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[Nettime-ro] Through popular expression/ friday 19h00 / MNAC

Through popular expression

19 octombrie - 19 noiembrie, 2006

Vernisaj: 19 octombrie, 19h00 - 21h00/
MNAC, Calea 13 septembrie

Artisti: Cao Fei, Jun Yang, Xu Tan, Xu Zhen, MAP office (Gutierrez +
Portefaix), Zheng Guogu, Zhang Yuan.

Curatori: Hu Fang si Zhang Wei

Curator invitat: Simona Nastac

Scroll down for english

In februarie 2006, Vitamin Creative Space din Guangzhou (China) a initiat
proiectul numit Prin expresia populara, expus pina in prezent in trei orase
europene (Het Domein Museum, Sittard, Olanda, International Project Space of
the University of Central England din Birmingham / UCE, galeria plan b din
Cluj) si la Bienala de la Singapore 2006. Proiectul investigheaza aspecte
ale tranzitiei globale in China contemporana, de la ideologia politica "a
poporului" la notiunea consumista de "masa", de la metafora "oceanului de
oameni" la democratia de piata.

Dezvoltarea economica recenta si cresterea rapida a productiei de bunuri
exportate pe piata mondiala au transformat China intr-un loc in care orase
noi se suprapun celor vechi, fuzionind in metropole moderne; un loc unde
internetul si proiectia mass media a politicilor globale submineaza vechile
traditii si cenzura, iar discursul omniprezent al "Superputerii" modifica
relatii umane si identitati. In conjunctie cu acest peisaj social
spectacular, apar schimbari esentiale de conceptie si perceptie a timpului,
a spatiului public si privat, a modalitatilor de auto-reprezentare si
comunicare, a autenticitatii si valorii, care reflecta cautarea colectiva a
sensului intr-un spatiu al experientei sociale si estetice de tip nou.

Lucrarile din expozitie abordeaza in mod diferit manifestarile expresiei
populare si extensiile sale ideologice, incercînd sa identifice, dincolo de
suprafata lucioasa a exploziei economice din China, noi moduri de a fi si
noi forme de vizibilitate intr-un spatiu din ce in ce mai mult al maselor.

In February 2006, the Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou launched Through
Popular Expression, an exhibition project that has travelled to three
European cities (Het Domein Museum, Sittard, Holland, International Project
Space of the University of Central England in Birmingham / UCE, plan b
gallery in Cluj) and to the Singapore Biennial 2006. The project explores
global transitions in contemporary China: from the political ideology of
"the people" to the consumerist notion of "the masses", from "the ocean of
the people" to "mass market".

The recent economic development and rapid growth of the Chinese production
industry have transformed the contemporary People's Republic of China into a
place where existing and new cities are mushrooming into modern
metropolises, where the Internet and mass media projection of global
politics are undermining the old tradition and censorship, and where the
all-pervading `Superpower' discourse is shifting human relationships and
identities. Related to this spectacular social landscape are changing
conceptions of time, space, self-representation, privacy, communication,
values and authenticity, which reveal the collective searching for meaning
in a space of a new type of social and aesthetic experiences.

The works in the exhibition deal in different ways with popular expressions
and ideologies of our time, seeking to identify, behind the glossy economic
boom of China, new modes of being and forms of visibility within the
gradually more extended space of "the people".

Hu Fang este scriitor si curator, director artistic al Vitamin Creative
Space, Guangzhou. In prezent, lucreaza in Viena ca editor pentru Documenta
12 / Hu Fang is a writer and curator, working as artistic director of the
Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou since 2002. He is currently working for
Documenta 12 magazines in Vienna.

Zhang Wei este din 2002 fondatorul si directorul galeriei Vitamin Creative
Space, Guangzhou. / Zhang Wei is the founder and director of the Vitamin
Creative Space since 2002.

Simona Nastac este curator independent si lucreaza la Londra si Bucuresti.
In prezent, este unul dintre curatorii celei de-a doua editii a Bienalei
Tinerilor Artisti din Bucuresti 2006. / Simona Nastac is a freelance
curator, based in Bucharest and London. She is currently working as a
co-curator of the 2nd edition of the Young Artists Biennial 2006 in


Parteneri MNAC: HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura, Rfi

National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest
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