Fernando Llanos on Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:13:03 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-lat] * 5 nuevos artistas invitados_5 new invited artist *

* 5 nuevos artistas invitados_5 new invited artist *



� � Diego Toledo � �
� � Laura Carmona � �
� � Roberto de la Torre � �
� � Verena Grimm � �


� � Alejandra Echeverr�a � �



"ciudad =  producto"
Estas  animaciones est�n construidas con im�genes y
textos encontrados.
Trate de usar la tecnolog�a de manera "low tec."
Nunca antes hab�a trabajado con imagen ( y texto) en
Afuera hacia menos 15 grados.
Diego Toledo 1999  [email protected]

"city = product"
These animations are made with fownd images and text.
I tried to use technologie in a "low- tec." way.
I had never worked with images (and text) in movement.
Out side was minus 15 degrees.
Diego Toledo 1999  [email protected]


Laura Carmona naci� en M�xico D. F. hace 26 a�os.
Egresada de La Esmeralda trabaja con medios digitales.

"Este video parte de la experiencia de tener una plaga de ratones en mi

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Laura Carmona was born in Mexico D. F. 26 years ago.
Graduated from La Esmeralda she works with digital media.

"This video was born from the experience of having a plague of mousses at


Roberto de la Torre, born in Mexico,1967. He studied visual arts in the Art
School  "La Esmeralda", and is teacher at the Centro Nacional de las Artes
Art Center) in Mexico City. Has been working in installation and performance
for several years. He was co-founder of "19 concreto" group, which was an
important part of the experimental art scene during the early 1990's. His
individual work has been shown and awarded internationally since 1996 to at
the present time in Germany, Finland, Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico.

Chemical lava o erupciones de bolsillo, es el primer video de una serie de
diecisiete acciones breves que realic� en diciembre del 2000 en  Michoac�n,
M�xico, al pie del volc�n Paricut�n.

El proyecto consisti� en cruzar el mar de lava que rodea al pueblo Angahuan,
hasta subir al cr�ter del volc�n. La acci�n en todos los videos fue la
misma: cerrar la mano en forma de cr�ter, esparcir bicarbonato en �lla y
finalmente regar vinagre para crear una aut�ntica erupci�n artificial.

Durante todo el trayecto repet� el mismo evento, solo que algunas veces
utilizaba mi mano y en otros momentos se involucraban mas manos, pero
siempre como tel�n de fondo el volc�n.


Chemical Lava or pocket eruptions, is the first video of one group of
seventeen short actions, created at the foot of the volcano Paricutin.
December 2000 at
Michoacan, Mexico. The proyect was to cross the lava sea around Angahuan
village, until to go to the mouth of the volcano. All videos have the same
action: close the hand to seem the crater, to spread bicarbonate and to
vinager until create an authentic artificial eruption.

During all way, I repeated the same action, some times I used my hand and
some times I used other hands but always with the backdrop of the volcano.



Verena Grimm- 1971 -M�xico DF.
contacto      [email protected]

Mecanismo de lesi�n
-Heridas Penetrantes
   -Heridas de Entrada y salida
        - Rodamiento de bala

Al impactarse la una bala contra un cuerpo pierde r�pidamente su velocidad y
causa un vuelco o rodamiento. Esto  impactar� mucho  mas part�culas y
causar� mas da�o tisular que cuando la punta era el �rea frontal del misil .

Kinematics of trauma
- Penetrating injuries
  -injuries with entrance and exit
   - rotation of a bullet

When a bullet hits a body it loses speed rapidly and rotates inside the
body. This will cause a mayor tisular damage than when the tip of the bullet
was in its  frontal position.

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