David Gómez i Fontanills on Fri, 28 Nov 2003 10:29:43 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [nettime-lat] Windows for Shockwave 4.0 launched


Perdona por el "error".
He trabajado con Director y creo que algo como WFS es bienvenido para 
los "autores" que lo usan.

De todas formas me mantengo con la crítica a Macromedia, que también 
tiene algo que ver con esto.
Es una lástima que la immensa y creativa "comunidad-Lingo" y la 
"comunidad-Director" sean dependientes en última instancia de una 
tecnología propietaria que no cumple ni siguiera los estándares para 

Respecto a esto, la sospecha es que Macromedia está perfectamente 
capacitada para hacer que, por lo menos Flash, pueda publicar en el 
estándar SVG y que no lo implementan porque prefieren seguir 
aprovechandose de una posición dominante respecto a la publicación 
vectorial-dinámica-interactiva en internet con Shockwave Flash y 
Shockwave (tecnologías que necesitan de un plug-in que tiene que 
actualizarse a cada versión y mantienen el código fuente cerrado).

Creo que sería muy bueno para todos que Macromedia se planteara seguir 
los pasos de Sun, IBM o Netscape y entrara a formar parte de una cultura 
más abierta que, estoy seguro, ya comparten muchos de sus usuarios  y 
desarrolladores independientes.

un abrazo


Regina Célia Pinto wrote:

