ad van oosten on Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:11:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] Oefenen op de goede uitspraak...

Aaliyah -- uh-LEE'-uh 
Aegon -- AY'-gahn 
Afghanistan -- af-gahn'-ih-STAHN' (slightly less
stress on ``gahn'') (the westernized pronunciation
af-GAN'-ih-stan is also acceptable.) 
Gul Agha -- gool AH'-guh   
John Agwunobi -- a-gwuh-NOH'-bee 
Ahmedabad -- AHM'-duh-BAHD' 
Mohamed Hussein Aidid -- ah-DEED' 
Aiko -- eye-koh 
Mullah Mohammed Hasan Akhund -- MOO'-lah moh-HAHM'-ed
hah-SUHN' uh-HOOND' (``oo in HOOND as in ``food'')
Saud al-Faisal -- sah-OOD' ahl fy-ZAHL' 
Farouk Ali -- fah-ROOK' ah-LEE' 
Fadhil Al-Khaledy -- FAH'-deel ahl-KUH'-lay-dee 
Nabil Al-Marabh -- nuh-BEEL' ahl-muh-RAHB' 
Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi -- AHB'-dehl BAH'-seht
AH'-lee ahl-meh-GRAH'-hee 
Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali -- 
    moh-HAH'-mehd rah-SHEED' dah-ood ahl-oh-WAHL'-ee 
Al-Qaida -- al-KY'-ee-duh 
Al Sayd -- al-sah-HOOD' (``oo'' as in ``food'') 
Ayman al-Zawahri -- uh-MEEN' al-zawl-HEHR'-ee (last
two syllables sound like the name ``Harry'') 
Aaliyah -- uh-LEE'-uh
   Am to Az
Haron Amin -- hah-ROHN' ah-MEEN' 
Kofi Annan -- KOH'-fee AN'-nan 
Aqaba -- AH'-kuh-bah 
Aracaju -- ah-ruh-kuh-ZHOO' 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide -- zhahn behr-TRAHN'
Hanan Ashrawi -- HAH'-nahn ash-ROW'-ee 
Bashar Assad -- bah-SHAHR' AH'-sahd   
Mohammed Atef -- AH'-tehf 
Azerbaijan -- ah-zur-by-JAHN' 
Tariq Aziz -- TAH'-rihk ah-ZEEZ' 
Jose Maria Aznar -- AHS'-nahr
Ahmed Badawi -- AH'-mehd buh-DAH'-wee 
Herman Badillo -- bah-DEE'-yoh 
Bagram -- bah-GRAHM' 
John Baldacci -- bal-DAH'-chee 
Bamiyan -- BAH'-mee-ahn 
Ehud Barak -- EH'-hud bah-RAHK' 
Behawalpur -- beh-HAH'-wahl-poor 
Beit Hanoun -- bayt ha-NOON' 
Shlomo Ben-Ami -- SHLOH'-moh ben-ah-MEE' 
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer -- behn-yah-MEEN'
Eliahu Ben-Elissar -- ehl-ee-ah-HOO' ben-ehl-ee-ZAHR' 
Silvio Berlusconi -- behr-loos-KOH'-nee 
Osama bin Laden -- oh-SAH'-muh bin-LAH'-din 
Alwaleed Bin Talal -- al-wa-LEED' bin TAL'-al 
Bishkek -- BIHSH'-kehk 
Avi Boaz -- BOH'-az 
Enrique Bolanos -- boh-LAN'-yohs 
La Bouche -- boosh 
Richard Boucher -- BOW'-chur 
Abdelaziz Bouteflika -- ahb-DUL'-ah-ZEEZ'
Lakhdar Brahimi -- LAHK'-dahr bra-HEE'-mee 
Agus Budiman -- AH'-goos boo-DEE'-mahn 
Klaus Buhler -- klows BYOO'-ler 
Gracia Burhnam -- GRAY'-shuh 
Burqas -- BUR'-kuhs
Eduardo Camano -- kah-MAHN'-yoh 
Chappaqua -- CHAP'-uh-kwah 
Chau Takhay -- chow tak-how 
Chechnya -- CHECH'-nyah 
Chen Shui-bian -- jehn shwee bee-ehn 
Jacques Chirac -- zhahk shih-RAHK' 
Ciprofloxacin -- sih-proh-FLAK'-sihn 
Ciudad del Este -- see-yoo-DAHD' dehl EH'-stay 
Colon -- kuh-LOHN' 
Conshohoken -- kahn-shuh-HAH'-ken 
Bill Cormier -- KORM'-yay 
William Costopoulos -- kah-STAHP'-uh-lihs 
Creutzfeld-Jakob -- KROYTS'-felt JAY'-kuhb 
