stefan rusu on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 21:52:26 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Found Footage Exhibition

Press Release
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Expozitia Found Footage

Organizator: KSAK-Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau
Locatia: Sala de Expozitie al Colegiului de Arta A. Plamadeala

Deschiderea: Luni-29 Octombrie, ora 18.00
Conferinta de presa: 17.00

Expozitia va functiona in perioada: 29 Octobrie - 7 Noiembrie 2007.

Curator: Stefan Rusu

Expozitia Found Footage prezinta rezultatele finale a atelierului care
sa axat pe re-folosirea materialelor vizuale arhivate, a esteticii
aproprierii, sampling-ului, deturnarii si transferului limbajului
cinematic in forma digitala. Atelierul a constat dintr-o serie de
expuneri teoretice, proiectii de filme si ateliere de lucru asistate
(selectia surselor de arhiva, transferuri analog-digital, montaj) si a
creat o posibilitate in facilitarea schimbului inter-cultural dintre
artistii din Moldova, artisti regionali din tarile balcanice, si
expertii care au fost invitati sa conduca atelierele.

Expozitia prezinta publicului un numar de filme realizate de
participanti la atelier care arata spiritul critic si angajat fata de
conditia actuala a societatilor post-sovietice (ale fostei URSS) si
post-socialiste. Artistii au fost interesati sa transpuna in filmele
lor mijloacele re-folosirii esteticii cinematice si tehnologiilor
digitale pentru a explora si comenta pe marginea fenomenului de
gol/ruptura/continuitate - in procesul deconstructiei unui sistem
(socialist) si inlocuirii cu altul (neo-liberal).

Alina Popa si Olivia Mihaltianu (Bucharest, Romania),
Andreea Carnu (Constanta, Romania)
Lavinia German (Baia Mare, Romania)
Liviu Pop (Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Milena Putnik (Belgrad, Serbia)
Zoran Djurkovic (Belgrad, Serbia)
Maxim Kuzmenko (Chisinau, Moldova)
Victor Ciobanu (Chisinau, Moldova)
Ghenadie Popescu  (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Alexandru Raevski (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Fiodorova Tatiana (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Vadim Tiganas (Chisinuau, Moldova)

Tutorii invitaÅi:
John Davis (San Francisco, SUA) este artist media care exploreaza
fuziunea dintre film, video, fotografie, sunet experimental si
practicile sociale. Link:
Joanne Richardson (Cluj, Romania) este teoretician media, artist video
si coordonator al D-Media, un ONG care produce media digitala si arta
angajata. Link:
Kathrin Becker (Berlin, Germania) este istoric al artelor, curator si
director al Video Forumului NBK (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) Link:

Parteneri de proiect:
Asociatia D-Media, Romania (
Baza - Belgrade Art Initiatives, Serbia (
NBK Video Forum, Germania (

Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau -[KSA:K] este o institutie
independenta, non-profit inregistrata in 2000. Noua strategie a
Centrului este axata pe promovarea formelor culturale si practicilor
artistice, care reflecta dinamica transformarilor sociale, politice si
economice a societatii. Centrul sustine activitati de advocacy in
promovarea politicilor culturale adecvate, definirea si consolidarea
pozitiei artistului, a practicilor artei contemporane in societate.

Proiectul este sustinut de ECF (European Cultural Foundation),
Amsterdam; Ambasadei SUA din Rep. Moldova; Colegiului de Arte Plastice
Al. Plamadeala; Uniunea Cineastilor din Rep. Moldova.

Found Footage Exhibition

The organizer: KSAK-Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau
Location: Sala de Expozitie al Colegiului de Arta A. Plamadeala

Opening: Luni-29 Octombrie, ora 18.00
Press conference: 17.00

The exhibition will be open: 29 Octobrie - 7 Noiembrie 2007.

Curator: Stefan Rusu

The exhibition presents the results of the workshop which was focused
on in-depth exploration of the use of archival material, the
aesthetics of appropriation, sampling and detournement, and the
transfer of cinematic language to digital forms. The workshop was
consisted in theoretical presentations, film screenings, and assisted
hands-on workshops (selection of archival sources, analogue-digital
transfers, montage) and it provided an opportunity for cross-cultural
exchange between artists and students from Moldova, regional artists
from Balkan countries, and the international guests who have been
invited to develop the workshop.

The exhibition brings to the public attention a number of films
produced by the participants that shows critical engagement toward the
current condition of post-soviet and post-socialist societies. The
artists where especially interested in investigating the re-use of
film aesthetics and digital technologies in exploring and commenting
upon the gaps/ruptures/continuities between the dismantling of
socialism and the current neo-liberal system.

Alina Popa si Olivia Mihaltianu (Bucharest, Romania),
Andreea Carnu (Constanta, Romania)
Lavinia German (Baia Mare, Romania)
Liviu Pop (Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Milena Putnik (Belgrad, Serbia)
Zoran Djurkovic (Belgrad, Serbia)
Maxim Kuzmenko (Chisinau, Moldova)
Victor Ciobanu (Chisinau, Moldova)
Ghenadie Popescu  (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Alexandru Raevski (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Fiodorova Tatiana (Chisinuau, Moldova)
Vadim Tiganas (Chisinuau, Moldova)

Guest tutors:
John Davis (San Francisco, USA) is a media artist exploring the
intersections of film, video, photography, experimental sound and
social practices. Link:
Joanne Richardson (Cluj, Romania) is a cultural theorist, video artist
and coordinator of D Media, an NGO producing digital media & engaged
art. Link:
Kathrin Becker (Berlin, Germany) is an art historian, curator and the
director of NBK (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) Video Forum. Link:

Project partners:
D Media Association, Romania
Baza - Belgrade Art Initiatives, Serbia
NBK Video Forum, Germany

Center for Contemporary Art-[KSA:K] is a non-profit, independent
institution registered in the year 2000. The new strategy of the
Center is the development of cultural forms and art practices, which
would reflect the dynamic of the social, political and economic
transformations of the society. Center supports the advocacy
activities in promoting of cultural policies suitable for the defining
and the consolidation of artist position and contemporary art
practices in the society.

This project is supported by ECF (European Cultural Foundation),
Amsterdam; USA Embassy in Rep. of Moldova; Fine Arts College Al.
Plamadeala; The Union of Cineastes from Rep. Moldova.

Stefan Rusu â	FFW project curator

Address: 	Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau -[KSA:K],
Str. Independentei, 1, (Colegiul Al. Plamadeala)
Postal code: MD-2043, Chisinau, Republica  Moldova

Tel. +37322 772507,
tel/fax: +37322 573395
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