Baba Popescu on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:15:24 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] work of the month/ donald simionoiu/ cupluri cuminti


mnac <[email protected]> wrote:  WORK OF THE MONTH
prezentarea timp de o luna a unei lucrari recent create, selectata de un curator MNAC / 
on display of a newly created work exhibited one month, chosen by a MNAC curator

Cupluri cuminti / Placid Couples
ulei pe panza / oil on canvas, 2006 
chosen by Ruxandra Balaci 

In portretele sale Simionoiu aduce tipologii inconfundabile de romani ai zilelor noastre â?? antieroi, grotesti, subtil induiosatori sau rizibili, the average Romanian in anii 2000. Portretele se plaseaza undeva intre ironia subtila, revelabila la a doua lectura si retorica unui romantism cliseizat; se construieste amuzant si grav in jurul unui pattern al amorului si umorului de apartament de bloc. Pictura tonics, plina de finete si forta în acelasi timp, isi asuma sarcina dificila de a devoala le cache des individus et dâ??une partie de la societe. 

Simionoiuâ??s portraits feature recognizable typologies of present-day Romanians: they are antiheroical figures, grotesque touching or simply risible. In between the subtle irony which reveals itself only at a second glance and the rethoric of a clichéd Romanticism, the references are made at the erotic pattern of a routined daily life in a block of flats. Funny, forceful, and sophisticated his work is assuming the difficult task of revealing le cache des individus et dâ??une partie de la societe.

The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,

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