Eugen Radescu on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 08:21:42 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] invitatie conferinta presa BB3 |
INVITATIE CONFERINTA DE PRESA /for English scroll down/ (Bucuresti - ianuarie 2008)BUCHAREST BENNALE 3 va face publica lista artistilor si a spatiilor de expunere.
Marti 29 ianuarie 2008, orele 10.30, la Muzeul de Geologie (sos. Kiseleff nr. 2) - unul dintre spatile principale ale BB3 - va avea loc o conferinta de presa sustinuta de Jan-Erik Lundström si Johan Sjöström, curatorii suedezi ai bienalei.
Conferinta de presa ii va avea ca invitati pe Lia Perjovschi si Adrian Matei, artisti participanti in BB3, si pe Oana Ailenei, premium brands manager, reprezentantul principalului sponsor Pilsner Urquell.
BUCHAREST BIENNALE 3 va avea loc intre data de 23 mai - 21 iunie 2008, cuprinde 44 de proiecte in structura principala (realizate de 39 artisti si teoreticieni din 21 de tari), 17 evenimente conexe, paralele si conferinte, desfasurate in 7 locatii.
Tema bienalei este "Being Here. Mapping the Contemporary / Fiind aici. Topografia contemporaneitatii" atraging atentia asupra laturii geografice a creativitatii contemporane si actualelor practici reprezentationale.
La finalul conferintei de presa participantii vor fi invitati la un mic dejun informational de catre co-directorii BB3, Razvan Ion si Eugen Radescu.
BUCHAREST BIENNALE are ca principal sponsor PILSNER URQUELL si este organizata de revista de cultura si arta contemporana PAVILION.
----------------------------- Invitation to Press Conference (Bucharest January 2008) Bucharest Biennale 3 will publicly announce the artists and the venues.On Tuesday 29th of January 2008, at 10.30 a.m. in the Geology Museum -- one of the main locations of the BB3 (Kiseleff Boulevard, Nr. 2) -- Bucharest Biennale 3 will publicly announce the artists and the exhibition locations.
The press conference will be held by Jan-Erik Lundström and Johan Sjoström, the Swedish curators of the Biennale.
The press conference will have Lia Perjovschi and Adrian Matei as guest speakers, artists selected for BB3. Oana Ailenei, premium brands manager for Pilsner Urquell the main sponsor, will also be in attendance.
Bucharest Biennale 3 will take place between May 23rd – June 21st 2008. It will include 44 projects in the main structure (accomplished by 39 artists and theoreticians from 21 countries), 17 linked, parallel events and lectures held in 7 different locations.
The Biennale’s theme is “Being Here. Mapping the Contemporary” drawing attention on the geographical side of contemporary creativity and current representational practices.
At the end of the press conference the participants will be invited to an informational breakfast with the co-directors of the BB3, Răzvan Ion and Eugen Rădescu.
The Bucharest Biennale’s main sponsor is Pilsner Urquell and it is organized by Pavilion contemporary art and culture magazine.
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