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[Nettime-ro] Bucharest Biennale & Pavilion at Stockholm
- To: Nettime-Ro <[email protected]>
- Subject: [Nettime-ro] Bucharest Biennale & Pavilion at Stockholm
- From: PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] <[email protected]>
- Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:49:00 +0300
- Reply-to: Romenian Nettime list <[email protected]>
Romanian Cultural Institute, Stockholm (RumÃnska Kulturinstitutet)
/for Romanian scrol down
Temporary StructuresÂ
Bucharest Biennale - Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary
Art - generated by Pavilion, integrates the city in its curatorial
project, proposing both a spatial and temporal, itinerant trajectory to
the visitor, which leads to the discovery of hidden geographies.
Despite being in a rather introductory stage, the Bucharest Biennale
has already positioned itself internationally, and the third edition is
expected to express the growing potential of this type of artistic
encounter. BB3 questions cartography and proposes aÂremapping of
contemporary art, in extending the art conceptÂtowards discursive
manifestations with a sociopolitical impact.
24 October 2007
ICR Stockholm, Skeppsbron 20, StockholmÂ
18.00 h
The Magazine as a Temporary Structure
A lecture by Eugen Radescu (RO) on the structure of Pavilion â
contemporary art & culture magazine.Â
The magazine is a structure, which is mainly located in the present,
although it sometimes deals with the recent past and is often used as a
source of reference for the future â in the future as a reference to
the past - and it sometimes presents clairvoyant visions of the future.
The mission of a magazine for contemporary art and culture is to
analyze the present and to make a statement about what this present
could be â the decision of âwhich presentâ to display comes with
certain responsibility.
It is no longer possible to make a clear distinction between politics
and art/aesthetics. Therefore, it could be viewed as one of the main
missions of a contemporary magazine to have a clear vision of the
present and to make an analysis of the strategies of representation by
means of aesthetics, ethics and politics. This undertaking can only be
successful, if the magazine maintains its temporary structure.ÂÂ
BB3. Being Here. Mapping the Contemporary
Live talk on the topic of Bucharest Biennale 3.Â
Participants: Maria Lantz (SE), Jan-Erik Lundstrom (SE), Razvan Ion
(RO), Eugen Radescu (RO).Â
Mapping is, in fact, not a mimetic exercise, a process of analogue
imitation by way of reduction and abstraction, a means towards the
splendid and refractory lives of copies and reproductions. Maps are,
rather, parallel worlds, rich and powerful out of their own specific
properties, producers of other spaces and alternative geographies. And
exactly because of this: resourceful and productive and beautiful
instrumentalities for the contemporary moment, for navigation â or
withdrawal? In these strange times, in the midst of the landscapes of
terror, fear and loss, of the territories of restricted movement,
control and surveillance, of borders which are walls, of globalization
with its promises and defeats.
Curated by Jan-Erik Lundstrom & Johan Sjostrom, BB3 (23 May â 21 June
2008) attends to the geographical turn in contemporary creativity and
current representational practices.Â
Bucharest Biennale is proudly supported by Pilsner Urquell.ÂÂ
Launch of the latest issue of PAVILION "What Was Socialism, and What
Comes Next".
Open buffet.Â
26 October 2007, 12.30 PM
Galleri Mejan, FlaggmansvÃgen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm (in front of
Moderna Museet)Â
Political Statement of the Biennale Â
Open lunch talk with Eugen Radescu (RO) & Razvan Ion (RO)
Participants: students of the Royal University College of Fine Arts and
the public.Â
Maria Lantz
Artist and teacher at the Royal University College of Fine Arts. She is
also editor of Motiv magazine. She has exhibited widely and in 2008
will be part of Bucharest Biennale 3.
