mezflesque.exe on Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:14:56 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Treatise of ART ++ dekode 4 the uninitiated


:::tranzlation M-bed.ed, as 2:
*offer cues to thoze as yet unfamiliar with my "style" of posts [i'll do
this every so often]
*encourage enhanced communication [read:author is hopeful/or "ah! utopia!";)] 
*offer possible alternative readings 2 certain loaded thread summaries
designed to slant posts exclusively in favour the summator's interpretation
+ goals [active misreading]
*promote the fluid interpretations of reader/writer interactions:::

<<<ARTv1.0>>>__Strain ov Purr.s[ci]eived S-esthic Grain ov
Inphomatica[u]llee [awe] Affectifflee N-clined
:::ART Version 1.0_Strain of Perceived [science as relevant belief system
shell allusion embedded] Aesthetic Grain of Infomatically or Affectively
Inclined Input_:::

[N-put <read> random sensu.oUS/all frizzonic allowance + stimulus ov High
Alert Categori A-ccording 2 D-tailed specifixz ov the viewer/ab-sorb[ic]her]
:::For Input, read random sensuous/sensual frizzonic [sorry no immediate
translation possible] allowance and stimulus of High Alert Category
according to detailed specifics of the viewer/absorber:::

[Meaningz require.[i]ment onlee in terms ov certain self-fullfilling statez
of absolute certain-T D-pend.ant on thoze D-tailed specifixz]
:::Meanings requirement only in terms of certain self-fulfilling states of
absolute certainty, dependent on those [abovementioned] detailed specifics:::

[Sym[hyper]bolic Logic Quo-10: High]
:::Symbolic/Hyperbolic Logic Quotient: High:::

[Validity Co-X-fish.sen[se]t: High, az in N-titee N abstract juncture likelee]
:::Validity Coefficient: High, as in entity and abstract juncture likely:::

[Egg-sample: N-titee ob.servez oc.kurrance ov N-put <eye.E sunset pixtore
or actu.all> Re:acktion 2wardz [mean/no.thing s-tablished or ig-nored]
Ass-sim[ple]ilation of x-periential for phuture ARTV1.0 refurrence]
:::Example: Entity observes occurrence of input <i.e sunset picture or
actual> reaction towards [meanings or no meanings established] assimilation
[simple allusion imbedded] of experiential for future ART version 1.0
reference point:::

<<<ARTv1.1[sub_lin[m]e::antithesis]>>>__Strain ov Systemic.alli[N
enemie]/N-demically D-fined Kapitalistic-tock Purrpetuation of
Markette-Drivun Objectz & Con[ned]ceptz__
:::ARTversion 1.1 (sublime or sub_line antithesis of version 1.0)_Strain of
Systemic [embedded ally/enemy allusion]/Endemically Defined Capitalistic
Perpetuation of [Art] Market-Driven Objects and Concepts]:::

[N-put n add.junk.ct 2 eck!!onomicaul conned.strucktionz]
:::Input is an adjunct to economical constructions:::

[Meaningz requirement onlee in terms ov rationaliz[justify]ing thoze
eck!!onomicaul conned.strucktionz]
:::Meanings requirement only in terms of rationalising and justifying those
economical constructions [embedded allusion to economic rationalisation:::

[Hyper.bolic Logic Quo-10: High[lee farce.i.caul]]
:::Hyperbolic Logic Quotient: highly farcical:::

[Validity Co-X-fish.sen[se]t: Lowe, az in N-titee N monetary juncture likelee]
:::Validity Coefficient: Low, as in entity and monetary juncture likely:::

[Egg-sample: N-titee ob.servez oc.kurrance ov markette value ov n art
ab/ob.stract/ject Re:acktion 2wardz [consume/knott] Ass-sim[ple]ilation of
x-periential for phuture ARTV1.1 refurrence]
:::Example: Entity observes occurrance of market value of an art
[embedded abstract allusion/s] Reaction towards [act to consume or not
consume] assimilation [simple reference embedded] of experiential for a
future ART version1.1 reference:::


+IF underground spa[z]m = flesh sub.stance of n anim[us].all body//
+THEN *.esque = n-dicating style, manner, dis[junct]tinc.tive charact[h]er 
+AND                      _____________________________________ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[flesque is born] 

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