis of bio-politics leads us straight into this second
problem which will be the backbone of the second issue of
'Multitudes': questionning the political economy as we know it, the
'episteme' upon which it was built at the close of the 17th century,
with the industrial revolution and the end of slavery within the
world economy of the time. What becomes of value in an information
economy, driven by intangible forms of labor, and what is the future
of a welfare system that is essential and yet in profound crisis?
Dossier prepared by Antonella Corsani, Christian Marazzi, Jerome
Gleizes, Laurent Guilloteau, Yann Moulier Boutang and Giuseppe Cocco
'World Cities and the Metamorphosis in Urban Management' (dossier
prepared by Thierry Baudouin, Michele Collin , Anne Querrien, Arnoldo
'Multitudes', Issue 3. Europe and the Empire.
Whereas globalisation overlaps to a large extent with the domination
of the US super-power in the field of patenting life, defining human
capital and services, it is nonetheless clear that in order to think
about the Empire, it has become necessary to go beyond the
conceptual apparatus of anti-imperialism. In order to reflect about
federalism, a painful absence in the mainstream politics of Europe of
'92, it is no longer sufficient to analyse the crisis of the elites.
It has also become necessary to be on the look-out for its
manifestations at the basis.
Dossier prepared by Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt and Yann Moulier
'Cinemas, Power and Counter-power of the Image' (dossier prepared by
Thierry Pillon and Christophe d'Hallivill)
'Multitudes', Issue 4. The Debate on Contemporary Art.
What is happening to contemporary art today? What are the issues and
the potentials of contemporary art that are unleashing such fierce
desires of revenge and the dazzling publicity that was given to this
'querelle'? What has the notion of 'avant-garde' become today? What
is valuable in this 'contemporary art' that can indifferently be
associated to both the 'terrorist register of modernity' or to the
post-modern kingdom of the 'commodity'? What happened, finally, to
art today? And what about practices of engagement by artists and
Dossier prepared by Eric Alliez and Jean-Philippe Antoine
'Patenting the Living' (Dossier prepared by Pierre Egea, Toni Negri
and Patrice Riemens)
'Multitudes', Issue 5. Syncretism of Reason and the Critique of
The crisis of Republicanism in France, which is also a crisis of
abstract universalism, is fought out around extremely concrete
issues, such as gender equality, positive discrimination, dress
codes - eg against 'islamic scarves' - in public schools, pitting
against each others the proponents of juridic universalism and
communitarians who are quickly accused of representing the
fundamentalism of difference. Yet it is beyond question that in all
Western democracies, which have become mixed societies in reality if
not in statute, the intertwining of minority agendas engenders
different becoming-subjects than those prescribed by the Declaration
of Human Rights. The minority subject discovers, whether it is
through the experience of exclusion, or through taking part in
affirmative - rather than identitary - grouping: (a) that he is
instrumental through (his/her) specificity in creating a space that
is outside the norm; (b) that he has become the source of the
constitution of the universal becoming of the norm as a frontier,
benchmark, beacon; (c) that it is only through the experience of this
minority-becoming that (the) universal (value(s)) can exist for the
Dossier prepared by Emmanuelle Cosse, Germinal Pinalie, Yann Moulier-
Boutang, Anne Querrien, Charles Wolfe, Gisele Donnard and Alisa Del
'Alice in Development-Land. Whither the Economy of Development?'
(Dossier prepared by Giuseppe Cocco, Franco Barchiesi and Carlo
The hardcopy edition of 'Multitudes' will have six regular features
spread over 200 pages: 'En tete' (Headline) will give an
explanatory overview of each issue's content. 'Inserts' is a 20-
pages space devoted to the European/ international editors of the
review. 'Majeure' (Major) will handle one specific topic in one or
more detailled articles, so as to attain critical mass. 'Icone' will
start with the 4-colors cover-pages, and go on for another 30 or so,
where artists can express themselves as they wish, with texts and
graphics, the latter however limited to black-and-white. 'Hors
champ' (off-range) will welcome texts and debates which break with
the tradition of seriousness in social sciences writings. 'Mineure'
(Minor) will discuss, over ca. 30 pages, another specific theme
with shorter texts (10 pp max.), and this will be in an entirely
different field than what is treated in 'Majeure'. 'Liens' (links)
finally, will contain brief descriptive articles, it will point to
items in the on-line edition of 'Multitudes', and will also cary a few
Table of content of the upcoming issue (provisional):
Issue # 1.
