Irina Cios on Wed, 8 Jan 2003 12:20:02 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Fw: Invitation |
----- Original Message -----
From: apollonia
To: Apollonia
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: Invitation apollonia, �changes artistiques europ�ens vous invite � passer une nuit blanche de la vid�o roumainedans le cadre du projet �
Regards Projet�s � (programme itin�rant d’art vid�o des
Balkans)Jeudi 9 janvier 2003 de 20 h � 4 h du matin La Chaufferie - 5 rue de la Manufacture des Tabacs 67000 Strasbourg Entr�e libre Buvette sur place : vin chaud, soupe, petits encas… > Un choix de Irina Cios, directrice du centre international d’art contemporain de Bucarest � ON DISPLAY - 10 ans de la vid�o roumaine � (� 20 h). Au programme �galement � LA NUIT DE LA TENTATION �, s�lection de travaux d’�tudiants de l’Universit� d’art et de design de Cluj-Napoca par Ioan Sbarciu (� partir de minuit). > Renseignements : 03 88 52 15 12 (apollonia) 03 88 24 97 45 (ESAD) > Organisation : apollonia, �changes artistiques europ�ens / Strasbourg [email protected] �cole Sup�rieure des Arts D�coratifs de Strasbourg [email protected] <> > Partenaires : Centre International d’Art Contemporain de Bucarest Universit� d’Art et de Design de Cluj-Napoca apollonia, �changes artistiques europ�ens b�n�ficie du soutien du Minist�re de la Culture et de la Communication - Direction R�gionale des Affaires Culturelles Alsace – D�l�gation aux Arts Plastiques, du Minist�re de la Culture hell�nique, du Minist�re des Affaires Etrang�res (programme COCOP) et du Programme Culture 2000 de l’Union europ�enne. apollonia, european art exchanges invites you to The Night of the Romanian Video Art within the � Projected Visions � project (touring programme of video art from the Balkan region) Thursday 9 January 2003, from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. La Chaufferie - 5 rue de la Manufacture des Tabacs 67000 Strasbourg Free admission Refreshment: mulled wine, soup, snacks… > “ON DISPLAY - 10 years of Romanian video art”, selection made by Irina Cios, director of the International Centre for Contemporary Art of Bucharest (from 8 p.m.) Also on the programme: “LA NUIT DE LA TENTATION”, selection of artworks of the students of the fine arts school from Cluj Napoca made by Ioan Sbarciu (from 00 a.m.) > Contact: + 33 (0) 3 88 52 15 12 (apollonia) + 33 (0) 3 88 24 97 45 (ESAD) > Organisation: apollonia, european art exchanges / Strasbourg [email protected] �cole Sup�rieure des Arts D�coratifs de Strasbourg [email protected] > Partners: International Centre for Contemporary Art of Bucharest University of Art and Design in Cluj Napoca apollonia, european art exchanges is supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication - Delegation for Visual Arts - Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs of Alsace, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs - COCOP programme and the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union |