Jan-Erik LundstrÃm
Born in 1958, Jan LundstrÃm is the director of BildMuseet, UmeÃ
University in Umeà Sweden, a museum of contemporary art and visual
culture. He is equally involved in curating, organizing, giving
lectures and writing. Previously, he was the curator of the Tirana
Biennial, as well as the Thessaloniki Biennial. Furthermore, he is a
guest professor at HISK in Antwerp, Belgium and at the Kunstakademie in
Oslo, Norway. Jan LundstrÃm is a prolific international lecturer and
writer, having contributed to various international symposia and to
cultural magazines such as GlÃnta, European Photography, Paletten and
tema celeste. He was appointed curator of Bucharest Biennale 3 together
with Johan SjÃstrom.Â
Razvan Ion
Theoretician and political activist. Co-editor of Pavilion and
co-director of the Bucharest Biennale. Razvan Ion has given lectures at
University of California, (Berkeley), Headlands Center for the Arts,
California, O3one, Belgrade, Facultatea de Stiinte Politice, Cluj,
Facultatea de Arte, Timisoara, etc. His studies and texts have been
published in various magazines. Razvan Ion is living and working in
Eugen Radescu
Curator, theoretician and co-editor of PAVILION. Eugen Radescu has
produced art projects and mixed media performance, and has given
lectures at the Art Academy in Timisoara. He was appointed curator for
the 1st Bucharest Biennale, where he produced the exhibition
"identity_factoriesâ. Eugen Radescu writes for various art magazines
and is currently working on the curatorial project "How Innocent Is
That?" and his book "Moral Relativity and Ethics". In 2006, he was
appointed co-director of the Bucharest Biennale (together with Razvan
Ion). Eugen Radescu is living and working in Bucharest.Â
For more information on the Bucharest Biennale and Pavilion:
For more information on the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm
(RumÃnska Kulturinstitutet):
Special thanks to: Dan Shafran, Giorgiana Zachia, Maria Lantz, Jan-Erik
Lundstrom, Raluca Mihu, Corina Truta and all the team of ICR Stockholm
+ Bucharest.
Institutul Cultural Roman, Stockholm (RumÃnska Kulturinstitutet)
Structuri Temporare
O structura temporara genereaza o alta structura tocmai prin
inconsistenta temporalitatii. Rezultatul acestui lant cauzal poate fi o
a treia actiune, analiza strategiilor reprezentationale, delimitat de
interesul spectatorului.
Bucharest Biennale - Biennala Internationala de Arta Contemporana
Bucuresti - generata de Pavilion, integreaza orasul in proiectul sau
curatorial, propunand o traiectoriei itineranta vizitatorului, atat
spatiala cat si temporala, care duce la descoperirea geografiilor
Bucharest Biennale, aflata mai degraba la inceputul sau, a capatat deja
o reputatie internationala , iar cea de-a treia editie este de asteptat
sa exprime potentialul de crestere a acestei forme de intalnire
artistica. BB3 interogheaza cartografia si propune re-cartografierea
artelor contemporane, extinzand intelesul cuvantului arta la
manifestari discursive cu impact socio-politic.
24 Octombrie 2007
ICR Stockholm, Skeppsbron 20, StockholmÂ
Revista - o structura temporara
Prelegere de Eugen Radescu (RO) despre structura revistei Pavilion â
revista de arta si cultura contemporana.
Desi uneori se ocupa de un trecut (tanar), iar des este utilizata ca o
sursa de referinta pentru viitor â in viitor devenind o referinta
despre trecut â revista este in primul rand o structura localizata in
prezent, care poate avea o viziune clarvazatoare despre viitor.
Misiunea unei reviste de arta si cultura contemporana este de a analiza
prezentul si a cocluziona ceea ce acest prezent poate fi â a decide
care prezent este cel adevarat este o sarcina de raspundere.
Avand in vedere ca nu mai este posibil in ziua de astazi a face o
distinctie clara intre politica si estetica, una dintre cele mai
insemnate sarcini ale unei reviste contemporane ar putea fi considerata
sustinerea unei viziuni clare despre prezent si analizarea
strategiillor reprezentarii cu ajutorul esteticii, eticii si politicii.
Insa aceasta actiune poate reusi, numai atunci cand revista isi mentine
structura sa temporara.
