Fundatia Culturala Meta on Sat, 6 May 2006 12:59:28 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] NOMAD Call for proposals

Fundatia Culturala Meta in colaborare cu Centrul Cultural Mihai Eminescu
organizeaza  ciclul de evenimente, Nomad (Load/ Flow/ Mix) in perioada

3 - 9 iunie 2006.

Timp de sapte seri, Nomad va popula atat spatiul unor parcuri cat si
texturile aride ale cartierelor din Bucuresti cu audio-vizual de cea mai
buna calitate. Nomad va calatori aducand audio-vizualul in locuri care
asteapta de mult sa li se intimple *altceva.** *

* *

* *

NOMAD Load* - *componenta a ciclului de evenimente NOMAD are ca scop
realizarea unor proiecte de interventie video site-specific, in spatii
ex-centrice geografic si cultural. NOMAD Load propune artistilor sa sondeze
spatiul urban al Bucurestiului, sa-l "incarce" cu acel altceva, sa-i imprime
o miscare vizuala

NOMAD Load asteapta proiectele voastre pina la data de 25 mai 2006, pe
support CD sau DVD. Formate acceptate pentru documente: AVI (compresie

Proiectele pot fi depuse sau trimise la adresa :

Fundatia Culturala META

Strada Luiggi Galvanni nr. 61-63

Sector 2, Bucuresti

Selectia proiectelor va fi efectuata de un board desemnat de organizatori.

In elaborarea proiectelor artistii vor avea in vedere urmatoarele aspecte:

-         proiectul trebuie sa se bazeze pe imagine video/audio-vizual

-         organizatorii pun la dispozitie: proiector, laptop, DVD,
instalatie audio, generator mobil.

Pentru mai multe informatii:

E-mail: [email protected]

Un proiect realizat cu sprijinul

Fundatia Culturala Meta reprezinta un spatiu destinat promovarii artei
contemporane, explorarii zonelor alternative si orientarilor experimentale.
Impreuna cu Goethe-Institut Bukarest organizeaza Bienala Tinerilor Artisti.

Centrul Cultural Mihai Eminescu  institutie aflata sub patronajul
Consiliului Local Sector 2, este un promotor al culturii de calitate,
un partener activ al artistilor consacrati si o rampa de lansare pentru
tinerii artisti.

e-mail: [email protected]

The Meta Cultural Foundation  collaborating with the Mihai Eminescu Cultural
Centre is organzing the Nomad (Load/ Flow/ Mix) series of events, in the
period 3rd - 9th of June 2006.

For the extent of seven evenings, Nomad will animate both the spaces of some
parks and the arid landscape of Bucharest's neighbourhoods, offering
audio-visuals of the finest quality. Nomad will travel, bringing the
audio-visuals to places that have been waiting for long to have something
done to them. **

* *

NOMAD Load â component of the events cycle NOMAD â has the purpose of
producing video intervention projects *site-specific*, in ex-centric
geographical and cultural spaces. NOMAD Load proposes that artists explore
the urban space of Bucharest, 'load' it with that certain *other* and
imprint into it a visual 'movement'.

NOMAD Load is expecting your projects until the 25th of May 2006, in CD or
DVD format. Formats acceptable for documents: AVI (DivX compressing), MOV,

The projects may be turned in or sent at the following adress:

Fundatia Culturala META

Strada Luiggi Galvanni nr. 61-63

Sector 2, BucureÅti

The selection of projects will be done by the board designated by the organizers. In elaborating their projects, artists will bear the following aspects in mind:

- the project must be based on video/audio-visual images

- the organizers lay at the disposal of the projects: a projector, a laptop,
DVD, audio system, mobile generator.

For further information:

E-mail: [email protected]

A project done with the support of

What the Meta Cultural Foundation represents is a space destined to
promoting contemporary art, exploring altervative areas and experimental
orientations. In partnership with Goethe-Institut Bukarest, it organises

The Young Artists' Biennial.

The 'Mihai Eminescu' Cultural Centre, institution found under the patronage
of the Local Council of Sector 2, is a promoter of quality culture, an
active partner for well-known artists and a launching pad for young artists.

e-mail: [email protected]

Fundatia Culturala Meta
Str. Luggi Galvani nr.61-63, sector 2 Bucuresti
tel.:(0040) 722 381 243
e-mail: [email protected]
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