Stoffel Debuysere on Tue, 3 Jun 2008 18:07:07 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] workshop "Towards Open and Dynamic Archives" // 10 juni // VUB Brussels

De workshop 'Towards Open and Dynamic Archives' vindt plaats in het  
kader van het BOM- VL project .  BOM-VL ('Bewaren en Ontsluiten van  
Multimediale data in Vlaanderen') werd begin 2008 opgestart onder  
impuls van het kabinet Economie, Innovatie & Wetenschapsbeleid van  
minister Patricia Ceysens. Voor de eerste keer wordt in Vlaanderen  
een breed project opgestart, dat de problematiek van opslag &  
ontsluiting van multimediaal materiaal zal bestuderen, en praktische  
oplossingen zal voorstellen. De multidisciplinaire aanpak wordt  
versterkt door de samenwerking van alle belangrijke spelers in de  
cultuur- & mediasector.

Een van de werkpakketten buigt zich over vraagstukken rond het  
gebruik van online multimediale archieven. Wat zijn de heersende en  
gewenste sociale, cultuerele en economische paradigma's rond het  
gebruik, distributie en uitwisseling van online audiovisueel  
archiefmateriaal en hoe kunnen die modellen geïmplementeerd worden?  
Welke waardevolle inzichten kunnen onttrokken worden aan het web 2.0  
discours, en wat zijn de potentiële knelpunten? Wat betekent de golf  
van "mass amateurization" en kunnen daar duurzame economische  
modellen tegenover gezet worden? Op deze kwesties wordt dieper  
ingegaan tijdens deze workshop, waar de visie en methodiek van  
meerdere ambitieuze Europese archiveringsprojecten worden toegelicht.

gelieve te registreren bij:
An Vanbellingen
Office Manager IBBT/SMIT
[email protected]
Tel: +32 2 629 16 65

dinsdag 10 juni // 13:00 - 18:00 // Brussel
promotiezaal (lokaal D2.01) VUB,  Pleinlaan 2 Brussel

Towards Open and Dynamic Archives

The traditional functioning of audiovisual archives is being  
completely reshaped by today’s technological advancements. The  
expansion of fast broadband networks and the availability of  
software, hardware and recording equipment have broken down the  
barriers to the production and distribution of audiovisual content.  
Large quantities of multimedia materials are flowing on the Internet  
and into the archives every day, and all over the world ambitious  
projects are set up to digitalise heritage collections. Moreover,  
media start to look more collective and inclusive: the  ubiquitous  
"Web 2.0" discourse promises new levels of participatory culture in  
which all users are producers, sharing, appropriating and remixing  
content, overcoming the old regime of top-down broadcast media.  
Blogs, wikis, social networks and "user-generated-content" tools are  
presented as the new wave of voluntary alliances that users seek  
online. Even the traditional media are swept away into the hype: the  
BBC designated 2005 as the "Year of the Digital Citizen", in 2006  
Time magazine chose "You" as the as its esteemed Person of the Year.

These new socio-technological dynamics are generating many  
challenges, as well as opportunities for the use and exploitation of  
audiovisual archives, to the potential advantage of various user  
groups, in the cultural, educational and the broadcasting sectors,  
and for the general public. How do audiovisual heritage institutions  
and broadcasters deal with these new social and economical paradigms?  
How can sustainable online archives be generated, taking into account  
the relentless instability of digital technology and the Internet,  
and the stranglehold of the corporate regimes of monopoly that call  
themselves copyright and intellectual property? How to create meaning  
and value within the abundance of "free" content and build vital  
contexts for exploration, participation and education? What are the  
potentials and limitations of user-generated tagging and folksonomy  
systems to improve description and searchability?  How to respond to  
changing forms of labour, knowledge and value, triggered in part by  
sociable web media? Which strategies can be used to address the  
challenge of legitimating content produced within an interactive and  
participatory media ecology? How can we embrace the potential of  
network culture and create truly open and dynamic archives where  
reception, interpretation and creation encounter one another?

These and other questions will be discussed during a workshop,  
organised in the context of the BOM-Vl project. Five international  
guests, who are each involved in ambitious audiovisual archiving  
projects, will enlighten their perspectives on the issues at hand.

Paul Gerhardt (Creative Archive Licence Group, GB)
Tobias Golodnoff (Dansk Kulturarv, Denmark)
Marius Arnesen (NRK Media, Norway)
Geert Wissink & Johan Oomen (Images of the Future, Netherlands)

13u00 welcome
13u30 introduction
13u45 presentation Paul Gerhardt
14u15 q&a
14u35 presentation Tobias Golodnoff
15u05 q&a
15u25 coffee break
16u00 presentation Marius Arnesen
16u30 q&a
16u50 presentation Geert Wissink & Johan Oomen
17u30 q&a + discussion

Paul Gerhardt leads the UK’s Creative Archive Licence Group – a  
consortium of public and commercial broadcasters and archives  
developing a shared public access strategy. He has thirty years  
experience working in education and broadcasting, from small  
independent production companies to the big UK networks. His career  
at the BBC has included the launch of the overnight Learning Zone on  
BBC Two, and the transformation of the major BBC/Open University  
partnership. From 2001 to 2004 he was Controller of BBC Learning, and  
responsible for the BBC's adult education strategy and for national  
campaigns such as The Big Read.

Tobias Golodnoff is the project director of Dansk Kulturarv, the  
cultural heritage project within DR (Danish Broadcasting  
Corporation), in cooperation with the Film Institute, the National  
Museum, the Royal Library, the State Archives and the National Art  
Gallery. He has been working with online media for more than ten  
years now, and has in DR especially been working on innovation and  
new media strategies. Dansk Kulturarv developped several case studies  
in which they tried out a few interactive models, experimenting with  
playlist and tagging systems. With the Bonanza project they invited  
the public to participate in the preservation project by voting which  
audiovisual material should be digitized in a first phase.

Marius Arnesen works for the R&D division of NRK, the Norwegian  
Broadcasting Corporation. His work focusing generally on new media,  
and the Internet in particular. NRKbeta is NRK’s testing area,  where  
Marius spends most of his days. Recently he has been working on a  
project in which one of their most popular shows on traditional TV in  
Norway has been made available to download for free via BitTorrent.

Geert Wissink and Johan Oomen are both working as researchers for the  
Dutch Images for the Future project, run by the Filmmuseum (FM), the  
Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision (Sound and Vision), Centrale  
Discotheek Rotterdam (CDR), the National Archive (NA), the  
Association of Public Libraries (VOB) and the Netherlands  
Knowledgeland Foundation (KL). Geert Wissink is also working for  
Knowledgeland (KL), an independent Dutch thinktank based in  
Amsterdam, who are aiming to establish the Netherlands as one of the  
key regions in the international knowledge economy. Johan Oomen  is  
project-manager of R&D projects at The Netherlands Institute for  
Sound and Vision. He is mainly working on externally funded R&D  
projects, such as FP6 projects VIDI-Video, P2P-FUSION, MultiMATCH and  
eContentplus project Video Active. He is also a member of the  
"Webstroom", the working group funded by the Dutch SURF Organisation  
on the use of streaming media in higher education,

Stoffel Debuysere

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