>Hola David,
>Creio que há algum engano de sua parte. Windows for Shockwave não é criação
>e nem está ligado à Macromedia, embora seja preparado para o Director. Esse
>programa é  criação do programador canadense Jim Andrews, que trabalha com
>Director também. Por que você não se comunica diretamente com ele e
>pergunta. Eu estou apenas divulgando porque penso que pode interessar a
>alguém que utiliza o Director, e porque confio no trabalho do Jim. Espero
>ter ajudado.
>Um abraço,
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Gómez i Fontanills" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Cc: "Regina Célia Pinto" <[email protected]>
>Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 7:55 PM
>Subject: Re: [nettime-lat] Windows for Shockwave 4.0 launched
>>Muy bien, muy bien,...
>>Pero una pregunta: ¿Para cuando Macromedia va a apoyar de verdad
>>Scalable Vector Graphics?
>>SVG: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
>>¿Por qué no ponen el mismo empeño en desarrollar para los estándares
>>Sí, ya sé porqué, por lo mismo que Microsoft...
>>dvd gmz
>>Regina Célia Pinto wrote:
>>>Windows for Shockwave (WFS) 4.0 is launched at http://vispo.com/wfs4
>>>Windows For Shockwave is a set of Library Palette behaviors for Director
>>>(not an Xtra) that enables drag and drop creation of onstage windows,
>>>dialog boxes, cascading menus, right-click (Control+click in Mac) pop-up
>>>menus, and good cursor image control. More generally, the main idea of
>>>is the 'multi-sprite', sort of like LDM or Movie Clips in Flash: you
>>>multiple sprites that are treated as a unit, and the WFS behavior library
>>>and API supply you with ways of operating on elements of multi-sprites,
>>>multi-sprites, and families of multi-sprites. There are two types of
>>>multi-sprites in WFS: windows and menus.
>>>WFS can be used in the creation of Shockwave movies or Projectors. The
>>>and drop behaviors are suitable for Director developers with no Lingo
>>>knowledge. WFS also supplies an extensive API for programmers to access
>>>WFS 4.0 adds the exciting ability to easily create and destroy dynamic
>>>sprites, dynamic windows, dynamic menus, and dynamic families thereof.
>>>of having to allocate dummy sprites? Dummies often result in a
>>>hit (too many simultaneously instantiated sprites) and low bounds on the
>>>total number of dummys you can allocate for each type of dummy sprite (as
>>>"oops we're out of Martians" or sound icons or whatever). WFS 4.0
>>>the need for dummy sprites. And the WFS 4.0 "Script Writer" handlers
>>>the Lingo for you. Create windows and menus as you do in 3.0's easy drag
>>>drop way. Then aim the "Script Writer" handlers at the static model and
>>>creates easily-called handlers that, when called, create dynamic copies
>>>the static model.
>>>The level of Lingo knowledge required to use the WFS 4.0 features is less
>>>than intermediate, whereas dynamic sprite creation/destruction/management
>>>an advanced procedure with gotchas without WFS 4.0; WFS 4.0 is the only
>>>system out there that lets you manage dynamic sprites. And the WFS 3.0
>>>functionality, fully included in 4.0, which does not require any Lingo
>>>knowledge, is the only system out there for creating windowed
>>>for Shockwave.
>>>Some developers used WFS 3.0 as an alternative to MIAW in making
>>>(Director does not support MIAW in Shockwave) because of WFS's ease of
>>>and feature set. Others used WFS 3.0 to create windows and menus in
>>>Shockwave. Others used it as an alternative to LDM (Director's buggy
>>>of the Movie Clip concept) to create things that don't look like windows
>>>menus but benefit from that cohesive behavior. Others use WFS as their
>>>windowing and menu-making tool whether they are developing projectors or
>>>WFS 4.0 retains and enhances these uses but will now also serve as your
>>>engine for creation/destruction/management of dynamic sprites,
>>>multi-sprites, and families thereof. The stress in WFS 4.0 is therefore
>>>building apps that have a deep Score but must run fast. WFS helps you
>>>your Score from getting too deep unnecessarily, but it also opens up a
>>>maximum of 1000 sprite channels for simultaneous use (and reuse).
>>>The following text is also available (with links) on the WFS home
>>>page at http://vispo.com/wfs4
>>>1.  Easy to use Dynamic creation/destruction of elements/multi-
>>>   sprites/families of multi-sprites (4.0 Professional only). No
>>>   more allocation of dummy resources in Director. This makes for
>>>   faster apps and you can have more sprites of any particular
>>>   resource-type than you can when you have to load the Score with
>>>   dummies.
>>>2.  Still works like 3.0 except for the added dynamic creation-
>>>   destruction functionality, so if you know 3.0, you'll find 4.0
>>>   a snap.
>>>3.  New "Drag Element" behavior that constrains elements to their
>>>   window or a configurable rectangle relative to the element's
>>>   window.
>>>4.  Enhanced API for parent-child support and improved wfsSetParent
>>>   and wfsSetChild.
>>>5.  Enhanced "6: Handle" functionality so that multi-sprites can be
>>>   constrained to move within some other multi-sprite (or the stage
>>>   or their parent or a configurable rectangle) and the "6: Handle"
>>>   behavior does less computation. One or a hundred instances of the
>>>   behavior do the same amount of constant computation: at most 1
>>>   comparison per frame of constant processing.
>>>6.  Expanded Window Manager Parameter Dialog Box to permit initial
>>>   centering of window and control over whether children stay in
>>>   front of parents.
>>>7.  Expanded API in several behaviors and scripts. I have also
>>>   created a page of documentation that lists the full API and
>>>   links to the particular handler documentation so that you can
>>>   reference the full API easier, at a glance.
>>>8.  Smarter multi-sprites. Elements can come into existence after the
>>>   multi-sprite has been moved by the user but still the elements
>>>   assume their correct position within the window (or menu).
>>>9.  Many bug-fixes.
>>>10. New tutorials with audio and animated instruction (tutorial 1 and
>>>   tutorial 2). Each of these has more than a half-hour of instruction
>>>   in how to use WFS. These make getting started with WFS much quicker
>>>   than normal tutorials. The tutorials are highly navigable, also, so
>>>   you can reference them and find things within them easily. There are
>>>   8 tutorials in total. All of them are new to WFS 4.0.
>>>11. Indexed documentation search engine and updated
>>>   documentation. The Web version of the Search Engine has a smaller
>>>   index file than the downloadable version so Web searches don't take
>>>   too long to download the index file.
>>>12. All WFS globals are named so that now they begin with "gWFS"; all
>>>   WFS properties now begin with "pWFS"; all WFS handlers now begin
>>>   with "wfs". So you are guaranteed to have no name-space conflicts
>>>   with WFS globals, properties, and handlers as long as you don't
>>>   begin your globals with "gWFS" nor your properties with "pWFS"
>>>   nor your handlers with "wfs".
>>>13. Developed in Director 8 on Windows XP. Tested in Director MX on
>>>   Windows XP.
>>>The only difference between the Standard and Professional versions is
>>>that the Professional version includes the "Script Writer" and the
>>>"Dynamism" scripts. These scripts are the active ingredient in
>>>creating dynamic multi-sprites and families and elements thereof.
>>>Many people on this list will have reflected on the topic of dynamic
>>>sprite creation in Director at length. I think you'll find the
>>>approach to this topic in WFS 4.0 Professional quite an advance on
>>>the usual methods. Why? Well, if we're talking about dynamic sprite
>>>creation, we're talking about creating and destroying sprites via
>>>Lingo commands. This can be extrordinarily tedious. Why? Well, you'd
>>>think that creating a dynamic sprite would involve one or more handler
>>>calls that require setting a lot of parameters: the member parameters;
>>>the sprite parameters, and the attached behavior parameters.
>>>Part of the beauty of the WFS 4.0 Professional approach is that it
>>>takes the tedium out of this process. The way you create a dynamic
>>>sprite in WFS 4.0 Professional is you create it by first creating
>>>a static model of it, ie, you drag a member onto the stage and
>>>attach the behaviors to it you want attached to it. Then you aim
>>>one of the "Script Writer" handlers at it and it writes the Lingo
>>>code you need to create dynamic versions of the sprite.
>>>Moreover, the "Script Writer" script contains public handlers that
>>>do the same concerning multi-sprites and even families of multi-sprites.
>>>In other words, you don't have to create dynamic entities sprite-by-
>>>sprite, but can create them multi-sprite by multi-sprite or even
>>>family-of-multi-sprites by family-of-multi-sprites.
>>>Correspondingly, one would want destructors that can destroy dynamic
>>>entities not only sprite-by-sprite but also multi-sprite by multi-sprite.
>>>WFS 4.0 supplies those destructors, and also destructors to off them
>>>multi-sprite family by multi-sprite family.
>>>WFS 4.0 Professional also does automatic garbage collection of dynamic
>>>sprites at the end of the movie.
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