Irina Cios on Sat, 12 Apr 2003 14:53:04 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Autoportret Jiri David

Galeria S.P.A.C.E
 Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana, Bucuresti si Centrul Ceh Bucuresti

Va invita Marti, 15 aprilie, ora 18:00 

 sa luati parte la prezentarea:


Jiri David
Prezentarea va fi ilustrata de proiectii video si imagini despre proiectele realizate in spatiul urban, in fotografie, pictura, instalatii cu lumina, sunet si video.  

Prezentarea va avea loc la 

Galeria S.P.A.C.E. - CIAC, str.�elari nr.9-11,

acces din Intrarea Soarelui 1, tel/fax: 313.51.10; 313.51.11.


Jiri David

n./b.28. 8. 1956 in Rumburk
1982 - 1987 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
1987 - 1991 member of the art group Tvrdohlav� (Hardheaded)
since 1995 - works as a head od the Studio of visual communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
lives and works in Prague


(after 1990)

1990 The City Gallery , Esslingen - BRD

        Edition Artelier, Graz - Austria

        Gallery Knoll, Budapest - Hungary (with S.Divi�)

        Gallery Malovan� d�m, T�eb�� - Czech republic �(with S.Divi�, V. Kokolia)

        The City Gallery , Prague - Czech Republic (with Bea de Visser)

        Culture House - �. Bud�jovice - Czech Republic

1991 Gallery Hack de Haag - Holland ( with Bea de Visser )

        Forum Stadtpark, Graz - Austria

        Gallery Pi - Pi Art, Prague - Czech Republic

        Gallery 121, Antwerpen - Belgium

1992 Gallery MXM, Prague - Czech Republic

        Gallery Panetta, Mannheim, BRD ( with T.C�sa�ovsk�, J. Kovanda ) Gallery Graziano Vigato, Alessandria - Italy

        Gallery Fabjabasaglia, Bologna - Italy

        Gallery Na Bid�lku, Brno - Czech Republic

        Gallery Monti Pio, Rome - Italy ( with T. C�sa�ovsk�, A. St���ek, V. Kokolia, J.G. Dokoupil, M. Kunc, J. Knap )

        Gallery City, Olomouc - Czech Republic

1993 Gallery Tommy Lund, Odense - Denmark

        Gallery D�m Um�n�, Opava - Czech Republic

        Gallery Pov�sk� Gal�ria, �ilina, Slovak Republic

        Gallery MXM, Prague - Czech Republic

        Gallery E. Filly, �st� nad Labem - Czech Republic

        Gallery ,Pod V��", T�ebo� - Czech Republic

        "Mainly pictures", Nov� s��, Prague, Czech Republic

        Window Gallery, Prague - Czech Republic

        "One day exhibition",Gallery MXM, Prague, Czech Republic

        "Twitched reality", Gallery Na bid�lku, Brno

1994 Gallery Tommy Lund, Odense - Denmark

        Gallery P�da, Olomouc, Czech Republic

1995 "Kindness", Gallery �p�la, Prague, Czech Republic

        "Hidden Image", Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic

        "Hidden Image", Jack Tilton Gallery, New York, U.S.A.

        "Nah�, nav�c smutn� letec (Post Coitum Triste)", Gallery MXM, Prague

1996 "Hidden Image",Czech Center New York,USA

        "Hidden Image", Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland Czech Center Warsaw, Poland

        "Oby�ejn� obrazy", Nov� s��, Praha, CR

1997 "Hidden Image", Muzeum v Sosnowcu, Sosnowec, Poland

1998 "Lo�sk� sez�na", Galerie MXM, Praha

        "Moji rukojm�", Nov� s��, Praha

1999 Gallery MXM, Oby�ejn� dny kr�sn�ho l�ta",(Ordinary days from beatuful Summer), Prague, Czech Republic

2000 Projektraum Viktor Bucher," One�s own stranger", Wien Austria

2001 Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, The Glow, Czech Republik

2002 Gallery V.Spaly, No Compassion Prague, Czech Republik

        Projektraum Viktor Bucher,"- No Compassion, Wien Austria

        Moravsk� galerie Brno- "Daniel" Czech Republik



(after 1990)

1990 "The Obstinates", Arhus - Denmark

        "The Obstinates", Grand Huit Theatre, Renes - France

        Museo di stato Gallery Nazionale of modern Art, San Marino (with A. St���ek, T. C�sa�ovsk�)

