Diana Andone on Fri, 17 Jan 2003 09:32:04 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Short course in Critical E-Museology

--Apologies for Cross-Posting---

Goldsmiths, University of London announces new short course in Critical

A one-week intensive course for professionals in the cultural
field  combining cultural theory with practical, hands-on workshops.

17th February - 21st February 2002
Distance Learning through to 21st April

The program focuses on the e-museum exploring the relationship between the
material object of the traditional museum experience in relation to its
electronic counterpart. While lectures and discussions will serve to
articulate the contemporary debates around the e-museum, emphasis will be
given to building a content-driven project during this short, yet creative
week. Participants will go on to develop projects fully over a further
period of 2 months when web sites will be handed in on April 21 and

This is a pilot course, which will be recognized as part of requirements
for a future MA in Critical E-Museology. Pa
rticipants in the pilot course
will receive a Postgraduate certificate in Critical E-Museology from
Goldsmiths, the University of London.

Syllabus: This new course aimed at museum and gallery professionals and
professionals in the culture sector challenges the boundary between the
concrete museum, the material referent and the electronic surrogate. If the
museum experience can be seen as being as much about ideas, social
interaction and personal narratives as it is about the original object, the
E-museum needs to fulfill several functions. This short course will
interrogate how museums make their screen debuts, and the various ways the
digitally born object, the online archive, and the electronic surrogate
have been authored by museums in the UK and internationally, as well as the
impact of electronic architectures on the institution of the museum.

Critical E-Museology combines both the theoretical and practical components
of the e-museum and provides both a unique opportun
ity to examine
contemporary debates as well as hands-on production that serve to
articulate theory in the studio. This course emphasizes the correlation
between cultural theory and contemporary practice and participants will
have an opportunity to develop in-house project in a professional computer
cluster with state of the art software. During the intensive week of study,
participants will construct an e-museum of their own institution, or one of
their own fictitious construction, including site map, implementation of
logo and institutional identity, site navigational tools, for a content
driven web site.

The course takes place over five days with a separate theme for each day: -

          Monday: The e-museum as site of information and museum identity

          Tuesday: Informal learning paradigms in the museum,
                    theatre and media

          Wednesday: The digitally born art object - Virtual Aura

          Thursday: The surrogate object and augmented 

          Friday:   The e-museum as institutional portal -
                      bringing it all together

This pilot course will be assessed by:
          I. Web project
          II. 4, 000 word report.

Participants: Minimum 10, maximum 20
Cost: =A3500

For further details:

Contact Professor Robert Zimmer, Head of Department of Computing, or

Ms. Susan Hazan, guest lecturer Goldsmiths, University of London.
e-mail: [email protected]

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