TONGOLELE on Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:52:20 +0200 (CEST)

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[nettime-lat] Cuba's Only Independent Artist - Run Gallery Goes On-Line


El Espacio Aglutinador is the longest running independent artist-run space in 
Cuba. It was established in 1994 by Sandra Ceballos and Ezequiel Suarez in 
their apartment in the Vedado section of Havana. Now operated by Ceballos and 
Rene Quintana, El Espacio Agluntinador has been an important focal point for 
the creation and maintenance of independent culture in Cuba. Since 1994, the 
gallery has hosted over 30 solo shows and four group exhibitions for artists 
from the island, as well as from Europe and the United States.  The gallery 
has published numerous catalogues and provided a venue for several literary 
artists as well.

El Espacio Aglutinador has an email address but as of now, no direct access 
to the world wide web. The gallery directors want to develop means of 
familiarizing Cuban artists on the island with new technologies and seek 
support from the international artists community in order to do so. Starting 
today, information about the gallery and its history is available at the 
following URL:

El Espacio Agluntinador es la galeria independiente m�s antigua de Cuba que 
es manejado por artistas. Fue establicida en 1994 por Sanda Ceballos y 
Ezequiel Suarez. Hoy en d�a est� bajo la direcci�n de Ceballos y Rene 
Quintana. El Espacio Aglutinador ha sido un punto clave para la creaci�n y el 
mantenimiento de la cultura independiente en Cuba. Desde 1994, la galeria ha 
presentado m�s de 30 exibiciones personales y cuatro muestras colectivas de 
artes de la isla y tambi�n de los EU y Europa.

El Espacio Aglutinador tiene una direcci�n de correo electr�nico pero no 
tiene acceso directo al WWW.  Los directores de la galeria quieren 
desarrollar los medios necesarstica internacional. Desde hoy habr� 
informaci�n acerca de la galeria y su historia en el sitio siguiente:

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