Culebra -- koo-LAY'-bruh
Tom Daschle -- DASH'-uhl 
Dhahran -- dah-RAHN' 
Dashst-i-Qula -- dash-tee-kah-LAH' 
Jan Demczur -- DEHM'-zee-uhr 
Ted Demme -- DEH'-mee 
Vladimir Dezhurov -- deh-ZH00R'-ahf 
Donald DiFrancesco -- dee-fran-SEHS'-koh 
John Dingell -- DING'-gul 
Pete Domenici -- doh-MEN'-ih-chee 
Dornoch -- DOHR'-nahk 
Doxycycline -- dahk-sih-SY'-kleen 
Elaine Duch -- dook 
Eduardo Duhalde -- doo-AHL'-day 
Dushanbe -- duh-shahn-BAY' 
Dynegy -- DY'-nuh-jee
Bulent Ecevit -- EH'-chee-vit   
Ehime Maru -- eh-hee-mee mah-roo 
Eid al-Fitr -- eed ahl-FEE'-truh 
Wadih El-Hage -- WAH'-dee ehl-HAHJ' 
Mounir El Motassadeq -- moo-neer ehl mah-tuh-SAD'-uhk 
Aicha el-Wafi -- eye-EE'-uh  
Saeb Erekat -- sah-EEB' EHR'-ih-kaht
Fatah -- fah-TAH' 
Anthony Fauci -- FOW'-chee 
Ahmad Fawzi -- FOW'-zee 
Lamen Khalifa Fhimah -- LAH'-mehn kah-LEE'-fah
Ari Fleischer -- AHR'-ee FLY'-shur 
Toniu Fonoti -- toh-NYOO' foh-noh-TEE' 
Gregorio Fuentes -- foo-EHN'-tayz 
Vicente Fox -- vih-SEN'-tay 
Alberto Fujimori -- foo-jee-MOHR'-ee 
Keiji Fukuda -- kay-jee foo-koo-dah
Gabon -- ga-BOHN' 
Moammar Gadhafi -- MOO'-ah-mahr gah-DAH'-fee 
Yale Galanter -- yayl guh-LAN'-tur 
Rakesh Gangwal -- rah-KESH' GAHN'-gwahl 
Genovese -- JEH'-noh-veez 
John Geoghan -- GAY'-gun 
Ghanikheil -- GAH'-nikh-ay-ehl 
Ghowr -- GOR 
Vincent ``The Chin'' Gigante -- jee-GAHN'-tay 
Giotto -- ZHAH'-toh 
Raanan Gissin -- rah-NAHN' gis-EEN' 
Parris Glendening -- glen-DEN'-ing 
Goshen -- GOH'-shuhn 
Charles Grabau -- gra-BOH' 
Frank Gruttadauria -- groot-ah-DOY'-ree-ah 
Patrick Guerriero -- gur-EHR'-oh 
Hamid Gul -- HAH'-mihd gool
Hadera, Israel -- hah-DEHR'-uh 
Haifa -- HY'-fuh 
Hamas -- hah-MAHS' 
Farid Hamayoun --HAH'-may-yoon 
Ahmed Hannan -- AH'-mehd hah-NAHN' 
Mahmoud Abu Hanoud -- mah-MOOD' ah-boo hah-NOOD' 
Mokhtar Haouari -- MOHK'-tahr how-AHR'-ee 
Abdul Haq -- ahb-DOOL' hahk 
haute couture -- OHT koo-TUHR' 
Haverhill -- HAY'-vruhl -- Massachusetts 
Hebron -- HEH'-bruhn 
Herat -- hay-RAHT' 
Herculaneum, Missouri -- hur-kyoo-LAY'-nee-uhm 
Hezbollah -- HEZ'-buh-lah' (slightly less stress on
Abdallah Higazy -- ahb-DAH'-lah hee-GAH'-zee 
Elie Hobeika -- EHL'-ee hoh-BAY'-kuh 
Liban Hussein -- LEE'-bahn hoo-SAYN' 
Faisal Husseini -- FY'-suhl hoo-SAY'-nee
Dr. Jay Iams -- EYEMZ 
Damir Igric -- duh-MEER' EE'-grich 
Kelvin Iguabita -- ig-wah-BEE'-tuh 
Imam -- EE'-mahm 
India.Arie -- IN'-dee-uh ah-REE' 
Islamabad -- ihs-LAH'-muh-bahd' (Slight stress on
final syllable, not as strong as stress on second
Darrell Issa -- EYE'-suh 
Igor Ivanov -- EE'-gohr ee-VAHN'-awf
Jabir Air Base -- jeh-BEER' 
Jacobabad -- jak-oh-ba-BAHD'    
Jalalabad -- ju-LAH'-lah-bahd (The vowel sound in
``ju'' is similar to the double-o sound in ``took'') 
Beit Jalla -- bayt JAH'-lah 
Qatradullah Jamal -- kwah-trah-DOOL'-ah jah-MAL' 
JDAM -- JAY'-dam (Joint Direct Attack Munition) 
Jenin -- juh-NEEN' 
Kajal Jhaveri -- KAH'-jihl jah-VEHR'-ee 
