vladimir bulat on Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:59 +0100 (CET)
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[Nettime-ro] Dan Perjovschi Laudatio
Ieri dimineata, 30.10,la 11.30, lui Dan Perjovschi i s-a decernat Premiul
George Maciunas, in sala de dezbateri a GDS. Locul este plin de
semnificatii pt. schimbul de idei din spatiul public din Romania.
Acolo s-au adunat reprezentantii acelui "network" al artei contemporane
din Romania, neinstitutionalizat, care s-a constituit de-a lungul
anilor(spatii alternative, reviste, grupuri etc.), si al carei exponent
este si Dan Perjovschi.
Chiar daca premiatul "nu este un Maciunas roman" - cum spunea Marius Babias
-, personal cred ca activitatea si creatia acestuia este in buna masura
apropiata de cea a tumultuosului lituanian, care a zdruncinat din temelii
spiritul burghez al tihnitului Wiesbaden...
Noile abonamente Astral OnLine
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[Nettime-ro] The Impakt Festival 2004 is the fifteenth edition of the festival.To celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, we have organised an extralarge program with many international guests. In numerous filmscreenings, presentations and concerts, works will be shown byartists from all over the world. The Impakt Festival 2004 takesplace in various locations in the city of Utrecht, but its mainlocation is Theater Kikker. Here you can find the festival centre,you can attend the artists presentations of their projects, you caneat in the festival restaurant and in the evening you can go andlisten to the concerts. The film programs of the festival can beviewed at Filmtheater t Hoogt. From twelve oclock till midnight youcan enjoy a great variety of music videos, art films,documentaries, animations and games. In case you missed a program,the damage can be undone in the media centre of Ubica. There youcan watch individual films and videos from the festival. Last butnot lea!city of Utrecht. Flatland Gallery, Expodium, Casco and the Academiegaleriecollectively present the exhibition Flowers in the Dustbin, compiled byClare Manchester.
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[Nettime-ro] Dan Perjovschi Laudatio
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[Nettime-ro] The Impakt Festival 2004 is the fifteenth edition of the festival.To celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, we have organised an extralarge program with many international guests. In numerous filmscreenings, presentations and concerts, works will be shown byartists from all over the world. The Impakt Festival 2004 takesplace in various locations in the city of Utrecht, but its mainlocation is Theater Kikker. Here you can find the festival centre,you can attend the artists presentations of their projects, you caneat in the festival restaurant and in the evening you can go andlisten to the concerts. The film programs of the festival can beviewed at Filmtheater t Hoogt. From twelve oclock till midnight youcan enjoy a great variety of music videos, art films,documentaries, animations and games. In case you missed a program,the damage can be undone in the media centre of Ubica. There youcan watch individual films and videos from the festival. Last butnot lea!city of Utrecht. Flatland Gallery, Expodium, Casco and the Academiegaleriecollectively present the exhibition Flowers in the Dustbin, compiled byClare Manchester.
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[Nettime-ro] Dan Perjovschi Laudatio
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