Nita Mocanu on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:44:14 +0100 (CET)

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RE: Re: [Nettime-ro] Atacuri impotriva bisericii

Jesus Is an Anarchist
          (A free-market/libertarian anarchist, that is--otherwise what is called an anarcho-capitalist.)by James          Redford
  (...)If just  one-tenth of the population strongly believed that government was  itself the greatest moral evil and that there was a better alternative  it would be enough to turn the tide. Since most people are followers  and uncritically accept the reigning political opinions, those who do  not accept the status quo and who are able to form and articulate a  critical alternative will come to be the intellectual leaders by  default when the popular regime suffers a crisis and people begin to  look for alternatives. If the history of governments teach us anything  it is that such crisis is a regular occurrence, for governments by  their nature tend toward instability. If it be asked Why then do we  still have government?, it is here answered that it is because no  viable alternative to government has been articulated by a critical  mass at such a crisis, in that most people throughout history have  accepted the deception that government is a necessary evil and could  not conceive a
 better alternative.(...)
  (...)To start  with, as Christians how can we be attentive to the cries of the  oppressed if we don't even recognize the oppressor? How can we comfort  and give aid to someone if we don't even recognize them as a victim? We  are liable to be obtuse and uncaring to those who have been unjustly  wronged by this Satanic world system if we don't even recognize the  main instrument of Satan's power on this Earth. So that is first and  foremost: by realizing and understanding the truth as to the diabolical  origin of government one will thereby have gained back part of one's  humanity which this Satanic world system has worked so hard in making  people oblivious to. One need only watch some of the old Nazi  propaganda films of thousands of German youths goose-stepping in unison  to realize just how effective this demonic world system can sometimes  be in striping people of their humanity.(...)

mihaela precup <[email protected]> wrote:  Domnule Bulat, 
  Desi e adevarat ca e complet imbecil sa dai vina pe Biserica pentru ca  n-ai tu sali de repetitie, mi se pare exagerat sa generalizati pe acest  ton usor arhaic (vezi "biruri", "scarnavie", "samavolnicie" etc.),  popesc si batranicios ("In mintile tulburi ale tinerilor de azi...").
  Statul roman urmeaza calea raspopitilor, in mare masura (iar Occidentul  o duce bine, cum spuneti, pentru ca a luat-o in alta directie decat cea  a Inchizitiei, spre laicitate, carevasazica). De exemplu, reflexul  post-comunist de transportare a soboarelor de preoti la toate  intalnirile oficiale (nu toti sunt crestini ortodocsi in tara asta, in  caz ca se intreaba cineva!). 
 Laicitatea statului roman e  un basm. Atata vreme cat se dau legi care sponsorizeaza Catedrala  Ortodoxa a Neamului, favorizandu-se astfel un cult anume, nu facem  altceva decat sa repetam (inversand datele) mecanismul de laicizare  fortata impus de comunism.
  Mihaela Precup
Vlad Nanca  wrote:
  Da, da! Traiasca statul ortodox fundamentalist roman! Traiasca Iisus! Hai la cumparaturi, enoriasilor, ca se naste! 

vladimir bulat wrote:

MCC va sustine acest proiect, e de datoria lui! nu-l va finanta insa!
Sumele uriase, necesare constructiei, vin din partea din
donatii de la mari companii.

Cazul de la Tanacu este unul izolat, si nu este implicata autoritatea
bisericii, ci samovolnicia unui preot raspopit! Inchizitia nu a impiedicat
Occidentul sa se dezvolte.

Iar cu taxele treaba e si mai simpla decit pare din exterior: orice parohie
isi plateste datoriile la stat, mai grav este ca statul acesta INCA detine
multe din proprietatile secularizate ale unor parohii si manastiri, si nu
le restituie! Cazurile sunt nenumarate. Cind vor re-deveni proprietare,
fiscalitatea isi va lua birurile fara scrupule! Asta-i clar... 

Vlad Nanca wrote:
>Culmea e ca preotii omoara oameni pe cruci nu roacherii!!!
> Nu te dezgusta ca Miniosterul Culturii are ca prioroitate construirea
unei catedrale cat casa poporului?
> Supermarketurile, bancile si companiile de mobile platesc taxe impozite,
popii nu.
>vladimir bulat wrote:
>Aseara, pe nu-s ce canal de TV (toate-s o mare scirnavie!), un netrebnic,
>vocalist al nu-s carei formatii - se pare a uneia "cult" pentru junii din
>RO, din moment ce fiziognomiile celor adunati acolo pareau a fi de
>intelectuali, sustinea cu multa persuasiune ca ei nu au spatii si sali de
>repetitii pentru ca-s prea multe biserici in RO (sic!). A devenit un loc
>comun: cu-i nu ii este lene, sa dea cu barda in biserica! Asta n-am
>pricepe nici in ruptul capului, de ce nu-l deranjeaza ca-s prea multe
>comerciale, sedii de dealeri ai telefoniei mobile, supermarketuri, masini
>pe ulite, si alte nimicuri ale societatii de consum, ci il irita ca
>"biserici is mai multe ca gradinite"!??? In mintile tulburi ale tinerilor
>de azi DOAR biserica e de vina pentru tot ce li se intimpla...
>Si exista, evident, o explicatie pentru asta - in fata lui Dumnezeu toti
>suntem egali, or tocmai asta nu vrea omul contemporan (hedonist, liberal,
>egosit si individualist), sa fie egalul celui de linga el, egalul fratelui
>Confuzia fundamentala care se face se datoreaza incapacitatii de a pricepe
>o data si pentru totdeauna ca raportul dintre om si biserica este unul
>strict INDIVIDUAL. Or, ce treaba are un vocalist sa se plinga, ca taman
>biserica ar fi vinovata de faptul ca el n-are unde sa=si faca repetitiile?
>Sunt profund dezgustat.
>ochiul de veghe,
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