Jiang Zemin -- jahng zuh-MEEN' 
Jihad -- jih-HAHD' 
Steve Jobs -- jahbz 
Thomas Junta -- JUN'-tah
Kabul -- kah-BOOL' (though the pronunciation KAH'-bool
is also common) 
Kach -- KAHKH 
Kalai-Zal -- kah-LAY'-zahl 
Kandahar -- kan'-duh-HAHR' (slight stress on first
syllable; stronger stress on third syllable) 
Karachi -- kuh-RAH'-chee 
Radovan Karadzic -- RA'-doh-van KA'-ra-jich 
Karam -- KAR'-uhm 
Islam Karimov -- EES'-lahm kah-REE'-mahv 
Raed Karmi -- RAH'-ed KAHR'-mee 
Hamid Karzai -- HAH'-mihd KAHR'-zeye 
Qayum Karzai -- ky-OOM' KAHR'-zeye 
Katyusha -- kah-TOO'-shuh 
King Khalid Military City -- KAHL'-ihd 
Zalmay Khalilzad -- ZAHL'-may kah-LEEL'-zahd 
Ali Khamenei -- hah-meh-neh-EE' 
Mohammad Khatami -- HAHT'-ah-mee 
Khobar -- KOH'-bahr 
Khost -- hohst (heavy stress on first ``h'') 
Khyber Pass -- KY'-bur  
Kwame Kilpatrick -- KWAH'-mee 
Kim Dae-jung -- kihm day-joong 
Kim Jong Il -- kihm jawng eel  
Lake Kivu -- kee-VOO' 
Koenigswinter -- KOO'-nihgz-veen-ter 
Junichiro Koizumi -- joon-ee-chee-roh koh-ay-zoo-mee  

Colleen Kollar-Kotelly -- KOH'-lur koh-TEL'-ee 
Marjorie Knoller -- NOHL'-ur 
Leonid Kuchma -- KOOCH'-mah 
Kunar -- ku-NAHR' (The vowel sound in ``ku'' is
similar to the double-o sound in ``took'') 
Kunduz -- KUHN'-dooz 
Kyrgyzstan -- KEHR'-gih-stahn
Lagos -- LAY'-gohs 
La Junta -- lah-HUN'-tah 
Landstuhl -- LAWND'-shtool 
Leicester -- LEH'-stur 
Marilyn Lemak -- LEE'-mak 
William Lerach -- luh-RAHK' 
Gerald Levin -- luh-VIN' 
Chandra Levy -- SHAHN'-druh LEE'-vee 
Likud -- lee-KOOD' 
Lima, Ohio -- LY'-muh 
Lima, Peru -- LEE'-muh 
Ottilie Lundgren -- AH'-tih-lee
Imam Mahdi -- EE'-mahm MAH'-dee 
Masako -- mah-sah-koh 
Mazar-e-Sharif -- mu-ZAHR'-eh-sheh-REEF' (The vowel
sound in ``mu'' is similar to the double-o sound in
James McNerney -- muhk-NUR'-nee 
Medellin -- meh-deh-YEEN' 
Megawati Sukarnoputri -- meh-ga-WAH'-tee
Anwar Mehmood -- an-WEHR' mah-MOOD' 
Mekambo -- meh-kahm-BOH' 
Kweisi Mfume -- kwah-EE'-see oom-FOO'-may 
Slobodan Milosevic -- sloh-BOH'-dahn
Norman Mineta -- mih-NEH'-tuh 
Minot -- MY'-nut 
Daoud Mir -- dah-OOD' MEER 
Ratko Mladic -- RAHT'-koh MLAH'-dich 
Moenchengladbach -- mun-chuhn-GLAHD'-bakh 
Khalfan Khamis Mohamed -- KAHL'-fahn KAH'-mis
Mahathir Mohamed -- muh-HAH'-thihr moh-HAHM'-ed 
Yoshiro Mori -- yoh-shee-roh moh-ree 
Mosul -- MOH'-sul 
Zacarias Moussaoui -- zuh-KAR'-ee-uhs moo-SOW'-ee 
Hosni Mubarak -- HAHS'-nee moo-BAH'-rahk 
Robert Mueller -- MUHL'-ur 
Mujahedeen -- moo-jah-hid-DEEN' 
Pervez Musharraf -- pur-VEHZ' moo-SHAH'-ruhv 
Nacer Mustafa -- NAH'-sur moo-STAH'-fah 
Amir Khan Muttaqui -- mew-TAH'-kee 
Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil -- wah-KEEL' ah-MED'
Naltrexone -- nal-TREKS'-ohn 
Naruhito -- nah-ROOSH'-doh 
Nauru -- NAH'-roo 
Hassan Nasrallah -- HAS'-ahn NAS'-ruh-lah 
Netanya -- neh-TAHN'-yah 
Benjamin Netanyahu -- net-an-YAH'-hoo 
Kathy Nguy

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