19.00 h
BB3. Fiind Aici. Topografia Contemporaneitatii
Discutie pe tema Bucharest Biennale 3.Â
Participanti: Maria Lantz (SE), Jan-Erik Lundstrom (SE), Razvan Ion
(RO), Eugen Radescu (RO).Â
Cartografierea nu este un act mimetic prin reducere si abstractizare
sau o cale catre minunatele vieti ale copiilor si reproducerilor.
Hartile sunt mai degraba lumi paralele, imbogatite si potentate de
trasaturile lor specifice. Hartile creeaza alte spatii si geografii
alternative. Si tocmai din aceasta cauza, hartile sunt instrumente
eficiente si inventive pentru timpul actual, pentru navigarea in aceste
vremuri stranii in mijlocul unui peisaj dominat de teroare, frica si
pierdere, al unor spatii de miscare limitate, al controlului si
supravegherii, al granitelor de netrecut, al globalizarii cu
promisiunile si esecurile ei.
BB3 atrage atentia asupra laturii geografice a creativitatii
contemporane si actualelor practici reprezentationale.
Lansarea ultimului numar al revistei PAVILION "What Was Socialism, and
What Comes Next"
Bufet deschisÂ
26 Octombrie 2007, 12h30
Galleri Mejan, FlaggmansvÃgen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm (in front of
Moderna Museet)Â
Declaratia politica a Bienalei Â
Discutie la amiaza deschisa publicului cu Eugen Radescu (RO) & Razvan
Ion (RO)
Participanti: Studenti de la Royal University College of Fine Arts si
Maria Lantz
Artista si profesoara la Royal University College of Fine Arts. Este de
asemenea editoarea revistei Motiv. Maria Lantz a participat in cadrul
unui numar larg de expozitii, iar in 2008 va face part din Bucharest
Biennale 3.Â
Jan-Erik LundstrÃm
Nascut in 1958, este director la BildMuseet â muzeul de arta
contemporana al Universitatii din UmeÃ, Suedia. El se dedica in acelasi
timp activitatilor curatoriale, organizarii de evenimente, scrisului si
dezbaterilor. Printre proiectele sale curatoriale se numara Tirana
Biennial si Thessaloniki Biennial. Este profesor asociat la HISK,
Antwerp, Belgia si la Academia de arta din Oslo, Norvegia. Jan-Erik
LundstrÃm este un scriitor si conferentiar cunoscut la nivel
international si colaborator permanent la revistele de arta
contemporana GlÃnta, European Photography, Paletten si tema celeste.
Jan-Erik LundstrÃm este curator al Bucharest Biennale 3 impreuna cu
Johan SjÃstrÃm.Â
Razvan Ion
Teoretician si activist politic. Razvan Ion este co-redactor al
revistei Pavilion si co-director al Bucharest Biennale 3. A sustinut
conferinte la University of California (Berkeley), Headlands Center for
the Arts (California), Political Science Faculty (Cluj), Facultatea de
Arte (Timisoara), etc. A publicat studii si texte pentru diferite
reviste. Razvan Ion locuieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti.Â
Eugen Radescu
Curator, teoretician si co-redactor al revistei PAVILION. Eugen Radescu
a produs numeroase proiecte de arta si intermedia performance si a
sustinut conferinte la Facultatea de Arte in Timisoara. In cadrul
Bucharest Biennale 1, a produs expozitia âidentity_factoriesâ. Eugen
Radescu scrie pentru diferite reviste de arta si se ocupa in momentul
de fata de proiectul sau curatorial "How Innocent Is That?" si cartea
"Moral Relativity and Ethics". In 2006 a fost ales co-director pentru
Bucharest Biennale 3 (impreuna cu Razvan Ion). Eugen Radescu locuieste
si lucreaza in Bucuresti.
Mai mult despre Bucharest Biennale:
Mai mult despre Institutul Cultural Roman din Stockholm (RumÃnska
Special thanks to: Dan Shafran, Giorgiana Zachia, Maria Lantz, Jan-Erik
Lundstrom, Raluca Mihu, Corina Truta and all the team of ICR Stockholm
+ Bucharest._______________________________________________
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