        "Zeichen im Fluss", Museum of 20th Century, Vienna; Prague; Pecs; Zagreb

        "Contemporary Czech Painting", Walker Hill Art Centre, Soul - South Korea

        "40 Artistest Tcheques et Slovaques 1960 - 1990", Gallery Art Defense, Musee du Luxembourg, Paris - France

        "Path to Postmodernism", UMPRUM, Prague - Czech Republic ART - MESSE, Los Angeles - USA

        "APERTO" - Biennale, Venezia - Italy

1991 "Beitrag zum Gl�ck", Galerie der K�nstler, M�nich - BRD

        "Contemporary Czech Painting", Museum of Art, Taiwan - Republic of China

        Gallery MXM, Prague - Czech Republic

        "Kunst Europe 1991", Kunstverein Braunschweig - BRD ,Ohne Distance", Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna - Austria

        "The Obstinates", Sovinec - Czech Republic ,The Obstinates", National Gallery, Prague - Czech Republic

        "New Intimity", �LUV, Prague - Czech Republic

        "Seven Czech Painters", Academy of Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium

1992 ART MESSE - MXM Gallery, Frankfurt - BRD

        "Prague - Bratislava D'�ne Generation L'Autre", Mus�e D'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - France

        "Frontiera 1/92 Arte Giovane in Europe", Bolzano - Italy

        "Pre�party", Bratislava - Slovak Republic

        "Pre�party", Gallery of City Prague, Czech Republic

        "Between Ezop and Maugl�", Gallery V.�p�ly, Prague - Czech Republic

        "Her brother, his husband", Gallery V.�p�ly, Prague - Czech Republic

        "Objects and installations", Pov�sk� galerie, �ilina - Slovak Republic

        "Cologne Art", Cologne - BRD

        "�ed� cihla", Gallery U B�l�ho Jednoro�ce, Klatovy; Ko�ice; Senica

        "What'Cs new: Prague. Contemporary Photography from Czechoslovakia", The Art Institute of Chicago, USA

1993 "Second Exit", Ludwig Forum, Aachen - BRD

        "Coexistence of Art", Biennale, Venezia - Italy

        "Tempor�re Kunsthalle M�nchen", Nomad Sommer 1993

        "Czech Photography of the 1990's", Maclaurin Art Gallery, Ayr - Festival Fotoface 1993, London, Lisabon, Porto, Ciombra,             Salamanca, Santiago de Compostella, Alicante, Skopelos

        "Gallery MXM - Letn�", Prague - Czech Republic ,ART MESSE", Basil - Switzerland

        "Unfair- Artelier Graz- Frankfurt", K�ln, Deutschland

        "ART Hamburg 93", Hamburg, Deutschland

        "Neverending stories", Moravsk� galerie, Brno; Praha

        "That, what is left" (,To, co zb�v�"), �tenc�v d�m, Prague, Czech Rep.

        "Czech works on paper", London, Southbank Centre

        "Europe without walls", City Art Galleries, Manchester

        "Before, now, also later", Gallery Genia Loci, Prague, Czech Rep.

        "Z�pas Jakuba s and�lem", M�nes, Prague, Czech Republic

1994 Galerie P�da, Olomouc, Czech Republic

        Z region�ln�ch galeri�, J�zd�rna Pra�sk�ho hradu

        Transepoca, Milan, Italy

        Galerie MXM, Ostrov Nad Oh��

        Porderone 94, Italy

1995 "�ist� zisk - Clear profit", Gallery MXM, Czech Rep.

        "A New Europe - Supranational Art", Le Zitelle, at the Giudecca-a part of Venice Biennal, Italy

        "Perhaps this way but with reserve", Gallery MXM, Prague, Czech Republic

        "Test Run", Gallery M�nes, Praha

        "On beauty" , Moscow, Russia

        "After the Velvet Revolution", Helsinki, Finland

        "MXM in Krems", Krems, Austria

1996 "Mrka�ka", Galerie MXM, Praha

        �esk� abstraHce", Galerie V. �p�ly, Praha

        "Facing the end of the century", Kuopio, Finsko, Central Library, Talin - Estonsko, Kaunas - Litva, Haag - Holandsko

        "RESPEKT", Richterova vila na Pra�sk�m hrad�, Praha

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Nejvy��� purkrabstv� ,Pra�sk� hrad

