[email protected] on Sat, 29 Jun 2002 17:43:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] FW: Appeal: Building independent media for Johannesburg

(De Johannesburg Summit/WSSD/Rio+10 is de grote VN milieu- en
ontwikkelingsconferentie 26 aug - 4 sep.)


- Read on if you think the upcoming 'Rio +10' Johannesburg Summit
  needs more media coverage.
- Answer the questions at the end if you are already working on media
  coverage or are able to contribute anything (reports, interviews,
  comments; text, audio or images; bandwidth or facilities)
- Forward this message to relevant mailing lists, colleagues, etc.
  and send a Cc to [email protected]

                Building independent media for Johannesburg

The Rio conference in 1992 still was 'sort of' covered by mass media, and
public opinion had a positive influence on the results.
10 years on, the 2002 Biodiversity conference in april (182 countries
attending) generated near to zero media attention. Both governments, NGO's
and activists now fear for an almost complete lack of media coverage from
the upcoming 'Rio +10' Johannesburg Summit.

One general conclusion is obvious: whatever the mechanisms at work here,
the mass media can no longer be trusted to cover matters which are
objectively of great and world-wide importance. Public opinion,
politicians and NGOs at home may be completely bypassed, not even knowing
what's going on.

So we have to act... Of course, too late, too little. But why not join
efforts in building a few news channels of our own, bypassing the mass
media via cheap E-media? One thing is clear: the more outreach, the
better. So trying to cooperate and be efficient can only help.

We're thinking of combining somehow:

- A media pool to exchange text/pictures/audio/video files,
  via a web site, FTP site and mailing lists. Easy submission via web
  form and E-mail
- A portal for summit related news sources and facilities
- Connecting and producing radio, using both webcast (live streaming)
  telephone (live reports/interviews), radio stations and archived
  material (audio files for download)
- People in Johannesburg, contributing text, pictures, audio-reports and
- People staying at home, analysing, translating and spreading 'the news'
  to/via local papers, local broadcasters, websites, mailing lists, news
  groups and fax

Can you help? Please answer the questions below.

This is an initiative from people in the Netherlands around A SEED,
Indymedia, Diversity Radio, Antenna, ANPED, Hivos, Socia Media and dDH.
At this moment we're only checking the support and possibilities for an
independent media effort. Please do not send news, bulletins, etc. to us
yet, we will contact you.

  ----------- 8< --------------------------------------- cut here ----

                Building independent media for Johannesburg

                -- QUESTIONS --

Please only reply if you can really contribute to this media effort and
keep your answers as short as possible. We are simply making an inventory
of resources first and this is a voluntary effort (until now).

To reply:
- cut everything above the line
- quote this part of the message ('>' before each line)
- put your answer directly under the question (you do not need to answer
  all questions)
- send it to [email protected]



Web site:




1. Do you or your organization already plan to make 'media' about
   the summit?

   If so, what media?

2. Are you or your organization in Johannesburg during the summit
   and can you provide news/analyses/comments (free of charge and
   free of copyrights)?

   If so, in what form (text, pictures, audio, video)?

3. Are you 'at home' during the summit and able to spread
   information in your area (national or local, to papers, radio,
   web sites, mailing lists, news groups or fax lists)?

   If so, what material can you handle and spread (text, pictures,
   audio or video files)?

4. Can you or your organization provide facilities/contacts IN
   JOHANNESBURG to produce, edit or transport information (office
   space, studio, computers, internet connection, phone or fax)?

   If so, what exactly can you provide? Free or at what price?

5. Can you or your organization provide channels/contacts, to
   spread information (web sites, E-mail mailing lists, news
   groups, audio streaming, radio, TV)?

   If so, what exactly can you provide? Free or at what price?

Send your reply to [email protected]


paradigm shift
ide�el en cultureel communicatie-kollektief



mission statement 

paradigm shift ontwikkelt creatieve en strategische marketing-communicatie,
van concept tot uitvoering.

De essentie van ons werk is het vertalen van de boodschap van onze klant
naar de doelgroep. Dat wij dit met de grootst mogelijke creativiteit,
inspiratie en betrokkenheid doen spreekt voor ons vanzelf.

Daarbinnen stellen wij ons kritisch op tegenover:

0 - automatismen in de consumptiemaatschappij
0 - culturele vervlakking
0 - korte-termijndenken

Wij zijn voor welvaart, maar niet ten koste van welzijn.
Al onze keuzes, zowel voor onszelf als voor onze klanten, toetsen wij aan
dit gedachtengoed. 

paradigm shift is een kollektief van professionals die deze kritische blik

Wij werken graag voor klanten met een vergelijkbaar gedachtengoed, zoals:
non-profitinstellingen, de culturele sector en maatschappelijk verantwoorde


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* http://www.nettime.org/.
* Contact: Menno Grootveld ([email protected]).