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Fwd: [Nettime-ro] APEL de participare - lucrari video la tema anti-globalizarii |
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From: "oberlist mailing list" <[email protected]>
Date: May 4, 2007 4:45:54 AM EEST
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Nettime-ro] APEL de participare - lucrari video la tema anti-globalizarii
Reply-To: [email protected], Romenian Nettime list <[email protected]>
---scroll down for english---
RO - - - - - - - - - - -
APEL de participare - lucrari video la tema anti-globalizarii
cu ocazia urmatorului summit G8 care va avea loc anul acesta linga orasul Rostock la Heiligendamm, Germania, Asociatia Oberliht ( organizeaza o expozitie acompaniata de proiectii video ce reprezinta miscarea anti-globalista si actiunile politiei globale in Europa si alte regiuni ale lumii. Proiectiile video vor servi drept pretext organizarii unei discutii la aceasta tema.
Proiectiile vor avea loc in perioada 6-8 iunie 2007 la Chisinau, Republica Moldova, la Centrul Expozitional Constantin Brancusi.
APEL de participare cu lucrari video la tema anti-globalizarii (reportaje video, clip-uri, pelicule ce documenteaza miscarea anti-globalista etc.)
Subiecte - G8 - miscarea de resistenta - politia globala
Sunteti bineveniti sa contribuiti la acest proiect prin expedierea unei copii a unei sau mai multor lucari video ale Dvs (CD, DVD) la urmatoarea adresa:
str. Gh. Asachi 11/2, apt. 45 Chisinau, 2028, Republica Moldova
or prin incarcarea pe server a lucrarii video ce va apartine, astfel incit sa fie posibil sa o descarcam usor.
Data limita de expediere a filmelor este 15 May 2007 (data postei).
Lucrarea film/video nu trebuie sa depaseasca 15 min. iar CD/DVD-ul sa fie insotit de Titlu si de Numele Autorului lucrarii.
Pe o pagina aparte anexata la CD/DVD va rugam sa mentionati urmatoarele date:
Nume Tara Email Website URL (daca este cazul) Telefon Titlul lucrarii Anul executarii Durata Descriere scurta (pina la 30 cuvinte)
Va rugam sa confirmati din timp prin email daca intentionati sa contribuiti la desfasurarea acestui eveniment.
Simtiti-va liber sa transmiteti mai departe anuntul de mai sus persoanelor interesate.
cu respect,
Vladimir Us.
= = =
EN - - - - - - - - - - - CALL for videos and films representing the anti-globalist movement >>>
on the occasion of the next G8 summit that will take place near Rostock in Heiligendamm in 2007 the Oberliht Association ( is organizing an exhbition accompanied by a projection of videos representing the anti-globalist movement and global police action in Europe and worldwide that will be followed up by a discussion.
The videos will be projected between 6-8 of June 2007 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova at the Exhbition Centre Constantin Brancusi.
Open call for anti-globalization videos and films (video-reports, clips, documentaries etc.)
Subjects - G8 - global resistance - global police
You are welcome to contribute to this project by sendig a copy of your video/s (CD, DVD) to the following address:
str. Gh. Asachi 11/2, apt. 45 Chisinau, 2028, Republica Moldova
or to upload it to the server so that we could download it.
The deadline for submissions is 15 of May 2007 (postmarked).
The work shouldn't exceed 15 min and should be accompanied by an attachment indicating the following:
Name Country Email Website URL (if it is the case) Phone Title of Film/Video Year Completed Duration Brief description (up to 30 words)
All DVD’s and CD’s should be labelled with applicant name and Title of work.
Please confirm by an email in advance if you are interested to contribute to this event.
and feel free to forward this invitation to anybody who might be interested
Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Us.
-- Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht" skype: us.vladimir . . . . . . . . . . . portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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