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[Nettime-ro] Galeria Vector din Iasi va invita miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2006, ora 18, la expozitia FIGHT! de Liliana BASARAB si Costel CHIRILA |
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GALERIA VECTOR din Iasi (str. Cuza Voda, nr. 41, etaj 1)
va invita MIERCURI, 22 NOIEMBRIE 2006, ORA 18,00 la deschiderea expozitiei:
o instalatie multi-media realizata de
Liliana BASARAB & Costel CHIRILA
FIGHT! comenteaza cinic invazia vizuala a unei interpelari de strada si simuleaza ironic o contralovitura de arta. In oras, vedem pe stalpi, pe garduri sau pe cladiri afise care cheama la initieri promise in artele martiale. In filme, vedem lupte abundente si hiper-realiste intre personaje celebre si figuranti anonimi. Cultura urbana si industria cinematografica reproduc surplusuri violente de adrenalina si simuleaza situatii excesive de putere. In lumea artei asistam la lupte intre generatii si conflicte intre conventii. La escaladarea opozitiilor dintre cei care vorbesc despre initiere, calcand peste cadavre, si cei care s-au saturat de scenarii prost scrise, setting-uri instalate dupa reguli si distributii falsificate. Cu toate acestea, lupta ramane indecisa si aparent e inutila. Expozitia e un comentariu social si artistic, caricatural si satiric, cinic si ironic, pe de o parte asupra inflatiei de imagini si sloganuri din artele martiale, care apar in strada si in filme, iar pe de alta parte asupra regulilor exacte de expunere muzeala, pe baza carora se pretind ca ar ajunge sa configureze stiinta arhivarii tematice. Lucrarea video din aceasta instalatie multimedia mixeaza elemente de actiune si interpreteaza momente din istoria picturii. Dincolo de agresivitatea promotionala a strazii, de productia violentei patologice din industria cinematografica si de hemoragia cvasi-conflictelor din lumea ingusta a artelor se afla un scenariu bulversant cu un final deja consumat.
Liliana BASARAB, artist vizual, traieste si lucreaza in Iasi. A facut parte din promotia 2005-2006 a programului de rezidenta Le Pavillon, unitatea pedagogica a Palais de Tokyo, Paris, Franta.
Costel CHIRILA, artist vizual, traieste si lucreaza in Iasi. A absolvit Universitatea de Arte "G. Enescu" din Iasi, promotia 2006; este co-organizator, impreuna cu Ioan Pricop, al minifestivalului de performance si actiuni de strada "Azi 12".
Expozitia se defasoara in cadrul proiectului curatorial "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS. Tineri artisti in context", o serie de evenimente de arta contemporana produse in cadrul proiectului de cultura sociala cARTier finantat de Programul Cultural Elvetian in Romania - Pro Helvetia SDC. Proiectul "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS" este gandit in directia (in)formarii unei platforme de promovare a artei tinerilor artisti ieseni in contextul necesitatii de a scana, a inregistra si, eventual, a reconfigura noile moduri de situare, de creativitate si de comunicare ale generatiei tinere.
Incepand cu sfarsitul lunii octombrie 2006, pana spre finalul lunii februarie 2007, Galeria Vector va organiza o serie de evenimente de arta contemporana avand ca invitati tineri artisti locali interesati sa isi expuna punctele de vedere asupra conditiilor producerii relatiilor lor cu diferite sisteme fata de care isi seteaza propriile optiuni personale.
Urmatorul eveniment din cadrul proiectului "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS" se va desfasura pe 06 decembrie 2006 si ii va avea ca invitati pe Dan BASU, Daniela PALIMARIU si SILENT STRIKE.
curator: Catalin GHEORGHE
asistent curator: Livia PANCU
english version:
VECTOR GALLERY from Iasi, Romania
(address: Cuza Voda 41, 1st floor)
November 22, 2006, 18 PM
a multi-media installation by
Liliana BASARAB si Costel CHIRILA
FIGHT! is cynically commenting the visual invasion of a street interpellation and is ironically simulating an art counter-stroke. In the city, on the pillars, on the fences or on the buildings walls we can see posters that are calling us to promised initiations in the Martial Arts. In movies, we can see abundant and hyper-realist fights between celeb characters and anonymous. Urban culture and cinema industry are reproducing violent surpluses of adrenaline and simulates excessive situations of power. In the art world, we assists to fights between generations, conflicts between conventions, and oppositions between those that are talking about initiation, the same that are stepping on the dead bodies, and those who are tired of bad written scenarios, normatively installed settings and counterfeited distributions. Nevertheless, the fight is undecided an apparently futile. The exhibition is a socially and artistically comment, a caricatured and satirical, a cynical and ironical one, on the inflation of images and slogans in the imagery of Martial Arts, and on the other hand on the exact rules of museum kind of display, on the basis of whom it is pretending that there could be configured a science of a thematically archiving practice. The video work from this multimedia installation is mixing elements of action and interprets moments from the painting history. Beyond the promotional aggression from the street, the production of pathological violence from the cinema industry and the hemorrhage of the quasi-conflicts from the narrow artworld, there is a puzzled scenario with an already consumed end.
* *
**Liliana BASARAB, visual artist, lives and works in Iasi, Romania; MA in visual art at the University of Arts, Iasi, 2005. In 2005-2006, she participated in the residency programme of the Pavillon / Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
Costel CHIRILA, visual artist, lives and works in Iasi; BA in visual arts at the University of Arts, Iasi, 2006. Since 2004 he is co-organizer, with Ioan Pricop, of the mini-festival of performance and street actions "Azi 12" (Today 12).
The exhibition is part of the curatorial project "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS. Young artists in context", a series of contemporary art events produced in the frame of the social culture project cARTier, supported by Swiss Cultural Program in Romania - Pro Helvetia SDC. The "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS" project is intending to (in)form a promotion platform for the art of the young artists from Iasi, in the context of the necessity to scan, to record and, eventually, to re-frame new ways for situation, for creativity and for communication of the young generation. Starting from the end of October 2006 to the end of February 2007, Vector Gallery will organize a series of contemporary art events inviting local young artists who are interested to display their points of view on the condition of relation production regarding their positioning to different systems in relation with whom they are setting their own personal options.
Next event in the frame of "PERSONAL LOCAL SETTINGS" will take place on December 06, 2006 with the participation of Dan BASU, Daniela PALIMARIU and SILENT STRIKE.
curator: Catalin GHEORGHE curator assistent: Livia PANCU
-- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Vector> Gallery Cuza Voda 41, 1st Floor 700038 Iasi, Romania
tel/fax: +40 232 237 486 email: [email protected]
opening hours: Tue - Fri 11 -15
press contact: Catalin GHEORGHE mob: +40 723 785 816
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