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> Logica lui e simpla; > armata are arme--armele ucid. armele nu sint nimic fara stapinul lor. oricum - hai sa ucidem armele. sa facem un foc. sa le aruncam in foc. sa dansam o hora. sa cintam - unsere fahne ist die neue zeit unsere fahne ... aaaha - > Armata a tras in 1989 pentru a-si apara conducatorul caruia i-a jurat credinta >: deci "armata e gunoi" > sau > Armata nu a tras , deci si-a incalcat juramantul: deci:"Armata e gunoi". > > Asta e dupa logica clasica. > Nuantand putin problemele situatia e cam la fel: > cand au vazut ca se prabuseste sistemul armata a fraternizat. Au lansat divers >iunea cu teroristii pentru a-si spala crimele de cateva zile inainte. Iar unii s >-au camuflat printre cetateni imprumutandu-i de glonate din teava pustii. Se zi >ce ca a fost securitatea. Ok aia a fost o armata personala. Tot armata. O mafie >de stat. Cu tot tacamul mafiei: tradari, taxa de protectie etc. > > > Si aici intervine celebrul argument (nonclasic) "nu poti sa generalizezi". > Imi cer scuze dar aici este vorba despre o sharlatanie logica: > atunci cand e de bine generalizam: armata. > Atunci cand e de rau spunem ca nu trebuie generalizat. Daca o facem inseamna ca ne face placere ceea ce este bine. Oricum - Nearly all human thought is pattern recognition \ generalization - full text below. armata e gunoi - linear e cu.noi - intricate > Stii ca acesti oameni nu pot sa aiba o satisfactie profesionala umanista? Care > e scopul muncii lor? Jaful si violul. De aici a plecat aceasta institutie. pleaca ma de-aici. > Dar, ma rog, eu generalizez reduci >si mai mult decat stadiul "Armata romana" a conceptului. > Treaba e ca din studiile mele de psihologie ( >bald/dinamica.htm) am gasit in armata ca principalul vinovat pentru relele din l >ume. De la mentalitate la actiune. nu armata - mob.action. mass movements. dar aceste predilectii sint deasemenea f.frumoase si necesare si integrale vietii war is a blessing kompared with the demoralization. fragmentation. meaninglessness promulgated by modern western democracy. the sterile nanobots ov modern society are the principal refuse and they permeate all stratums - nu numai armata. all employees are soldiers. discourse on voluntary servitude you are not cheerful. but ... happiness and freedom are seldom cheerful -- The principal input to the human brain is pictures and the principal output is words. Thus one may describe the human brain as a device for converting pictures to words. Aristotle has said that all human knowledge can be expressed in the form a = b. Nouns and verbs are separated from static image nouns. Separated in the retina they are reunited in speech. Nearly all human thought is pattern recognition. there are four types. 1 dimensional - music 2 dimensional - fine art 3 dimensional - human anatomy 4 dimensional - physiology One general theory of pattern recognition is feasible - the sieve of Eratosthenes. Two aren't plausible. When humans think seriously they think abstractly. They conjure up simplified pictures of reality called concepts theories. models. paradigms. All pattern recognition systems are only as good as they are designed to be. The principal input to the human brain is the human brain. Extensive experience can impede creativity. Cognitive psychologists utilize two terms to describe it: fixation and structured imagination. Fixation, oftenly referred to as "mental rut"--is characterized by the inability to switch from an inappropriate solution approach to a more productive one or to utilize familiar objects in an unfamiliar way. Structured imagination is the common tendency not to deviate from what is already known. 80 percent of what any LGN cell listens to comes not from the retina, but from the dense interconnectedness of other regions of the brain. The encounter of these two ensembles of neuronal activity is one moment in the emergence of a new coherent configuration. Other partners, such as the superior colliculus, or the corollary discharge of neurons that control eye movements play an equally active role. In other words, whatever the brain looks at is really about 20% of signals from the outside world and 80% of old templates, filters, memories and beliefs about the world. This is an uniform principle throughout the brain. ___\ n2 ORDNUNG \+\ DISZIPLIN | | krvava gruda plodna zemlja | |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-T?k_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: