Gabriel Baldovin on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 18:17:52 +0100 (CET)

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Re: Re: Re:Re:[Nettime-ro] adevarul

     esti un cititor atent.
   raspunsul tau este cu adevarat pertinent.  Pacat ca eu nu te pot intelege la fel cum o faci tu...:)

 >În  afara  conceptului  nu  suntem  mare  lucru.

 The  world  is  an  illusion.
 We  are  little  more  than  empty  space.

 Were  one  to  compress  the  Earth  planeta  so  that  all
 of  the  empty  space  was  eliminated  it  would  fit  quite  komfortably
 inside  your  home.

 So  +?  What  possibly  could  be  valuable  +?

 The  empty  space  of  course.

                 that  space  which  lies  between  us.  dissolving  the  barrier.

                 we  are  students  of  memory  and  our  biologies  are  complementary.  your
                 survival  depends  on  me.  my  sustainability  is  appropriated  to  you.  our
                 encounters  are  the  guide  posts  and  we  begin  to  know  what  to  observe
                 and  where  to  act.

 >Cele  mai  animalice  porniri  is¸i  au  sa�las¸ul  tot  în  minte.
 >Ideile  sunt  atotputernice.  Mintea  ne-a  adus  (sau  sedus  cu)
 >tot  ce  e  bun  s¸i  tot  ce  e  ra�u  în  viat¸a  noastra�  ca  urmare
 >a  civilizat¸iei.  Tot  ea  ne  poate  salva.

 To  my  mind  the  place  where  most  mysteries  converge  is  in  the  phenomena
 of  human  emotion.  For  1.  dreams:  the  point  should  be  clear;  for  2.
 homeodynamics,  its  role  in  behavioral  self-regulation;  and  for  3.  Cantor
 sets:  the  mathematical  relationships  between  relative  parts  and  wholes  in
 self-organizing  systems  --  which  to  my  mind  represents  the  deeper
 biophysical  mechanisms  from  whence  1  and  2  ultimately  emerge.

 We  can  model  intelligence  /  learning.  No  one  has  modeled  sentiments.
 Beyond  intelligence  lies  understanding  and  consciousness.

 Artificial  intelligence  is  of  little  interest.
 As  one  other  indicated  artificial  insanity  would  be  more  interessant.

 One  mustn't  confuse  a  mind  that  understands  and  that  is
 dependent  on  consciousness  with  consciousness  itself.  Par  example
 when  we  sleep  our  brain  is  personalized  by  prior  memories  that  will
 not  be  accessed  until  awake.  And  so  the  comportment  of  a  machine  may  be
 modified  by  experience  yet  remain  permanently  unconscious.

 When  a  machine  is  lifed  that  can  be  happy  and  experience  pain  we
 can  speak  of  `it`  being  conscious.  Outward  responses  that  simply  represent
 these  sentiments  do  not  equate  consciousness

 >În  afara  conceptului  nu  suntem  mare  lucru.

 there,  thrice  upon  a  time  lived  a  peasant.  and  a  philosopher  and  a  street  sweeper.

 the  philosopher  to  the  street  sweeper  thus  said:

 `i  pity  you,  for  yours  a  hard  and  unsanitary  task  is`

 and  the  street  weeper  thuss  spoke:

 `thank  you  sir.  but  tell  me,  what  is  it,  your  task?`

 `i  study  man's  mind,  his  deeds  and  his  desires`

 the  street  sweeper  continued  his  weep  weep  and  sssweep  with  a  smile:
 `i  also,  pity  you`

 whilst  the  philosopher's  wit  dangled  in  the  dusty  labyrinth  of  reality,
 the  peasant,  glancing  back  at  life,  spoke  thus:

 `he  who  longs  the  most  lives  the  longest.
   dig  anywhere  in  the  earth  and  you  shall  find  a  treasure.
   only  you  must  dig  with  the  faith  of  a  lover`

 sweep  sweep  sweep

 the  story,  rather  sleepy  now,  curled  its  tail  around  itself,  and  dreamy,  whispered  to  the  other  worlds:
 `there  are  but  two  elements:  love  and  truth  ...  and  youth`


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