A Virtual Memorial on Fri, 2 Apr 2004 19:45:08 +0200 (CEST)

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[nettime-lat] memorial://april

{A Virtual Memorial} -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
~New Media art project environment~
commemorates in April 2004 -
the International Year to Commemorate
the struggle against Slavery and its Abolition -
09 April  1945 -                      Germany - execution of Dietrich
19 April  2004                         Jom Hashoa
24 April  1915/2004  -            Memorial  Day for Genocide in Armenia
26 April  1986/2004  -            Chernobyl Commemoration Day
30 April  1976/2004  -            Vietnam - Reunification Day
Table of Contents:
a) Features of the month April  2004
b) News
New month - new subject
b) ***Features of the Month

Subject--> Transit - transformation and movement
Feature--> Transit Camps
Featured Artist--> Fluid - net based project by Avi Ventura
ArtObject--> Go to the mountain top
Man--> Dalai Lama
Animal--> Mountain Gorilla
People--> Sinti and Roma
Chernobyl-->  ]and_scape[
Chernobyl --> Poems by Liubov Sirota
City:--> Saigon
Desease--> Mouth & Foot Desease
 b) News in April
on 11 March, the horrible terror attack in Madrid/Spain took place.
In order to commemorate the victims -->
"Memorial for the Victims of Terror"
is open for artists submissions.
Please find the submission form on
On 5 March -  {A Virtual Memorial} launched officially
.[R][R][F] 2004--->XP
online and in physical space at
National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest/Romania
Electronic Arts Center Bergen/Norway www.bek.no and
finally at New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand
(20-28 March).
Due to its success, the show in Bucharest
has been meanwhile prolonged until 30 April 2004
[R][R][F] 2004--->XP is an experimental
New Media art environment focussing on three main aspects
Basic subject -->"memory and identity"
Basic operational aspect -->"networking as artworking"
Basic presentation aspect-->"exchange between virtual and physical space"
The project is a networking collaboration
with numerous institutions, organisations, curators, artists and
and will be developing and operating during 2004and 2005.

Detailled information are available

See also the suit of calls to be accessed on

Until the next time
all the best,
{A Virtual Memorial}
Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity -
ongoing New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne.
A short description as PDF file for free download from
[email protected]
corporate member of
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne
-the experimental platform for net based art -
operating from Cologne/Germany
copyright � 2000-2004 by AGRICOLA de Cologne
All rights reserved.
Optimized for 1024x768 VGA resolution,
latest browser versions of
MS Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera
soundcard, Flash 7 required

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