Claudiu Cobilanschi on Tue, 18 Feb 2003 17:50:24 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] The Pollock-Krasner Foundation‘s Grant

Finantatori : Pollock-Krasner Foundation
Titlul proiectului : The Pollock-Krasner Foundation‘s Grant
Data limitã : continuous   
Sursa: PONTWEB - Cluj

_The Pollock-Krasner Foundation‘s Grant_
_Deadline: continuous_
 The Pollock-Krasner Foundation’s dual criteria for grants are recognizable
artistic merit and demonstrable financial need, whether professional, personal
or both. The Foundation’s mission is to aid, internationally, those
individuals who have worked as professional artists over a significant period
of time. 

_Application Guidelines_
 The Foundation welcomes, throughout the year, applications from visual
artists who are painters, sculptors and artists who work on paper, including
printmakers. There are no deadlines. The Foundation encourages applications
from artists who have genuine financial needs that are not necessarily
catastrophic. Grants are intended for a one-year period of time. The
Foundation will consider need on the part of an applicant for all legitimate
expenditures relating to his or her professional work and personal living,
including medical, expenses. The size and length of the grant is determined by
the individual circumstances of the artist. 

_Grant Restrictions_
 The Foundation does not accept applications from commercial artists,
photographers, video artists, performance artists, filmmakers, crafts-makers
or any artist whose work primarily falls into these categories. The Foundation
does not make grants to students or fund academic study. 

The Foundation does not make grants to pay for past debts, legal fees, the
purchase of real estate, moves to other cities, or to pay for the costs of
installations, commissions or projects ordered by others. With very few
exceptions, the Foundation will not fund travel expenses. 

_Selection Process_
 The Officers and Directors are advised in the selection process by a
distinguished Committee of Selection comprised of recognized specialists in
the fields of the Foundation‘s concern. Artists are required to submit a cover
letter, an application, and slides of current work. All completed applications
will be promptly acknowledged and considered. If further information is
required after the completed application has been received, the artist will be
contacted directly by the staff. Further information including financial data
may be requested at any time during the review process. 

_Reapplication Procedure_
 Applicants may reapply to the Foundation, whether recipients of grants or
those who have been declined. All reapplicants must send slides of work not
previously submitted. 

The procedure requires that grantees who reapply must wait 12 months from the
end of their grant period. Reapplicants who were previously declined must wait
at least 12 months from the date of their application letter to reapply. The
12-month waiting period may be waived for reapplicants applying under
emergency circumstances. 

Past recipients of our grants should understand that the Foundation does not
wish to become an instrument of extended or permanent support for particular
individuals. Recipients who reapply must have either circumstances so changed
as to warrant further support or have a genuine emergency situation. 

_How to Apply_
 Artists are required to submit a cover letter, an application, and slides of
current work. All applications will be promptly acknowledged and considered.
Please do not send application forms by fax or e-mail. 

A crucial part of the application process is based on the Committee of
Selection’s review of each artist’s slides. The Foundation urges artists to
send the highest quality slides of their work. It is recommended that while
representative examples of your work over a period of .years may be included,
your most recent creative effort should be emphasized. 

Artists interested in obtaining application forms and information on the
application procedure can download the forms from our Web site or must write,
fax or e-mail their complete mailing address to: 

_The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc._
 863 Park Avenue
 New York, New York 10021
 Attn: Request for Application 

Fax: (212) 288-2836
 E-mail: [email protected] 
_Download_ Application 
The Foundation cannot respond to application requests by telephone or in
person. Please be advised that correspondence or packages that do not have a
return address will not be accepted by the Foundation.

: Claudiu Cobilanschi :.
mobile: +40744.981.784
mobile: +40788.353.328
ICQ#: 28540581
YahooIM: cobilanschi
1st_mail: [email protected]
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