        "Hiddden Image", Central Library, Talin, Russia

        "Bronzov� ratolest", Schwanzenbersk� pal�c, Prague, CR

1997 Ji�� David, Stanislav Divi� ajejich studenti, Galerie F. Jeneweina, Kutn� Hora

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Galerie Opera, Ostrava

        "Mrtv� du�e", Nov� s�� , Praha

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Slezsk� muzeum , Opava

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, D�m um�n� , Brno

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Galerie V.U. Karlovy Vary

        Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Umeleck� beseda, Bratislava

        "Asi takhle, ale s rezervou", Galerie MXM, Praha - Prague 1997, Beaumanoir Castle, France

        "Nad�lka", Galerie MXM, Praha

1998 Jistoty a hled�n� v �esk� fotografii 90. t�ch let, Friedrichhein & �esk� Centrum, Berlin

        "Sn��en� rozpo�et", M�nes, Praha "Europa - USA

        "Unimplosive Art", Sicilia-Italy

        "Utopia", Beaumanoir Castle, France

        "Harmonie 98", Galerie V�clava �p�ly, Praha

        "Tv��e z konce stolet�", Moravsk� galerie Brno, Pra��k�v pal�c, Brno

        "Admissions of Identity", City Museum and Mappin Art gallery, Sheffield, UK

        "Zlehka", �esk� Centrum, Moskva

        "Dobr� sv�tlo", �esk� Centrum, Kyjev

        "�esk� dny", Wesseling u Bonnu, N�mecko

        Liste 98, Young Art Fair Basel, �v�carsko

        "Za vodou", Moravsk� galerie, Z�mek Mittrovsk�ch, Brno

        Malovan� kol�, Galerie Na bid�lku, Brno

        "Sport Gallery", Praha

        "Czech Photography of the 90's", Chicago Cultural Institute, Chicago

        �esk� Centrum, Berl�n

        "Tak daleko, tak bl�zko" D�lnice D1 (Praha - Brno), Galerie MXM, Praha

1999 D�m um�n� Brno, Brno

        Ani hlava, ani pata, ( with P. Ronai a V. Stratil), Technick� muzeum, Praha

        "CZ 99", V�clavsk� n�m.15, N�rodn� muzeum, Praha

2000 Gandy Gallery " Memory", Prague, Czech Republik

        Aeroplastics conteporary Gallery "Innocence", Brussels, Belgium

        Musee de l�Elysee, Lausanne "The Century of the Body: Photoworks 1900-2000", Switzerland

2001 Soros centrum "Flash", Kijev

2002 Aeroplastics Gallery - Wonderland, Brussels, Belgium

        Clairefontaine gallery - Wild Thing " , Luxemburg

2003 Neue Galery Graz- " Mars" Graz, Austria



Jana and Ji�� �ev��k: "From Prague", Flash Art International (N.139, March), 1988

Stuart Morgan: "Ji�� David", Artscribe, May 1988 (N.69)

A.B. Oliva: "Neo Europe East", Flash Art International (N.140, May) 1988

Euan McArthur: "Ji�� David", ART MONTHLY (N.114, MARCH, LONDON), 1989

Jana and Ji�� �ev��k: "Reality or Make - Believe", Flash Art International (N.152, May- June 1990)

Kim Levin: "Avant-Slav", Voice (June,N.20), 1989

A.B.Oliva: "Super Art", Giancarlo Politi Editore 1989

Claudia Jolles: "Eine Revolution im Samt und Rosen", Art (May 1990, N.5)

Helena Kontov�: "Ji�� David", Flash Art Italia (N.156, June - July), 1990

Valerie Smith: "Third Way", Art Forum International (January 1991)

Piero Deggivanni: Tema Celeste (N.32-33), 1991

Czech Documentary Art a Poetry of Resistance, Freedom, Chicago Tribune, Octobre 1992

Miriam Mirolla, Flash Art Italiana (N.165, Decembre1991 / January 1992)

Marisa Vescova, Tema Celeste (N.36, 1992)

Pepe Karmel: Art in Rewiev - Hidden Image, New York Times, (July 28, 1995)

Eric Perret: Man at his Best: ,Better Halves" Esquire, New York (1995 February)

Andr�e Cooke: "Cityscape: Prague", Flash Art International (N. 184 October 1995)

Rebecca Knapp: "Prague's Golden Opportunity", Art & Antiques, USA, (December 1995)

Von Christian Tr�ster: "Kunstszene :Prag, Art Das Kunstmagazim (M�rz 1999)

Helena Kanyar: "Ungeplante Verbindung", Basler Magazin(17.April 1999)


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