galeria 26 on Fri, 26 May 2006 18:49:29 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: [Nettime-ro] Vernisajul expozitiei Gravity and Levity. Artisti: Leona Dodig, Mark Brogan si Deja Grba. |
Galeria 26 e pe str. dr. Staicovici nr. 26
where the fuck is Galeria 26 in London in Belgrade in Bucharest?
galeria 26 <[email protected]> wrote: Galeria 26 va invita vineri, 26.05.2006, orele 20.00, la vernisajul expozitiei Gravity and Levity. Artisti: Leona Dodig, Mark Brogan si Deja Grba.
Comunicat de presa
Gravitatie si Inconstanta este o expozitie ai carei autori sint artistii Leona Dodig, Mark Brogan si Deja Grba. Gravitatia din titlul expozitiei este o metafora a nevoii de apartenenta, aceea de a avea o simpla identitate nationala; Inconstanta reprezinta perspectiva privitorului, nevoia distantei critice si a pozitiei independente de agent liber intr-o lume globalizata.
Lucrarile video de Leona Dodig reprezinta o scena onirica de echilibru, mergand pe un castel din carti de joc. Opera lui Dejan Grba este construita din auto-portrete fotografice facute in fiecare zi dintr-un an, transformate intr-o animatie cu ajutorul unui efect de morphing. Sculptura lui Mark Brogan cu un zid stacojiu de cartonase este facut din acelasi plastic rosu din care sunt facute cartonasele rosii de fotbal UEFA.
Proiectul trateaza experienta multiculturala prin intermediul sculpturii, video-ului si animatiei. Mark Brogan este un artist nascut in Marea Britanie si stabilit in prezent in Belgrad, Leona Dodig este nascuta in Belgrad, a studiat la Londra si este stabilita acum in Londra si Belgrad, Deja Grba este nascut si stabilit in Belgrad.
Lucrarile din expozitie se confrunta cu reflectii asupra evenimentelor politice si istorice prin intermediul opticii personale, din trei puncte diferite de vedere.
Orele de vizita: 18:00 _ 22:00 intre 26.05.2006 si 28.05.2006
Octavian Rusu (Ota): 0721 840 723 , [email protected]
Leona Dodig 063 7398 721, [email protected]
Mark Brogan 064 370 9660, [email protected]
Gravity and Levity is an exhibition whose authors are the artists Leona Dodig, Mark Brogan and Dejan Grba.
'Gravity' of the exhibition's title is here a metaphor for the need to belong, to have a simple national identity; 'levity' represents an observational perspective, the need for a critical distance and independent position of a 'free agent' in the globalised world.
Leona Dodig's video represents a dream-like scene of balancing and walking on a house of cards. Dejan Grba's work is constructed from photographic self-portraits taken every day for one year, which have been morphed into an animation. Mark Brogan's sculpture of a crimson wall of card is in fact made from the same red plastic as the official UEFA football referee red card.
Project also deals with the multicultural experience through sculpture, video and animation. Mark Brogan is a British-born artist, currently based in Belgrade, Leona Dodig was born in Belgrade, studied in London and is now based in London and Belgrade, Dejan Grba was born and based in Belgrade.
The works in the exhibition deal with reflections of the political and historical events through personal optics, from three different vantage points.
The gallery opening times are:
18:00 _ 22:00
26.05.2006 _ 28.05.2006
Contact: Octavian Rusu (Ota): 0721 840 723 , [email protected]
Leona Dodig 063 7398 721, [email protected]
Mark Brogan 064 370 9660, [email protected] _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva:
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