1. Cover - Gerard Fromanger (painter)
2. Detailled list of contents for #1, summary for #2 &3.
3. Intro: presentation of the new review 'Multitudes'
4. 'Inserts': Letter from Seattle and Brasil by Beppe Caccia
5. 'Majeure': Bio-politics
Outline of the topic: Presentation by Bruno Karsenti
(i) Michael Hardt and Toni Negri: 'The Bio-political Production' (-
System)', based on chapter 12 of their book 'Empire', to be published
at Cambridge (Mass), Harvard University Press, 2000;
(ii) Muriel Combes and Bernard Aspe on two recent books by Giorgio
Agamben:'Homo Sacer' and 'Ce qui Reste d'Auschwitz' (What Remains
After Auschwitz);
(iii) Maurizio Lazzarato on bio-politics;
(iv) Paolo Napoli 'Bio-politics and bio-ethics';
(v) Interview with Peter Sloterdijk by Eric Alliez;
(vi) Questions on the issues of bio-politics asked to Jacques
Ranciere, Bruno Latour, Toni Negri, Isabelle Stengers, Michele Tort,
Matthieu Potte Bonneville and Daniel Defert
6. 'Icone':
(i) Contribution by Gerard Fromanger
(ii) 'The Austrian Actionnism' by Hubert Klocker, and interwiew with
Otto Moehl by Jacques Donguy
7. 'Hors-champ': Alain Badiou, 'Multiples, multiplicities'
8. 'Mineure': Electronic/Internet Culture
(i) Laurent Moineau and Aris Papatheordorou: 'Internet and Co-
(ii) Interview with Richard Stallman and Steve Wright;
(iii) Jerome Gleizes on free software and Open Source;
(iv) Fabien Farjon on Internet and militant users
9. 'Liens': Yann Moulier Boutang: 'L'histoire bousculee' (A shaked-
up history), a joint review of Theodore Allen's 'The Invention of
the White Race' (Verso 1994, I and 1997, II), and Ghassan Hage's
'The White Nation' (Pluto, 1998).
Editor (Exils): Philippe Thureau d'Angin
Editor in chief: Yann Moulier Boutang
Editorial Board of the review (Paris):
Eric Alliez,
Saverio Ansaldi,
Jean-Philippe Antoine,
Thierry Baudouin,
Maria Bianchini,
Laurent Bove,
Barbara Cassin,
Jerome Ceccaldi,
Michele Collin,
Antonella Corsani,
Emmanuelle Cosse,
Christophe Degoutin,
Gisele Donnard,
Alisa Del Re',
Pierre Egea,
Jerome Gleizes,
Laurent Guilloteau,
Christophe d'Hallivillee,
Pascal Jollivet,
Bruno Karsenti,
Sandra Laugier,
Maurizio Lazzarato,
Francois Matheron,
Laurent Moineau,
Yann Moulier Boutang,
Aris Papatheodorou,
Thierry Pillon,
Germinal Pinalie,
Emmanuel Ponsard,
Anne Querrien,
Arnoldo Rivkin,
Pascal Severac,
Emmanuel Videcoq,
Jean-Louis Weissberg
International Secretariat:
Thomas Atzert (Frankfurt)
Nanni Balestrini (Rome)
Franco Barchiesi (Johannesburg)
Pachutan Butzari (Berlin)
Giuseppe Cocco (Rio de Janeiro)
Ed Emery (Londres)
Michael Hardt (New York)
Yoshihiko Ichida (Osaka)
Christian Marazzi (Geneva)
Sandro Mezzadra (Genoa)
Toni Negri (Rome)
Judith Revel (Rome)
Patrice Riemens (Amsterdam)
Steve Wright (Melbourne)
Editorial Board (Europe)
Giorgio Agamben (Venice) Italy
El Albert (London) United Kingdom
Gabriel Albiac (Madrid) Spain
Keith Ansell Pearson (Warwick) United Kingdom
Sergio Bologna (Milan) Italy
Sebastian Budgen (London) United Kingdom
Giuseppe Caccia (Venice) Italy
Alessandro Dal Lago (Genoa) Italy
Luciano Ferrari-Bravo (Padua) Italy
Ferrucio Gambino (Padua) Italy
Jose' Gil (Lisbon) Portugal
Salvatore Palidda (Milan) Italy
Alessandro Pandolfi (Milan) Italy
Carlos Prieto Del Campos (Madrid) Spain
Ludovic Prieur (Padua) Italy
Francisco Sampedro (Santiago de Compostels) Spain
Elizabeth Samsonow (Vienna) Austria
Peter Sloterdijk (Karlsruhe) Germany
Isabelle Stengers (Bruxelles) Belgium
Jean Terrier (Geneva) Switzerland
Manuel Villaverde Cabral (Lisbon) Portugal
Editorial Board (Rest of the World):
Akira Asada (Kyoto) Japan
Georges Caffentzis (Ithaca) USA
Harry Cleaver (Austin) USA
Giuseppe Cocco (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil
Walter Evangelista (Belo Horizonte) Brazil
Ghassan Hage (Sydney) Australia
Helena Hirata (Sao Paulo) Brazil
Peter Linebaugh (Toledo) USA
Mitsuro Marimo (Kyoto) Japan
Carlos-Alberto Messeder Pereira (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil
Warren Montag (Los Angeles) USA
John Rajchman (New York) USA
Naoki Sakai (Boston) USA
Charles Wolffe (Boston) (USA)
The review maintains a network of correspondents both in France, the
European Union and other countries (the list will be published on
the back of the first issue).
A meeting of the Friends of 'Multitudes' will be convened (in Paris
or elswhere) twice per quarter.
Subscription rates:
France and European Union:
a) individuals: FFR 360
b) institutional : FFR 500
c) discounted (students, unemployed): FFR 300
Other Countries:
a) individuals: FFR 460
b) institutional : FFR 600
c) discounted (students, unemployed): FFR 400
| Franco Barchiesi |
| Sociology of Work Unit - Dept of Sociology |
| University of the Witwatersrand |
| Private Bag 3 - PO Wits 2050 - Johannesburg - South Africa |
| Tel. (++27 11) 716.3290 - Fax (++27 11) 339.8163 |
| E-Mail [email protected] |
| |
| |
| Home: |
| 56 2nd Avenue - Melville 2092 |
| Johannesburg - South Africa |
| Tel. (++27 11) 482.5011 |
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