joanne richardson on Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:02:21 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] ChromaticField la Casa Tranzit, Mar 1-2

|||| C H R O M A T I C field ||||

Martin Kuentz & Hanns Holger Rutz
March 1-2 at Tranzit House, Str. Baritiu 16, Cluj

Opening Presentation: Saturday, March 1, 12:00
Workshop: Saturday & Sunday, March 1-2, 13:00-18:00
Chromatic Concert: Sunday, March 2, 19:00
Video Screening: Sunday, March 2, 20:00

ChromaticField ( is
a Berlin group interested in electronic music &
software and hardware manipulation. Martin Kuentz is a
CF member and freelance artist who hosts a weekly
event on experimental audio and media art in Berlin,
the "Salon Brute". His previous activities include
audio experiments for the motorship Stubnitz
(Rotterdam), Eksperimentelle Compositioner II
(Copenhagen), and the exhibition "White Ears" for
Gallery Expo 3000 at the Lagos Art Festival (Berlin).
Sciss (Hanns Holger Rutz) is a CF member, freelance
composer and audio engineer. He has launched several
Ambient and Noise albums (�Azoiphon� in 1999 and the
most recent "Residual" in 2002), and is now working on
refining his audio software "FScape".

During CF workshops participants build their own sound
modules using cheap electronic circuits that produce
sound when powered from a solar panel. The solar
powered circuits can exist on their own as buzzers
attached to tiny piezoelectric speakers, or they can
be amplified and played in a concert, using torches,
light sources and flashing devices which give the
performance a special visual quality. 

>> Opening Presentation, March 1, 12:00

Presentation will include a history of electronic
sound experimentation, the Chromatic Field project
(musical samples and video footage), a demonstration
of the audio software �FScape,� and a discussion of
the free radio initiative in Berlin

>> Workshop:  March 1-2, 13:00 - 18:00 
>> Concluding concert: March 2, 19:00 

The idea of creating one's own musical instruments
became famous in new American music in the 1950  and
1960s, closing the gap between musicians and
non-musicians. People not involved with electronic
music usually have no idea how sound can be
electronically generated. A synthesizer is a very
exquisite and expensive black box. But everyone can
make electronic sounds by hand crafting rather than
relying on commercial products that dictate what�s
possible and not. The workshop will provide a basic
understanding of how electronic music or sound art can
be made, and of the principles of cybernetic theory -
small changes in excitation result in large changes of

For the workshop, participants with no previous
electrotechnical skills or musical background are
invited to build their own sound modules. We will use
an ordinary integrated circuit (IC) chip. Connections
are made with resistors and capacitors, the basic
elements of electronics. The circuit is powered from a
small solar panel (approx. 2 by 4 cm) and produces
different sound patterns depending on the amount of
light that touches the surface. Sound is made audible
by a tiny piezoelectric speaker, and it can be
amplified in a concert situation. Participants will
work together to create a final concert integrating
the sounds made on their own modules.  In the past,
workshops have proven to be an initiating impulse for
further creative research into electronic sound for
the participants.

Space in workshop is limited, signing up in advance is
required by contacting: [email protected]. 

>> Video Screening, March 2, 20:00
selection from Lost Film Festival and GNN 

Don Lindner, a German/American musician, video and
independent media activist who is now working with
Martin Kruentz on the free radio campaign in Berlin
was originally supposed to join ChromaticField in
Cluj, but unfortunately cannot come. We are very
grateful he is sending the films he was planning to

Screening will include short videos from North and
South America featuring media hoaxes by RTMark and the
Yes Men (WTO impersonators), short documentaries by
the global Indymedia network, "music videos for people
who think" by GNN (Guerilla News Network), and
humorous reflections by other independent filmmakers
about work, beauty, fashion, genetic engineering, the
McDonalds monopoly, and everyday life in the empire of
consumer capitalism.


Organized by Joanne Richardson & Idea Foundation in
collaboration with Tranzit Foundation. With generous
financial support of Goethe Institute, Bucharest.

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