mnac on Mon, 4 Dec 2006 09:59:42 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Nikolaus Schletterer/ Daylight/ 6 dec./ 18h00

Nikolaus Schletterer / Daylight

curatori/ curators: Florin Tudor & Andrei Siclodi
6 decembrie/ December 2006 - 11 februarie/ February 2007

vernisaj/ opening 
miercuri/ wednesday/ 6 decembrie/ December, 18h00 

MNAC, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucuresti

scroll down for english

Daylight, titlul expozitiei, desemneaza o caracteristica tehnica a fotografiei in format analog: sensibilitatea optimizata a peliculei pentru fotografii facute in timpul zilei si in aer liber. In aceasta instalatie, Nikolaus Schletterer investigheaza vizual un habitat parasit, aparent dislocat din continuumul spatio-temporal. Dincolo de proiectiile video, o serie de fotografii, majoritatea alb-negru, prezinta ramasitele unor cladiri ruinate amplasate intr-o zona  arida de plaja. Unele case sunt puternic avariate, altele par sa fi fost parasite inca din timpul constructiei. Motivul disparitiei bruste a locuitorilor ramane nedeslusit. Istoria locului pare sa fi fost intrerupta de un eveniment major care insa nu a lasat nici un indiciu vizibil de deteriorare, cladirile degradandu-se in mod natural. Mai mult, imaginile nu permit nici o incadrare spatiala / geografica a zonei: toate cladirile sunt fotografiate pe fundalul orizontului maritim. Doar o sosea spre orizont ofera repere de orientare geografica, accentuind atributul rupt de lume al zonei.

Unii observatori ar putea gasi in Dayligt anumite analogii cu zona din Calauza lui Andrei Tarkovsky. Intr-adevar, similara zonei din film, cea a lui Nikolaus Schletterer este un spatiu mental atemporal. Un rol central il are aici adincirea cunoasterii pornind de la intelegerea proceselor complexe ale perceptiei vizuale.
Andrei Siclodi

The title of the exhibition, Daylight, refers to a technical characteristic of the analogue photography: the optimal sensitivity of the photographic film while taking outdoor photos in the daytime. In this installation, Nikolaus Schletterer investigates a deserted space, apparently cut out from any spatial or temporal coordinates. Besides his videos, a series of photographs, most of them in black and white, depicts an austere seaside with ruined buildings. Some of the houses are in an advanced state of decay while others seem to have been abandoned under construction. The cause of the sudden disappearance of their inhabitants remains unknown. Although we are left with the impression that a major event occurred, the buildings have nevertheless been subject to natural degradation. Moreover, the images elude any geographical / spatial framing of the area: all buildings are photographed with the sea in the background. Only the road, stretching out to the horizon, gives some sort of orientation, underlying the out of this world feeling. 

In Daylight some may discover analogies with the zone from Andrei Tarkovsky s Stalker. Indeed, like the zone in the film, Nikolaus Schletterer s zone is a timeless mental space. The furtherance of knowledge, stemming from the understanding of the complex mechanisms of visual perception, is at the forefront of  Daylight.
Andrei Siclodi

Cu sprijinul/ Whith the suport of: BUNDESKAMZLERANT KUNST, Forumul Cultural Austriac
Parteneri MNAC/ Partners:  HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media/ Media partners: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura, Rfi, Time Out Bucuresti

The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4,  Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,

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